Лінгвістичні студії: Збірник наукових праць.


Juliya Abramyan
Department of Ukrainian Philology and General Linguistics, Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University,
Luhansk, Ukraine

Available 24 October 2011

Throughout the twentieth century the Eastern-Slobozhanian agricultural lexicon has suffered from considerable
improvements, which were caused, first of all, by the extra-lingual factors: in the region‟s plant growing was began the
cultivation of new plants, and, at the same time, growing of some crops was stopped, but nomens for their designation
and representation of accompanying semes were accordingly appeared/disappeared. Intralingual factors are connected
with two opposite progress trends, which are typical for all modern lexicon: “1) the aspiration for compact name, which
is thrifty to the used up formal means and 2) the effort to make detailed name, to present all content of the components
in this formal structure” [Karpilovs‟ka 2006: 3].
Works of L. Palamarchuk [Palahmarchuk 1982], K. Gluhovtseva [Hluovceva 2005], L. Struganets [Struhanets‟
2002], O. Stishova [Styshov 2005], N. Klimenko, E. Karpilovska, L. Kisluk [Klymenko 2008], D. Mazurik [Mazuryk
2002], O. Kostiv [Kostiv 2003] are dedicated to the trends of the development of modern Ukrainian lexicon. There were
investigated the dynamical improvement in the modern Ukrainian literary language, rarely – in the dialect speech, on
the synchronic and diachronic levels.
So, the actuality of this work is caused by lack of complex analysis of some dynamic changes in agricultural
lexicon of the Eastern-Slobozhanian subdialects.
Sources of factual material
The proper expeditionary records, which were investigated according to the special questionnaire in sixty three
settlements of Eastern-Slobozhanian region, materials of modern dialectological dictionaries, linguistic atlases and the
Ukrainian Language Dictionary edited by B. Grinchenko was the source foundation for a research.
The purpose of the work is to investigate the tendency of dynamical displacements based on the materials of
representational repertoire that denotes technical-forage crops, which happened during last hundred years in Eastern-
Slobozhanian subdialects.
The implementation of the purpose provided the solution of such tasks: to detect the nomens that denote
technical-forage crops in modern subdialects and to ascertain the kind of dynamical changes, based on materials of
Ukrainian Language Dictionary edited by B. Grinchenko.
The analyzed material suffers to assert, that two opposite trends are peculiar for semantic subgroup that denotes
technical-forage crops: to the neologizing and archaization of the vocabulary. Dynamical changes in the direction of
vocabulary‟s replenishment of the composition are connected mainly with the extra-lingual factors – the affiliation of
neologisms that denotes new agricultural crops, and also with the intralingual factors – the diversion processes, the
change of some semantic of the name. The semantic subgroup is demonstrated mainly by the one-word nomens,
moreover they are chiefly neologisms, which are not fixed in the Ukrainian Language Dictionary edited by
B. Grinchenko, but presented in the modern Eastern-Slobozhanian speech. The availability of the duplicate
denominations are typical for that plants, which are cultivated in Eastern-Slobozhanian region over two hundred years
and which have an agrarian amount, first of all – it is a sunflower, then – a rape, a clover etc. Plants, which were
ameliorated and are recently grown less than hundred years, are presented mainly in the same type and in accordance
with literary norms. But it was detected the determined number of phonetical, infrequently – morphemical version of
this nomens. The representation of some semes is an exception, for example: it has not just detected the duplicate names
that denote a poppy, but the repertoire of peripheral semes, which are connected with poppy‟s parts and sorts, is quite
big. It is connected probably with the value of not a whole plant, but of a separate sort, of a definite part – the head or
the stem. The lexemes that denote poppy are loosing their actuality gradually in the whole, and digressing to the
periphery of the vocabulary composition.
So, the motion in the semantic subgroup passes off an opposite direction: some lexemes were archaizated and
digressed to the passive composition of the vocabulary. Ancient nomens of a Proto-Slavonic origin, connected with the
hemp breeding, lost their actuality in the colloquial-everyday speech of the investigated region in the last decade and
gradually have gone out of use. If all respondents denominate the plant‟s name – коноп|л‘а (ко|нопл‘і), then only the ЛІНГВІСТИЧНІ СТУДІЇ. Випуск 24

people of elder generation know the duplicate name – (п|р‘адиево, п|р‘адево,п|р‘ад‘іво), and marginal semes are kept
as not represented. The informers of elder generation recall the separate names that denote plants, the female and male
hemp stem, the plant seeds etc., but this nomens are evanesced from the everyday usage. In the Ukrainian Language
Dictionary edited by B. Grinchenko the lexicon, which is connected with growing and treatment of hemp, is presented
quiete completely (it was found out about twenty lexems). The modern status of the hemp lexicon‟s development is
reflected in such minitext: це даў|но даў|но бу|ло / |бабушка мо|йа ш˙ч‘е так назие|вала / |зараз то|го неи|ма (21);
коноп|л‘і неи|ма / то ста|рин:е / а праба|бус‘а мо|йа |жали / у |р‘іч‘ц‘і ви|моч‘ували (59).
Ancient nomens, which are connected with the cultivation of hemp, flax, partly of tobacco and poppy, are stood
back to the passive layer in the investigated period. Names that denote plants are remained in the investigated
subdialects, and lexemes that denote sorts, parts of plants, areas, which this crops are grew in, agentive names etc. are
passed out of the speech usage, that are archaized. In the same time the representative repertoire of the semantic
subgroup was enriched by nomens that denote new technical-forage crops, especially of a lucerne, a lupine, a sainfoin.
The further studying of the agricultural lexicon, the tendencies of dynamic changes in it, has a wide perspective
not only in the synchronistic, but also in the diachronic aspects of the research.

Research highlights
► The trends of the dynamics in lexicon of the Eastern-Slobozhanian subdialects are reviewed as an example of
plant names. ► Factors of archaization and neologizing in the repertoire of the semantic group of technical and forage
crops are analyzed.
Keywords: seme, lexeme, variant, manifestant, representational series, dynamics.

Hlukhovtseva, K. D. (2005). Dynamika ukrayins‘kykh skhidnoslobozhans‘kykh hovirok. Luhans‟k: Al‟ma-mater.
Vynnyk, V. O., & Horobets‟, V. J., & Karpova, V. L. (1983). Istoriya ukrayins‘koyi movy: leksyka i
frazeolohiya. Kyyiv: Naukova dumka.
Karpilovs‟ka, Ye. (2006). Semantychna dyverhenciya ukrayins‘kykh termino-tvorchykh modelej u
pryrodnychykh naukakh. E-portal:
Klymenko, N. F. (2008). Dynamichni procesy v suchasnomu ukrayins‘komu leksykoni. Kyyiv: Vydavnychyj dim
Dmytra Buraho.
Kostiv, O. M. (2003). Dynamika i statyka v dialektnykh prostorovykh konstrukciyakh (na materiali II tomu
AUM). Avtoref. dyss. … kand. fylol. nauk: spec. 10.02.01 “Ukrayins‘ka mova”. L‟viv.
Mazuryk, D. V. (2002). Innovacijni procesy v leksyci suchasnoyi ukrayins‟koyi literaturnoyi movy (90-i roky
XX st.). Avtoref. dyss. … kand. fylol. nauk: spec. 10.02.01 “Ukrayins‘ka mova”. L‟viv.
Palamarchuk, L. S. (1982). Leksyko-semantychnyj rozvytok movy. Movoznavstvo, 4, 3-7.
Styshov, O. A. (2005). Ukrayins‘ka leksyka kincya XX stolittya: (Na materiali zasobiv masovoyi informaciyi).
Kyyiv: Puhach.
Struhanets‟, L. V. (2002). Dynamika leksychnykh norm v ukrayins‟kij leksykohrafiyi XX stolittya. Avtoref.
dyss.… kand. fylol. nauk: spec. 10.02.01 “Ukrayins‘ka mova”. Kyyiv

Sources and Abbreviations
ASLPSDS, Tyshchenko, T. M. (2007). Atlas sil’s’kohospodars’koyi leksyky podil’s’ko-
seredn’onaddnipryans’koho dialektnoho sumizhzhya. Uman’: RVC “Sofiya”.
AUM, (1984, 1988, 2001). Atlas ukrayins’koyi movy (3 t.) T. I. Polissya, Naddnipryanshchyna i sumizhni zemli.
T. II. Volyn’, Naddnistryanshchyna, Zakarpattya sumizhni zemli. T. III. Slobozhanshchyna, Nyzhnya
Naddnipryanshchyna, Prychornomor‘ya i sumizhni zemli. K. : Naukova dumka.
HH, Zakrevs’ka, Ya. (ред.) (2000). Hutsul’s’ki hovirky: Linhvistychni ta etnohrafichni doslidzhennya. L‘viv.
HChZ, Hrytsenko, P. Yu., & Voronych, H. V., & Doroshenko, L. I. (1999). Hovirky Chornobyl’s’koyi zony:
Systemnyy opys. Kyyiv: Dovira.
MSHH, Pipash, Yu. (2005). Materialy do Slovnyka hutsul’s’kykh hovirok (Kosivs’ka Polyana i Rosishka
Rakhivs’koho r-nu Zakarpat·s’koyi obl.). Uzhhorod.
NRS, Shylo, H. (2008). Naddnistryans’kyy rehional’nyy slovnyk. L‟viv.
OTS, Vasilenko, V. K. (1902). Sbornik Khar’kovskogo istoriko-filologicheskogo obshhestva. Opyt tolkovogo
slovarja narodnoj tehnicheskoj terminologii po Poltavskoj gubernii: kustarnye promysly, sel’skoe hozjajstvo i
zemledelie. Khar’kov, 13.
SBH, Huyvanyuk, N. V. (2005). Slovnyk bukovyns’kykh hovirok. Chernivtsi.
SUHVO, Avdeeva, M. T. (2008). Slovar’ ukrainskih govorov Voronezhskoj oblasti (2 t.). Voronezh, 1.
SHNN, Chabanenko, V. A. (1992). Slovnyk hovirok Nyzhn’oyi Naddnipryanshchyny. Zaporizhzhya,1-4.
SZH, Arkushyn, H. L. (2000). Slovnyk zakhidnopolis’kykh hovirok (2 t.). Luts’k: Vezha, 1-2.
SLH, Pyrtey, P. S. (1980 – 1986). Slovnyk lemkivs’koyi hovirky (materialy do slovnyka). Ivano-Frankivs’k. ABSTRACTS

SLPP, Nykonchuk, M. V. (1985). Sil’s’kohospodars’ka leksyka pravoberezhnoho Polissya. Kyyiv: Naukova
SPH, Lysenko P. S. (1974). Slovnyk polis’kykh hovoriv. Kyyiv.
SUM, Slovnyk ukrayins’koyi movy, (1970 – 1980). Kyyiv: Naukova dumka, 1-11.
SUMH, Hrinchenko, B. D. (1996). Slovar’ ukrayins’koyi movy (4 t.). Kyyiv: Leksykon,1-4.

Correspondence: ulissaa@yandex.ru
Juliya V. Abramyan is Post-Graduate Student at Department of Ukrainian Philology and General Linguistics,
Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University. Her research area includes the dialectology of modern Ukrainian
language, especially the lexical level.

Iaroslava Balytsok
Department of Comparative Linguistics and Translation Theory and Practice, Faculty of Translators, Kyiv
National Linguistic University, Kyiv, Ukraine

Available 27 October 2011

The problem of multiplicity of choice in simultaneous interpreting is very important in view of a number of
factors. The ACTUALITY of the article consists in the fact that the number of conference interpreters required is
exponentially growing while little scientific research has been conducted at present. The researchers in this field mostly
concur that time factor is determinant for the entire process of simultaneous interpreting [Shveitser 1969: 137;
Seleskovitch 1968: 90; Chernov 1969: 53; Gerver 1969]. On this basis A. Shiryaev conducts extensive study of “acts of
interpreting” [Shiryaev 1979: 76] which results in the following time estimates: while the total time for an act of
interpreting ranges from 1200 to 5000 milliseconds, it takes an interpreter about 2/3 of this time to perform the phase of
orientation and making up a decision (about the syntactical, lexical and grammatical structure) – from 900 to
3600 milliseconds.
The second factor is the limited short-term memory span. H. Kohrs introduces the term of “ad hoc memory”
(working, intermediate) which virtually is the “time while information is consciously and without effort fully available”
[Kohrs 1977: 141]. This time is within the limit of 6-10 seconds and that is why it is of extreme importance to unburden
the ad hoc memory as soon as possible by making a quick and correct decision.
Thirdly, a simultaneous interpreter constantly checks the correctness of everything he has said before and this
predetermines what will be said later. And as far as “complete disambiguation is only possible at the end of the
sentence” [Kohrs 1977: 141], there is never a 100% certainty that the choice taken by the interpreter is “faithful”
[Korunets 2001: 391].
For the purposes of this research it is necessary to level out the complicated multidimensional structure of the
activity of simultaneous interpreter so that it becomes possible to operate with simple parameters. Theorists in
simultaneous interpretation point out four stages of an “act of interpreting”. The uniformity of these and their
segmentation enables to analyze the act of simultaneous interpreting.
The problems listed above seem to be impossible for practical analyzing on the basis of simultaneous
interpreting product. It shall be considered from the point of view of brain activity and therefore is the matter of
psycholinguistics and psychology. Decision-making in terms of linguistics shall be studied separately from such in
other professional domains of human activity: the range of choice linguistic means is less numerous and the probability
of an accurate forecast is higher by far.
Perspective of such kind of a research can lead us to reform the whole process of interpreters‟ training as well as
the process of simultaneous interpreting itself. And bearing in mind that the latter usually takes place on the level of
international and intercultural representation we understand that such reformation if of supreme importance for building
peace and mutual understanding in the modern globalized world.

Research highlights
► The article dwells upon how the need for decision-making influences the efficiency, adequateness and
successfulness of simultaneous interpreting. ► The combinatorial property of any language, inevitability of ЛІНГВІСТИЧНІ СТУДІЇ. Випуск 24

transformations, synonymy of lexical units complicate the process of simultaneous interpreter‟s decision-making with
regard of choosing the most adequate option under the conditions of limited time and urge to anticipate the forthcoming
sense of the message. ► The article suggests a number of methods to cut down the number of interpretation options on
the basis of approaches of the renowned Ukrainian and European scholars.
Keywords: act of interpreting, ad hoc memory, anticipation, faithful translation, transformations in translation.

Vynohradov, V. V. (1948). Sovremennyj russkij jazyk. Moskva.
Korunets‟, I. V. (2001). Teoriya i praktyka perekladu (aspektnyj pereklad). Vinnycya: “Nova Knyha”.
Maksimov, S. Ye. (2007). Usnyj dvostoronnij pereklad (anhlijs‘ka ta ukrayins‘ka movy). Teoriya ta praktyka
usnoho dvostoronn‘oho perekladu dlya studentiv fakul‘tetu perekladachiv ta fakul‘tetu zaochnoho ta vechirn‘oho
navchannya (+2 kompakt-dysky). Kyyiv: Lenvit.
Maksimov, S. Ye. (2010). Praktychnyj kurs perekladu (anhlijs‘ka ta ukrayins‘ka movy). Teoriya ta praktyka
perekladats‘koho analizu tekstu dlya studentiv fakul‘tetu perekladachiv. Kyyiv: Lenvit.
Radchuk, V. (1997). Shho take interpretaciya? La Traduction au Seuil du XXle Siиcle. Strasbourg-Florence-
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Shyryaev, A. F. (1979). Sinhronnyj perevod: Deyatel‘nost‘ synhronnoho perevodchyka. Moskva: Voenyzdat.
Gile, D. (2009). Basic Concepts and Models for Interpreter Training. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
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Interpreters for the Ukrainian Market. La Traduction au Seuil du XXle Siиcle. Histoire, Thйorie. Strasbourg-Florence-
Grenade-Kyiv: Tempus-Tacis.

Correspondence: y.balytsok@gmail.com
Yaroslava M. Balytsok is Graduate Student at Department of Comparative Linguistics and Translation Theory
and Practice, Faculty of Translators in Kyiv National Linguistic University. Her research areas include comparative-
historical and typological linguistics.

Anna Bardukova
Department of Ukrainian Language and Applied Linguistics, Donetsk National University, Donetsk, Ukraine

Available 27 October 2011

Avalanche-like flow of new nominations, which certified in modern linguistic practice today, gives serious
reasons to think about importance of new prospects for its further use. In other words, what really needs to conservation
in view of the value and potential, and that you should not fix as universal or normative. In the process of evaluating
something new in its feasibility in the system language and general linguistic practice can be useful a concept of
“norms” as a filter of the new language material, restrictive entry mechanism to broadcast the facts of language.
Understanding the principle of the norm means first of all to establish correlation between “language system – the
norm – language activities”, i.e. to trace all “appearance – filter – adoption” the new in a language.
The purpose of the article is clarifying the specific conditions and mechanisms of language system movement.
The purpose includes the following tasks:
1) definition of “system”, “linguistic norm”, “literary norm,” “norm in the dialect,” “innovation in language”,
2) setting function of norm as a regulator of the language activities of the community.
Language is a complex secondary semiotic system, an ordered set of subsystems, which has constantly changing
in the process of implementing in language practice and experiencing the impact from the outside. This
process governing linguistic (an implementation of the existing potential in the system of language features, which are
fixed by finding support in the objective reality) and extra-linguistic factors. Norm is the main role, which filters the ABSTRACTS

language material and determines the language should be. Selected linguistic facts will be recorded in dictionaries of
literary / dialectal language and it will become the new system norm. So there is a change in the language system.
O.S. Melnychuk, focusing on the uneven pace and intensity of development, and divers degrees of stability of
different levels of language and components‟ classes, which have forming these levels, and he determined the level
of vocabulary and phraseology as the most dynamic. This is due to their qualitative (dependency thought the needs of
opinion and the degree of sensitivity to the effects of linguistic and extra-linguistic factors) and quantitative
(openness to entry of new components) characteristics. Therefore, the future research can be seen in the attraction of
acquired knowledge to the study of language phraseology: in the justification of the system status, determining the types
of phrases, tracing process changes or deviations from the phraseological patterns and establish the factors forming
new phraseological norms of modern Ukrainian literary language.

Research highlights
► The fundamental linguistic investigations of problem “the language as a system” are analyzed in the article.
► The concepts “the system – linguistic – literary – dialectal norm”, “the language innovation”, “the deviation” are
defined. ► The language change mechanisms and factors are fixed. ► The norm is interpreted as the system of
language and the language practice link.
Keywords: the system of language, the system norm, the linguistic norm (description), the literary norm
(prescription), the dialect norm, the innovation, the deviation.

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Correspondence: anna_bardukova@mail.ru


Anna O. Bardukova is Post-Graduate Student at Department of Ukrainian Language and Applied Linguistics
in Donetsk National University. Her research area includes the phraseological system of Ukrainian language.

Natalia Bondar
Department of Journalism, Korolenko Poltava National Pedagogical University, Poltava, Ukraine

Available 18 October 2011

There are concepts in the mentality of every nation that represent the basic features of an ethnic group and the
main characteristics of a particular culture. According toV.Telia,”meaning the basic concepts of cultureis always greater
than the conceptual content of the same linguistic nature: their understanding seemed to “stretch” around the
ideographic (or thematic) field generated heteronymic primary or secondary (including phraseological) symbols
“general notion” [Telyya 1996: 96]. Consideration of the concept as a structure of national consciousness, common to
all members of a society, suggests that the concept should receive cultural-national “registration” [Telyya 1996: 96].
That same notion of “concept” does not have an unambiguous correctly interpreting, as the term for concerning new
linguistics. In addition, the formation of gender rolesin the national historiography has not been investigated that causes
urgency of this work.
The purpose of intelligence is the lexical-semantic analysis of the concept of WOMAN in the author’s picture of
the world by G. Tiutiunnyk.
The object of observation is chosen the language material of novel “Vortex”.
The subject is the language tools that emphasize the analyzed psyhonetycal complex.
The purpose necessitates the following tasks:1) to examine the idiolect content and lexical-semantic
compatibility of units that represent the concept of WOMAN; 2) to identify the conceptually meaningful components of
semantics of nuclear member fields that presentin the work of G.Tiutiunnyk; 3) to identify the cultural and national
specific features of Ukrainian women.
In the text space of H.Tiutiunnyk considered mentally-psyhonetycal complex has a positive direction. Can be
argued that concept in poetic structure of the text is a complex construction, which is a synthesis of the individual
author’s understanding of its tradition of national consumption, as well as a universal model of the world. Meaning of
the word-concept is defined as a mental substance use whole variety of contexts and depends on the dominant world
view of the artist. Since the writer did, based on national reality, it is not surprising that his vision concepts mentality
coincides with the Ukrainian language picture of the world. G.Tiutiunnyk presented the basic parameters of the concept
UKRAINIAN WOMAN, describing its cultural and national specificity.
Other basic research, mental-psyhonetycal complexes available in the feature space of writer`s text writer, is
closely associated with the tasks and problems of Ukrainian linguoconceptology. Its purpose is to givea full analysis of
the concepts of Ukrainian culture, and it`s one of the most promising lines for further studying creative works of artist
fascinated by the native word, mental attributes of the Ukrainian people.

Research highlights
►The article reveals the features of verbal expression and semantic content of the concept of Women in Art
Gregory Tiutiunnyk language.
Keywords: mentality, culture, axiology, mental-psyhonetycal complex, concept, quasisubject image, woman.

Vezhbyckaya, A. (2001). Ponymanye kul‘tur cherez posredstvo kljuchevyh slov. Moskva: Jazyki slavjanskoj
Holoborod‟ko, K. Yu. (2002). Linhvistychnyj status konceptu. Kul‘tura narodov Prychernomor‘ya, 32, 27-30.
Symferopol‟. ABSTRACTS

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Metodologicheskie problemy kognitivnoj lingvistiki, 75-76. Voronezh.
Kravchenko, I. Ye. (1993). Kozats‟ka narechena. Zaporozhci: do istoriyi kozats‘koyi kul‘tury, 214-231. Kyyiv.
Kryvoshyj, O. P. (1996). Zhinka v suspil‟nomu zhytti Ukrayiny (druha polovyna XVI – persha polovyna XVII
st.). Dys. … kand. istor. nauk, 246. Zaporizhzhya.
Levyckij, O. I. (1887). Rayna Mohylyanka, knyahinya Vishneveckaya, 10. Kyyiv.
Levyts‟kyj, O. I. (1994). Sim‟ya i pobut ukrayinciv u XVI st. Na perelomi: druha polovyna XV – persha
polovyna XVI st.,190-255. Kyyiv.
Slyshkin, H. H. (2000). Ot teksta k simvolu: linhvokul‘turnye lingvokul’turnye koncepty precedentnyh tekstov v
soznanii i diskurse, 18. Moskva.
Telyya, V. N. (1996). Russkaya frazeolohiya: Semanticheskyj, prahmaticheskyj, linhvokul‘turolohicheskij
aspekt, 96. Moskva.
TSUM, (2001). Tlumachnyj slovnyk ukrayin‘koyi movy. Kyyiv.

Tyutyunnyk, H. M. (1990). Vyr. Kyyiv: Radyans‟ka shkola.

Correspondence: natalija-bondar@rambler.ru
Natalia Bondar is Post-Graduate Student at Department of Journalism in Korolenko Poltava National
Pedagogical University. Her research area includes the cognitive linguistics.

Victor Dvoryankin
Department of Ukrainian Language, Mariupol State University, Mariupol, Donetsk region, Ukraine

Available 25 October 2011

The studying of newly created Ukrainian Eastern-steppe subdialects‟ vocabulary is one of the trends of modern
development of home dialectology. Therefore, the linguistic studies include floral names [Frolyak 1988; Frolyak 2003],
family customs lexis [Drobotenko 2001], names of clothes [Klymenko 2001; Klymenko 2010], geographical appellative
lexis [Sidenko 2003], names of relationship degree [Tarasenkova 2000], and names of food [Zagnitko 2008; Zagnitko
2010]. Other lexis layers of the mentioned dialectal extent, particularly names of person‟s character need today the
substantial systematic descriptions.
The purpose of the paper is the lexical-semantic analysis of individual names of person concerning the relation to
other people, based on the Ukrainian Eastern-steppe subdialects of Southern Donetsk region.
The observation over the lexis of person‟s characterizing concerning the relation to other people has shown that
the analyzed names are mostly substantive and adjective single-word names, rarely – word-combinations and sentences.
This lexis remains open to the new emotional-expressive units. It includes a lot of phonetic (incl. accentual) and word-
formative variants; some of them are characteristic not only for Eastern-steppe, but also for other Ukrainian subdialects.
The further research of studied names has broad prospects not only in synchronic aspect, but also in diachronic
and areal ones.

Research highlights
►Peculiarities for character‟s recognition in Ukrainian Eastern-steppe language continuum have been
ascertained. ►The lexical-semantic analysis of individual names of a person concerning the relation to other people on
the basis of the newly created Ukrainian Eastern-steppe subdialects of Southern Donetsk region has been given.
Keywords: Ukrainian Eastern-steppe subdialects, lexical-semantic group, seme, representant, manifestant,
names of person‟s character.

Drobotenko, V. Yu. (2001). Leksyka simejnykh obryadiv u hovirkakh Donechchyny. Avtoref. dys. … kand. filol.
nauk: 10.02.01. Donets‟k. ЛІНГВІСТИЧНІ СТУДІЇ. Випуск 24

Zahnitko, N. (2008). Zahal‟ni nazvy yizhi v skhidnostepovykh hovirkakh. Linhvistychni studiyi, 17, 247-252.
Zahnitko, N. (2010). Nazvy strav z varenoho tista v donets‟kykh hovirkakh. Linhvistychni studiyi, 21, 222-226.
Klymenko, N. B. (2001). Nazvy odyahu v skhidnostepovykh hovirkakh Donechchyny. Avtoref. dys. … kand.
filol. nauk: 10.02.01. Donets‟k.
Klymenko, N. (2010). Nazvy odyahu dlya nih u skhidnostepovykh ukrayins‟kykh hovirkalh. Linhvistychni
studiyi, 21, 226-233.
Sidenko, N. P. (2003). Heohrafichna apelyatyvna leksyka skhidnostepovykh hovirok Central‟noyi Donechchyny.
Avtoref. dys. … kand. filol. nauk: 10.02.01.Donets‟k.
Tarasenkova, S. (2000). Nazvy osib za sporidnenistyu v donets‟kykh skhidnostepovykh hovirkakh. Linhvistychni
studiyi, 6, 268-271.
Frolyak, L. D. (1988). Botanycheskaya leksyka ukraynskykh hovorov Severnoho Pryazov‟ya. Avtoref. dys. …
kand. fylol. nauk: 10.02.02. Kyyiv.
Frolyak, L. D. (2003). Do pytannya pro leksychnu typolohiyu i dyferenciaciyu skhidnostepovykh hovirok
Donechchyny. Visnyk Luhans‘koho derzhavnoho pedahohichnoho universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka, 3, 226-234.

Sources and Abbreviations
AZP, Arkushyn, H. L. (2000). Slovnyk zakhidnopolis’kykh hovirok (2 t.). Luts’k.
HH, Zakrevs’ka, Ya. (red.) (1997). Hutsul’s’ki hovirky: korotkyy slovnyk. L‟viv.
DPP, Dobrol’ozha, H. (2003). Krasne slovo – yak zolotyy klyuch: postiyni narodni porivnyannya v hovirkakh
Seredn’oho Polissya ta sumizhnykh terytoriy. Zhytomyr: Volyn’.
YR, Yevtushok, O. M. (1997). Korotkyy slovnyk hovirok Rivnenshchyny. Vyvchennya leksyky hovirok
Rivnenshchyny. Rivne.
LPH, Lysenko, P. S. (1974). Slovnyk polis’kykh hovoriv. Kyyiv: Naukova dumka.
LS, Lyesnova, V. V. (1999). Materialy do slovnyka hovirok Skhidnoyi Slobozhanshchyny: Lyudyna ta yiyi rysy.
Luhans’k: Shlyakh.
MSBH, Prokopenko, V. A. (red.) (1971-1979). Materialy do slovnyka bukovyns’kykh hovirok. Chernivtsi, 1-6.
OBH, Onyshkevych, M. Y. (1984). Slovnyk boykivs’kykh hovirok (2 ch.). Kyyiv: Naukova dumka, 1.
SP, Syz’ko, A. T. (1990). Slovnyk dialektnoyi leksyky hovirok sil pivdenno-skhidnoyi Poltavshchyny.
Dnipropetrovs’k: Dnipropetrovs’kyy derzhavnyy universytet.
UFD, Uzhchenko, V. D., & Uzhchenko, D. V. (2002). Frazeolohichnyy slovnyk skhidnoslobozhans’kykh i
stepovykh hovirok Donbasu. Luhans’k: Al’ma-mater.
ChNN, Chabanenko, V. A. (1992). Slovnyk hovirok Nyzhn’oyi Naddnipryanshchyny (4 t.). Zaporizhzhya.

Correspondence: filfak_mggu@mail.ru (with the reference “for Dvoryankin” in the subject).
Victor O. Dvoryankin is Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor at Department of Ukrainian Language of
Mariupol State University. His scientific interests focus on grammar and dialectology of Ukrainian language.

Olesia Gavrylashchuk
Department of History and Culture of Ukrainian Language, Chernivtsi Yuriy Fedkovych National University,
Chernivtsi, Ukraine

Available 26 October 2011

Modern linguistics is more frequent filled up researches about communicative acts, as exactly the purposeful
going near organization of daily intercourse in all spheres of activity of man foresees the desired result from the process
of communication. One of key aspects of process of intercourse there is a choice of appropriate nomination of
broadcasting addressee. At the same time the personal interest grows influence of gender factor at choice language
means by the participants of situation of intercourse, and also features of creation of texts by them. Actual from this
point of view is a study of features of the realized selection of linguistic code (nominations of broadcasting addressee)
on the stage of verbalization of linguistic experience which represents the artistically interpreted internal broadcasting in
artistic texts.
The purpose of the article is to research the artistically interpreted internal broadcasting.

The task of the paper is to make the lexical and semantic classification of appeals of woman, in the artistically
interpreted internal broadcasting and to ground reasons of such choice from a gender look.
Consequently, for references to self, as classification testifies, far more frequent elect the negatively painted
nominations, than lexemes are with the positive loading. To such names with negative semes the group of the names
belongs after the signs of age and floor. In addition, the choice of references to self (in relation to social status or
national belonging) can testify not to asocialness or unpatriotism of women, but about determination of other vital
priorities, such, as a construction and maintenance of relations and family.
Author considers the research of lexical-semantic features of functioningthe references to self is perspective
direction of subsequent linguistic secret services in the artistically interpreted internal broadcasting of men and the
comparison of choice of such names by men and women.

Research highlights
► The article deals with the peculiarities of influence of gender factor on the nomination choice of addressee
that is reflected in a text of fiction. ► There is the lexical-semantic classification of the reference to self-nominations of
addressee woman‟s speech. ► This research is analyzed on the materials of the modern Ukrainian fiction.
Keywords: reference to self-nominations, addressee nomination, speech as recorded in a text, interpreted inner
indirect speech in fiction.

Bacevych, F. S. (2004). Osnovy komunikatyvnoyi linhvistyky. K.: Vydavnychyj centr “Akademiya”.
Horoshko, O. (2004). Kvantytatyvnyj aspekt hendernykh doslidzhen‟ u linhvistyci (sproba refleksiyi).
Ukrayins‘ka mova, 3, 67-74.
Zaza, Yu. (2010). Spilkuvannya v sytuaciyi pochatku komunikatyvnoho kontaktu za nayavnosti hendernoyi
opozyciyi. Movlennyevi zhanry v mizhkul‘turnij komunikaciyi, 161-180. L‟viv: PAIS.
Kucheruk, O. (2005). Henderni osoblyvosti spilkuvannya v etyketnykh movlennyevykh sytuaciyakh. Dyvoslovo,
8, 56-58.
Skab, M. S. (2003). Prahmatyka apelyaciyi v ukrayins‘kij movi. Ruta.
Stavyts‟ka, L. (2003). Mova i stat‟. Krytyka, 6,29-34.

Bahrat, L. (2002). Zlo. L‟viv: Kal‟variya.
Zabuzhko, O. (2004). Pol‘ovi doslidzhennya z ukrayins‘koho seksu. K.: Fakt.
Karpa, I. (2010). Dobro i Zlo. Kh.: Klub simejnoho dozvillya.
Karpa, I. (2008). Supermarket samotnosti. Perlamutrove porno. Kh.: Klub Simejnoho Dozvillya.
Matios, M. (2011). Chotyry pory zhyttya. L‘viv: LA “PIRAMIDA”.
Matios, M. (2005). Shhodennyk strachenoyi. Psykholohichna rozvidka. L‟viv: Literaturna ahenciya “Piramida”.
Povalyayeva, S. (2007). Lyarvy. Nebo kuhnya mertvykh. Kh.: Folio.
SUM, (1970-1980). Slovnyk ukrayins‘koyimovy(v 11-ty tomakh). K.: Nauk. dumka.
Shejko-Medvedyeva, N. (2006). Balamutka. L‟viv: LA “PIRAMIDA”.

Correspondence: lesia.orchi@mail.ru
Olesia D. Gavrylashchuk is Post-Graduate Student at Department of History and Culture of Ukrainian Language
in Chernivtsi Yuriy Fedkovych National University. Her research area includes the linguistics of text and the theory of

Katerina Glukhovtseva
Department of Ukrainian Philology and General Linguistics, Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University,
Luhansk, Ukraine

Available 19 October 2011

The relevance of this article is in that fact that in the scientific literature there are several terms for the naming
lexical, accentual, phonetic (phonological), morphological, word-formative, and syntactic units those have the limited ЛІНГВІСТИЧНІ СТУДІЇ. Випуск 24

using in a separate area. For example, there are dialectal phenomenon, dialectal feature [Dzendzelivskyy 1966: 10;
Bevzenko 1980: 33], dialectal differences [Bevzenko 1980: 177], dialecticism, regionalism, localism
[Dzendzelivskyy 1966: 13] and others. These terms are not absolute synonyms, they have differences in meaning.
Usually the dialectal phenomenon (in the broad sense) is understanding as an element of the language system, which in
different dialects of the same language has several correlate variants, bets [Dzendzelivskyy 1966: 10], or has not any
equivalents or functionally equivalent bets if the occurrence of this phenomenon is caused by economic, ethnographic
or geographical features of a particular location [Dzendzelivskyy 1966: 11]. In this sense, the term dialectal
phenomenon and dialect difference are synonyms.
The most numerous group of dialect phenomena constitute lexical, including lexical distinguish itself (they are
doublets or synonymous with literary equivalents), semantic (different from the standart literary language of words to
their meaning) and ethnographism) denoting concepts of life for carriers of the dialects or dialect (specific name
clothing, food, rituals, etc.) [Selivanov 2006: 126]. Until now, these concepts are not consistently differentiated, which
makes the relevance of this work.
The purpose of the research is determining the cognitive nature of ethnographism as a bearer of the ethnic and
cultural information.
Thus, the lexical dialect phenomena, including ethnographisms, perform the text-creating function, determining
the mental space, i.e. conceptual unit and accompanying background (conceptual block interpretation, associated factors
as cultural background, evaluation component).
Prospects of the further researches are in the complex studyind of functional nature of lexical dialectal
phenomena in the modern Ukrainian language.

Research highlights
► The cognitive nature of ethnographism as a carrier of ethnocultural information, which can be an object of
lexicology, grammar, textualism learning, was considered in the article.
Keywords: dialecticism, ethnographism, cognitive grammar, mental space, cultural background.

Bevzenko, S. P. (1980). Ukrayins‘ka dialektolohiya. Kyyiv: Vyshha shkola.
VTSSUM. (2005). Velykyj tlumachnyj slovnyk suchasnoyi ukrayins‘koyi movy. Kyyiv: VTF “Perun”.
Halych, H. H. (2010). Kognitivnaja gramatika: rannie versii i novye voprosy. Konceptual‘ni doslidzhennya v
suchasnij linhvistyci, 15-20. SPb.
Havrylyuk, N. (2005). Suchasni proyavy zmin ta stijkosti u sferi ukrayins‟kykh tradycijnykh narodnykh
uyavlen‟. Etnolohiya. Fol‘klorystyka. Kul‘turolohiya: dop. ta povid. VI Mizhnar. konh. Ukrayinistiv, I, 44-55.
Donets‟k – Kyyiv: Vyd-vo Asociaciyi etnolohiv.
Dzendzelivs‟kyj, J. O. (1966). Konspekt lekcij z kursu ukrayins‘koyi dialektolohiyi (Vstupni rozdily). Uzhhorod:
Vyd-vo Uzhhorod. un-u.
EUM, (2000). Ukrayins‘ka mova: encyklopediya. Kyyiv: Ukr. encykl.
Zhajvoronok, V. V. (2006). Znaky ukrayins‘koyi etnokul‘tury: Slovnyk-dovidnyk. Kyyiv: Dovira.
Kovalyk, I. (2008). Pytannya ukrayins‘koho i slov‘yans‘koho movoznavstva. Vybrani tvory, II. Ivano-Frankivs‟k.
Rusnak, N. O. (2009). Linhvokohnityvni ta prahmatychni vymiry dialektnykh tekstiv bukovyns‘kykh hovirok.
Chernivci: Cherniv. nac. un-t.
Selivanova, O. (2006). Suchasna linhvistyka: terminolohichna encyklopediya. Poltava: Dovkillya-K.
SUMH, (1908-1909). Slovar‘ ukrayins‘koyi movy, I – II. Kyyiv.
Uzhchenko, V. D. (2003). S‘idnoukrayins‘ka frazeolohiya. Luhans‟k: Al‟ma-mater.
Khobzej, N. (2002). Hucul‘s”ka mifolohiya: etnolinhvistychnyj slovnyk. L‟viv.

Correspondence: oleg@vaush.net
Katerina D. Glukhovtseva is Doctor of Philology, Professor at Department of Ukrainian Philology and General
Linguistics in Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University. Her research area includes the Ukrainian dialectology.

Elvira Golovan
Department of General Linguistics and History of Language, Donetsk National University, Donetsk, Ukraine

Available 25 October 2011 ABSTRACTS


The typology of quantitative expression, their classes in the formal logic and formal semantics, the analysis of
researches where quantity is considered as conceptual category was found out fully in the paper of O.K. Kiklevich
[2009]. The researches of V.M. Vovk [1986], O.V. Rahilkina and Li Su-Hen [2009] and etc. are devoted to the
description of quantitative (words and word-combinations with the meaning of quantitative characteristics) in the
constructions N
+ N
. So, O.V. Rahilina analyse quantitative quantifiers (there are some subject names which call a
particular subjects in an initial meaning but they can grammaticalizied and to get meaning of quantity indefinite-large in
the structure of a nominal genitive construction joining with another subject name) and define an extension of
connecting as a marker of transfer to class of quantifiers. Extension of connecting is attended to acquirement by word of
properly quantitative semantics with assessed component: букет квітів – букет проблем. Researcher called an
“advancement” of grammaticalization criterion – there is a joining with nouns which call animate ones.
Therefore, the actual of the research is that in the linguistic research isn‟t determined what some words call
plural of something objects (animate and unanimate, for instance, and all together), but another works aren‟t showed
such ability.
The sources of factual material
The sources of practical material are the texts of art literature, publicism, electronic network (the materials of
forums, magazines, dairies, advertising got by means of limited search in the system of Google) for instance such
structures N
+ N
with the meaning of plurality.
Тhe purpose of article is definition the lexical connecting of quantitative nouns.
To achieve the purpose of the study author has solved the following tasks: 1) illustration of variants of the lexical
connecting words which denote the plural objects (бісер, букет, ворох, ґроно, зграя, караван, каша, коктейль,
колекція отара, табір, табун) with the nouns which name persons, material objects and abstract concepts in the
Ukrainian, Russian and English languages; 2) establishing the type complexes which can denote the quantitative nouns;
3) searching of differences between identified dictionary norm and occurrences use in speech, in particular informal;
4) identification of some differences translation of analyzed words.
Informal and art speech illustrate a wide connecting of the quantitative nouns. The analysis of material lets to
find out some rules.
1. All the analyzing nouns can mark of complex abstract concepts. The phenomenon of personified
denotation of plural is determinedin art speech (but metaphorical names preserve some links with an original meaning).
Obviously, that the original names of the “darkness” use for denomination as the human communities and so another
complexes [Lucenko 2009: 305].
2. As for explanations of ability to joining with nouns, in particular with the animate ones, some
peculiarities of development specific words and fact borrowing take into account practically. Borrowing nouns with the
meanings of complexes material objects (бісер, коктейль, колекція) don‟t show tendency to call of complex people.
The perspective of future research is establishment causes of ability nouns (namely of bar components of
genitive constructions) denote metaphorically complex of animate and inanimate nouns or at the same time of the plural
ofanimate and inanimate nouns (themselves). In the process of the research was paid attention on the history of the
development of analyzing words.

Research highlights
►The analysis is revealed some specific features of collocations of animate and inanimate nouns with person,
mass names and abstract nouns in the genitive coherent word-combinations (N
+ N
). ►The explanation of non-
typical noun combinations in different languages (in particular, in the Ukrainian, Russian and English languages) is
provided. ►The distinctions between the formal meaning based on dictionary entry and informal meaning based on
everyday communication and modern fiction are drawn.
Keywords: noun, plurality, combinative power, personification, objectivation.

Apresyan, Yu. D. (1974). Leksicheskaya semantyka: Sinonimicheskie sredstva jazyka. Moskva: Nauka.
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Lucenko, N. A. (2009). Istorii nashih slov: diahronno-leksikologichekie jetjudy. Donetsk: “Veber”.
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Correspondence: elgol@ukr.net
Elvira O. Golovan is Post-Graduate Student at Department of General Linguistics and History of Language in
Donetsk National University. Her research areas include comparative investigation of grammar (in particular
morphology) in the Ukrainian, Russian and English languages. ABSTRACTS


Lubomira Hnatiuk
Department of Information Technologies and Communication, High School of Informatics and Management,
Pshemyshl, Pidkarpackie province, Poland

Available 28 October 2011

In modern pragmatically oriented linguistics, the notion of presupposition (presumption) is considered to be one
of the leading. Such famous scientists as N. Arutyunova, Y. Apresyan, F. Batsevych, T. Bulygina, A. Vezhbytska,
V. Gak, D. Gordon, H.P. Grice, T. Van Dake, A. Zahnitko, O. Isers, A. Kibrik, E. Klyuyev, J. Leech, E. Paduchyeva,
I. Susov, J. Sjorl and others study functional and pragmatic aspects of the subtext information, including aspects of
appealing to the common knowledge and ideas about reality, life experience of co-communicators, – to presupposition.
But scientists don‟t pay enough attention, on one hand, to the role of presupposition in the decoding the implicit
information, and on the other – to demonstration of specifics of presupposition in the process of linguistic behavior in
each specific case. This defines the relevance of the proposed research.
Practical value
The practical dimension is defined by the possibility of utilizing its results in a number of graduate courses on
issues of communicative linguistics.
The theoretical value
The theoretical value of the executed analysisis in the enrichment of the theory of modern pragmatic linguistics
with the new interpretations of communicative phenomena.
The new thing is the characteristics of various forms of presupposition in communicative material of different
languages, which determine the effectiveness of interpersonal interaction under conditions of intercultural
The purpose of the research is to examine the appearances of presupposition on illustrative material of different
languages: Ukrainian, American English, and Polish.
The purpose of the study determines the necessity to perform the following tasks: to analyze different types of
presupposition; to show the difference of presuppositions from other implicit components of a message (implicate); to
identify the specifics of pragmatic presuppositions compared to semantic presuppositions through comparison of the
models of communicative behavior of speakers in different contexts on actual material from Ukrainian, American
English, and Polish languages.
A context information with all types of presupposition, such as intertextual, extra-linguistic, pragmatic, as for the
reference to reality, with no doubt, is crucial to understand the illocutionary forces of indirect illocutions. Otherwise, the
lack of information on indirect illocutions leads to communicative deviations.
The perspective direction for further comparative studies of different types of presupposition on material from
Ukrainian, American English and Polish languages is discovering a number of national and cultural peculiarities of
implicit discourse with a goal to increase efficiency of cross-cultural interpersonal communications.

Research highlights
►The article deals with the pragmatic and semantic presuppositions as implicit components of statements
meaning used to indirect illocution isn`t perceived as semantically anomalous or inappropriate in the context. ► The
difference between two kinds of presuppositions, semantic and pragmatic, are explained in a principled way, i.e. they
are of a very different nature. ► The attention is paid to presuppositions in comparison with another implicit
components of an utterance (e.g. implicature).
Keywords: semantic presupposition, pragmatic presupposition, pragmatic meaning, implicature, interpersponal

Arutjunova, N. D. (1983). Ponjatie presuppozicii v lingvistike. IzvestijaAN SSSR. SLYa, 32, 1, 23-44.
Bacevych, F. S. (2010). Narysy z linhvistychnoyi prahmatyky. L‟viv: PAIS.
Hnatyuk, L. (2011). Prahmatychni j funkcional‟no-komunikatyvni osoblyvosti implikatury ironiyi. Linhvistychni
studiyi, 23, 131-137. Donets‟k: DonNU. ЛІНГВІСТИЧНІ СТУДІЇ. Випуск 24

Zahnitko, A. P. (2006). Linhvistyka tekstu: Teoriya i praktykum. Naukovo-navchal‘nyj posibnyk. Donets‟k:
Krasnykh, V. V. (2001). Osnovy psikholinhvistikii teorii kommuniaciji. Moskva: Hnozys; Kuchkovo pole.
Paducheva, E. V. (1981). Presuppozicii i drugie vidy nejeksplicitnoj informacii v predlozhenii. NTY AN SSSR,
11, 24-32.
Paducheva, E. V. (1996). Semanticheskie issledovaniya. Moskva: “Jazyki russkoj kul’tury”.
Susov, Y. P. (2009). Lynhvistycheskaya prahmatika. Vinnica: Nova knyha.
Shtern, I. B. (1998). Vybrani topiky ta leksykon suchasnoyi linhvistyky. Encyklopedychnyj slovnyk. Kyyiv:
Leech, G. (1983). Principles of Pragmatics. London: Longman.

Correspondence: lhnatiuk@wp.pl
Lubomira Hnatiuk is Candidate of Philology, Lecturer of communicative linguistics, Teacher of practical course
of English at Department of Information Technologies and Communication in Pshemyshl High School of Informatics
and Management. Her research areas include the theory of discourse and the comparative linguistics.

Yaroslav Holodiuk
Department of Ukrainian Language, Institute of Philology, Stefanyk Prykarpattia National University, Ivano-
Frankivsk, Ukraine

Available 20 October 2011

The Network vocabulary is actively investigated, but the development of Google-onym by Ukrainian-
called Internet discourse has not been the object of special linguistic analysis, and that led to the choice of topics and its
The purpose of the research is to analyze the mastering of the denomination Google by Ukrainian-speaking users
with graphical and semantic parameters, to reveal pragmatic features of its syntagmatics.
The implementation of the purpose provided the solution of such tasks: 1) to determine the origin of the
investigated onym; 2) to analyze the mastering of denomination by Ukrainian-speaking Internet users, considering
extra-linguistic factors of investigated phenomenon; 3) to study the disclosure of pragmatic features of syntagmatycal
denomination Google.
Sources of factual material
Material of the research was presented by primarily available on the Internet ofusers‟ communication examples
(materials of 6 Ukrainian forums, which are initiates to the various subjects). There were used about 11 electronical
resources, enriched with communication themes given from Internet, 13 literary sources (including 3 British researchers
works), which are dedicated to the aspects of onomastical research, and theoretical information about WAN as well.
As conclusion author can say that a variety of Google graphic incarnations denomination, fluctuations inits
semantics and the active using by speaker in the Internet give the grounds to assert about a high degree of its mastering
by Ukrainian-speaking networkd iscourse. The analyzed denomination is structured with the help of the conceptual
prototype, which is already an anchor in the consciousness of Ukrainian language: a tool, a source of information,
location, counselor, supernatural beings, – and it shows the realization of its syntagmatycal potential and variability of
the semantic-pragmatical expressions in contexts of the researched communications.
In the long term study is analysis of word-forming and morphological aspects of development the onym by
Ukrainian-called network users, highlighting the pragmatic characteristics of other lexical units, which common in the
Internet discourse.

Research highlights
► The author of the article reveals the peculiarities of graphic manifestation of pragmatonym Google in
Ukrainian-language Internet communication. ► In the work author analyses the contextual semantic and pragmatic
specificity of its usage by the speakers. ABSTRACTS

Keywords: internet communication, Google, search frame.

Bondarets, O. (2008). Inojazychnye zaimstvovanija v rechi i v jazyke: lingvosociologicheskij aspekt. Tahanroh:
Izd-vo Tahanroh. hos. ped. un-ta.
Istoriya kompaniyi “Google”. E-portal: http://www.google.com/intl/uk/about/corporate/company/history.html.
Karpilovs‟ka, Ye. (2003). Vplyv innovacij na stabil‟nist‟ movnoyi systemy: rehulyatory systemnoyi rivnovahy.
Movoznavstvo, 2/3, 148-158.
Lakoff, Dzh. (2004). Metafory, kotorymi my zhivem. Moskva: Edytoryal URSS.
Podol‟skaya, N. (1978). Slovar‘ russkoj onomastycheskoj termynolohyy. Moskva: Nauka.
Rusakova, E. (2010). Jazykovoe osmyslenie fenomena virtual’nogo prostranstva. Vestnik Rossijskogo
gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. I. Kanta, 8, 50-84.
Superanskaya, A. (1973). Obshhaja teorija imeni sobstvennogo. Moskva: Nauka.
TMOY, (2007). Teorija i metodika onomasticheskih issledovanij. Moskva: Izd-vo LKI.
Tacenko, N. (2009). Zasoby realizaciyi mehakonceptiv PROSTIR, ChAS, INFORMACIYa v suchasnij
anhlijs‟kij movi (na materiali innovacij virtual‟noyi real‟nosti). Avtoref. dys. … kand. filol. nauk: spec. 10.02.04
“Hermans‘ki movy”. Kharkiv.
Fomenko, O. (2009). Pragmatonimy-globalizmy: lingvisticheskij status i funkcional’naja specifіka. Avtoref.
dis. … kand. filol. nauk: spec. 10.02.19 “Teorija jazyka”. Volhohrad
OED, (2009). Oxford English Dictionary Second Editionon CD-ROM (v. 4.0). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Talmy, L. (1996). Fictive Motion in Language and “Ception”, 211-276. Cambridge: MIT Press.
Vise, D. (2005). The Google Story. London: Macmillan.

Sources and Abbreviations
VVF: Volodymyr-Volyns‟kyj Forum. E-portal:http://forum.volodymyr.com.ua
Hurtom: Forum “Hurtom”. E-portal: http://www.hurtom.com
K1: Ukrayins‟kyj tyzhden‟. E-portal: http://www.ut.net.ua/Poll/21242.
K2: Do pryyizdu patriarkhaVsiya Rusi… E-portal: http://h.ua/story/215861
K3: Ukrayins‟ka onlajn-spil‟nota (Arhiv). E-portal: http://webcommunity.org.ua/2009/12/06
K4: Promo-al‟bom hruppy Na VidminuVid (…). E-portal: http://extrakiss.ru/2865/1/a
K5: Kakpodnyat‟ PR. E-portal: http://seo4you.ru/kak-podnyat-pr.html
LF: LitForum. E-portal: http://litforum.net.ua
Tereveni: Forum “Tereveni”. E-portal: http://www.tereveni.org.ua
UC: Forum “UkrCentr”. E-portal: http://www.ukrcenter.com
FRM: L‟viv. Forum Ridnoho Mista. E-portal: http://www.misto.ridne.net

Correspondence: numberonename@gmail.com
Yaroslav B. Holodiuk is Post-Graduate Student at Department of Ukrainiain Language in Institute of Philology
of Stefanyk Prykarpattia National University. His research areas include the onomastics, the theory of discourse,
including analysis of Internet discourse.

Evgenia Hopshter
Department of the Ukrainian Language, Horlivka State Pedagogic Institute of Foreign Languages, Horlivka,
Donetsk region, Ukraine

Available 28 October 2011

In spite of indubitable value of these and other scientific work should state that the study of colonial subdialects
of the Ukrainian language is not a systematic and comprehensive.
The results of empirical studies and linguistic analysis of the recitative features of ethnic Ukrainian villages
Мachuha and Semenivka Kikvidzynskyi district of Volgograd region in Russia can become a stage for a more thorough
investigation of Ukrainian dialect speech in the Russian Federation.

Based on the recording of live speech dialectal speakers author will attempt to clarify the effects interference
influence of the Russian language on Ukrainian language-based of Povolzhya.
So interference features observed in the colonial subdialects of ethnic Ukrainian Russian Povolzhya are systemic
in nature and occur mostly on the lexical and grammatical levels. The basis of native language saves the phonetic tier in
investigated subdialects. But there is a real danger that indifference to the lives of our compatriots abroad by their
continental homeland can promote complete assimilation and transformation of their Ukrainian broadcasting in adstrat –
a separate linguistic system. On this threat by the fact that the vast majority dialectal speakers separate himself the
Russians, and the Ukrainians.
In the future seems promising further linguistic analysis of the ethnic Ukrainian subdialects – subdialects of the

Research highlights
► In the article the linguistic analysis of the subdialects of ethnic Ukrainians in villages Machukha and
Semenivka of Volgograd region of the Russian Federation has been highlighted. ► The notices of the speech of the
dialect speakers reflect an interferential influence of Russian language on the dialectical language – the basis of the
language of the diasporers. ► It is also given many striking examples of the adstrat phenomena on the lexical,
grammatical, derivative levels of the language system of the colonial dialect.
Keywords: adstrat, adstrat phenomenon, interference, lexical level, grammatical level, derivative level, phonetic
level in the system of language.

Belej, L. (2008). Ukrayinci ta ukrayins‟ka mova na Balkanakh (Serbiya, Khorvatiya, Bosniya i Hercehovyna.
Dyvoslovo, 8, 42-48.
Hopshter, Ye. A. (2009). Ukrayins‟ki hovirky na Volhohradshhyni. Anklavna dialektolohiya: materialy mizhnar.
nauk.-prakt. semniru, 1 hrudnya 2009 r., Horlivka, 11-14. Horlivka: Vyd-vo HDPIIM.
Dzendzelivs‟kyj, J. (1996). Mova bachvanciv yak zasib datuvannya yavyshh lemkivs‟koho dialektu. Rusnacy.
Rusyny 1745-1995: Pryselyenye j zhyvot Runacokh u Bakchi Srymu i Slavoniyi 1745-1995. Novyj Sad.
Zhylko, F. T. (1966). Narysy z dialektolohiyi ukrayins‘koyi movy. Kyyiv: Radyans‟ka shkola.
Moskalenko, L. (2008). Ukrayinci j ukrayins‟ka mova na Kubani. Dyvoslovo, 2, 47-53.
Tokar, T. Ya. (1972). Ukrayins‟ki poselennya v Yuhoslaviyi i vyvchennya jikh hovoriv. Pytannya ukrayins‘koyi
dialektolohiyi i mizhmovnykh (mizhdialektnykh) kontaktiv, 86-89. Dnipropetrovs‟k.
Synel‟nykova, V. (2005). Politychni ta ekonomichna peredumovy poyavy ukrayins‟kykh poselen‟ u povolz‟kykh
stepakh u XVI-XIX stolittyakh. Narodna tvorchist‘ ta etnohrafiya, 3, 100-104.
Suchasnyj, (2006). Suchasnyj slovnyk Тinshomovnykh sliv. K.: Dovira.

Corresponding author. Present address: 38 Vynohradna St., 17, pgt. Panteleymonivka, Horlivka, Donetsk
region, 84695, Ukraine. Tel.: + 38 095 365 45 42.
Eugene A. Hopshter is Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor at Department of Ukrainian language in
Horlivka State Pedagogic Institute of Foreign Languages. Her research area includes the Ukrainian dialectology.

Valentina Kalko
Department of Ukrainian Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, Cherkasy Bogdan Khmelnitsky National
University, Cherkassy, Ukraine

Available 20 October 2011

Traditionally, the language of paremias are modeled by using a special metalanguage that didn’t excluded their
figurative and lexical specificity, the relationship of phenomena, association with processes of communication and so
on. The structural paremiology that began to develop rapidly in the late 60s, “changed the frozen of idea of paremias,
identified the rightful place of the genre in the model of world, penetrated into its interior, formal and semantic
structure” [Civ’jan 1984: 11]. The alloy of structural linguistics and semiotics is was the methodological basis of
structural paremiology (see [Permyakov 1970; 1988]). However the linguocultural approach to modeling and ABSTRACTS

explanation texts of paremias can enrich the established research of tradition of new data. Typical images that form the
conceptual structure units of paremias, functioning in their content of symbols, standards of belief, – it‟s the result of
collective internally reflective of experience of ethnicity. Reflecting the characteristics of ethnic worldview, figurative
meaning proverb can serve as a key for the national and cultural interpretation. There were social and life experience of
the people accumulated and developed for centuries in a historically variable environment. It is because of these
characteristics, it is important to note that the most of linguists are qualify as proverbs linguistic clichйs, believing that it
fixes in the form of language typical relation of reality and a sign of some situations.
Modern linguistic researches are provided interdisciplinary integration, because without the conceptual
foundations of philosophy, psychology, sociology, cultural studies, and other sciences of mechanisms of functioning of
language is will modeled abstractly. The author considers the one of the promising areas such construction of synthesis
of linguistic, culturology and paremiology that also leads to the relevance of this study.
The purpose of this article is the complex analysis of the linguocultural presentation of the concepts YOUTH and
OLD AGE in Ukrainian fund of paremias.
In the Ukrainian paremias world picture the opposition “young / old” is universal, because it is the one of the
oldest semantic and pragmatic contrasting and it implements an idea for the the beginning and the end, the strength and
the weakness, the growth and the reducing others. The evaluative continuum “youth – old age” is widely represented in
the proverbs and sayings, moreover the first component has a positive connotation (beauty, health, strength, energy,
perspective), and the second – negative one (illness, helplessness, weakness, stupidity). The author can conclude that
the investigated material represents the polar assessment of language as youth so old age. The units of paremias are
based on the typical reanalyzed of the variety of life situations, they are reflect the variable of specificity evaluation
preferences, norms and stereotypes of behavior about youth and old age and characterize the detail these phenomena
from different angles. Thus, the proverb are common that stated the external manifestations of youth and old age,
mental and emotional changes in these age periods and reflect the importance of labor and spiritual experience of
elderly people. For the Ukrainian linguoculture the paremias that are inherently didactic settings and teachings younger
generation’s attitude to older people, are characteristic.
The linguocultural approach to the study of verbal content of one of the Ukrainian ethnos key concepts are
proposed opens new perspectives for a complex description of the world naive picture, based on the paremias.

Research highlights
► The article analyzes the peculiarities of language representation of the concepts YOUTH and OLD AGE in
Ukrainian paremias. ► This work provides an explication of basic laws of its verbalization as well as the dominant
features characterizing the youth and old age.
Keywords: verbalization, concept, paremia, age, youth, old age.

Dem’jankov, V. Z. (1994). Kognitivnaja lingvistika kak raznovidnost’ interpretirujushhego pohoda. Voprosy
jazykoznanija, 4, 17-33.
Krjuchkova, N. V. (2006). Koncept “molodost'” v politicheskom diskurse. III Mezhdunarodnye Bodujenovskie
chtenija: I. A. Bodujen de Kurtenje i sovremennye problemy teoreticheskogo i prikladnogo jazykoznanija (Kazan’, 23-
25 maja 2006 g.): trudy i materialy (v 2 t.), 1, 86-88. Kazan’: Izdatel’stvo Kazanskogo universiteta.
Kolesov, V. V. (1986). Mir cheloveka v slove Drevnej Rusi. Leningrad: Izdatel’stvo Leningradskogo universiteta.
Levin, Ju. I. (1984). Proverbial’noe prostranstvo. Paremiologicheskie issledovanija, 108-126. Moskva: Nauka.
Permjakov, G. L. (1988). Osnovy strukturnoj paremiologii, 222-231. Moskva: Nauka.
Permjakov, G. L. (1970). Ot pogovorki do skazki: (Zametki po obshhej teorii klishe). Moskva: Nauka.
Rudakova, O. I. (2007). Koncepty “molodost'” i “starost'” kak dinamicheskie javlenija (na materiale
slovoobrazovanija). Vestnik Stavropol’skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Filologicheskie nauki, 51, 247-252.
Stepanov, Ju. S. (1997). Konstanty. Slovar’ russkoj kul’tury. Opyt issledovanija. Moskva: Jazyki russkoj kul’tury.
Telija, V. N. (1996). Russkaja frazeologija. Sematicheskij, pragmaticheskij i lingvokul’turogicheskij aspekty.
Moskva: Jazyki russkoj kul’tury.
Civ’jan, T. V. (1984). Predislovie. Paremiologicheskie issledovanija, 7-13. Moskva: Nauka.
Selivanova, O. O. (2004). Narysy z ukrayins‘koyi frazeolohiyi (psykhokohnityvnyj ta etnokul‘turnyj aspekty).
Kyyiv-Cherkasy: Brama.

Sources and Abbreviations
P-90 (1990). Prysliv‘ya ta prykazky: Lyudyna. Rodynne zhyttya. Rysy kharakteru. Kyyiv: Naukova dumka.
P-89 (1989). Prysliv‘ya ta prykazky: Pryroda. Hospodars‘ka diyal‘nist‘. Kyyiv: Naukova dumka.
N (1993). Ukrayins‘ki prysliv‘ya i take inshe. Kyyiv: Lybid‟.

Correspondence: mkalko@ukr.net
Valentina V. Kalko is Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor at Department of Ukrainian Linguistics and
Applied Linguistics in Cherkasy Bogdan Khmelnitsky National University. Scopes of her scientific interests are
cognitive linguistics and theory of discourse.

Tatyana Kitayeva
Department of Ukrainian Language and Applied Linguistics, Donetsk National University, Donetsk, Ukraine

Available 31 October 2011

Today one of the hallmarks of modern linguistics are considered the rapid development of cognitive and
functionality-communicative researches within of which the study of “own” processes of language and a variety of
spiritual, psychological, social and other expressions of a man who constantly “lives in the language” are combined of
organically. At the same time the more fully the sections of communicative direction of researches, its main categories,
methods of analysis and so on are remaining directly are not delineated. In particular, the aspects which relating to the
linguistic code of the communication process are among the least studied.
In the article makes the attempt to examine the essence of the speech genre concept, trends and directions in their
research and to establish of their typical characteristics.
The relevance of the article is caused of the problem by a detailed study of speech genres and definition their
communication characteristics.
The purpose of this research is to study of the speech genre “interview” in the system forms of genre.
The implementation of the purpose provided the solution of such tasks: 1) to analyze the typology of approaches
to the definition of speech genres; 2) to provide the universal classification of speech genres for the basic criteria; 3) to
allocate the constructive features of speech genre of interview during its analysis.
The theoretical value
The theoretical value is in general attempts to select constructive features of speech genre “interview.”
The practical value
The practical value is determined by the possibility of using of the received results in the educational and
research activities, particularly in teaching such subjects as “Basics of Discourse,” “Fundamentals of speech activity,”
“Stylistics” and so on.
The results of the research suggest that speech genre of interview have certain of constructive features, namely:
communicative goal, concept of the author and addressee, the content resources of the action, setting the language of
implementation. Some terminological designations of speech genre are offered in the theory of speech communication.
That is why the speech genre are defined as thematically and compositionally executed unit of language, which is
characterized by specific content and intention-pragmatic features.
The further study of speech genre interview in terms of communicative strategies employed by the author, and
the use of research results in teaching and research activitiesare perspective.

Research highlights
► Typology of views on the term “speech genre” is traced. ►Speech genres classifications are analyzed and
structural features of speech genre “interview” are determined. ►At the same time characteristics of speech genre
“interview” are commented on a concrete example.
Keywords: speech genre, interview, addressee, addresser.

Bacevych, F. S. (2003). Narysy z komunikatyvnoyi linhvistyky. L‟viv: Vydavnychyj centr LNU im. Ivana Franka.
Bacevych, F. S. (2004). Osnovy komunikatyvnoyi linhvistyky. K.: Vydavnychyj centr “Akademiya”.
Vakurov, V. N., & Kohtev, N. N., & Solganik, G. Ja. (1978). Stilistika gazetnih zhanrov. M.: Vyssh. shkola.
Zahnitko, A.P., & Shhukina, I. A. (2008). Velykyj tlumachnyj slovnyk. Suchasna ukrayins”ka mova. Donets’k:
Kim, M. N. (2004). Zhanry sovremennoj zhurnalistiki. SPb.: Izd-vo Mihajlova V.A. ABSTRACTS

Selivanova, O. O. (2006). Suchasna linhvistyka: terminolohichna encyklopediya. Poltava: Dovkillya – K.
Selivanova, O.O. (2008). Suchasna linhvistyka: napryamy ta problemy. Poltava: Dovkillya – K.
Selivanova, O.O. (2011). Osnovy teoriyi movnoyi komunikaciyi. Cherkasy: Vydavnyctvo Chabanenko Yu. A.

Internet-hazeta ForUm. E-portal: www.for-ua.com (vid 17 zhovtnya 2011 r.).

Correspondence: t.m.kitaeva@gmail.com
Tatyana M. Kitayeva is Candidate for a Degree at Department of Ukrainian Language and Applied Linguistics in
Donetsk National University. Her research area includes the communicative grammar.

Mykola Kobzev
Department of Ukrainian Language and Applied Linguistics, Donetsk National University, Donetsk, Ukraine

Available 21 October 2011

The special interest to the prosaic text is characteristic for the linguistics of the recent decades. Such text can be
defined through the categories of integrity and cohesion, which are typical for any text. The most scientific papers
consider the integrity, which appears partially in connection between the coherence and cohesion, to be the axiom
[Leontiev 1976: 62]. The concept of cohesion is inextricably connected with the collateral and successive link in the
The topic of the study is relevant, because the text linguistics problems taking part in making the prosaic text
coherent and connected with studying of the typical manifestations of successive link, which are studied nowadays, are
considered in it [Sereda 1984: 12-13]. Such typical manifestations are repetitions, which are actively used in prosaic
speech. There are a lot of papers in scientific literature, which deal with the studying of the repetitions used in different
functional styles [Sokolova 2002; Yaremenko 2003; Zhuk 2004]. The special attention is paid to the quantitative and
structural characteristic of the repetition use in the literary works. The number of studies is aimed at the individual types
of repetitions, particularly: the distant repetition [Zmievska 1978]; the syntactic parallelism [Maltsev 1970]; the
repetition in syntactic convergences [Malchenko 1975]. The illocutionary modality in the repetition structure
[Kyslovska 1975] is also studied; the repetition is considered as the means of emphasis [Sushchinskyi 1991], of
semantic cohesion [Synytsya 1994], as the style formative means in different types and genres of speech [Holovkina
1964], as the expression means of the author‟s modality and pragmatic purpose of the text [Pyshna 1996].
The purpose of the paper is to determine the successive link as the cohesion manifestation, which is based upon
repetition, in the prosaic speech in English and Ukrainian languages. As a result of the analysis, the typical
manifestations occupying a certain fixed position in micro- and macro-structure of the text, which are considered in the
paper as different means of cohesion, have been determined.
Therefore it can be concluded, that the successive link is fundamental in cohesion formation. The typical
manifestations of such link being observed in prosaic texts in English and Ukrainian appear to be the cohesion
manifestation, which serves as the most important text formative category. The different types of repetitions, including
the semantic, contextual-synonymic, contact, distant, prevailing types, reveal the matter of cohesion, which is
implemented by the lexical, grammatical, semantic means at the formal level. The prosaic text is a text, in which the
successive link makes up an integral, informative-pithy and semantic-syntactic structure.
The perspective of further studying can be observed along with the above-mentioned in this research, therefore
the whole complex of questions concerning the problem of contextual synonymy cannot be fully considered within one
paper. The discussed questions appear to be relevant for the studying of the internal textual status of the nomination
units, which are implemented in prosaic text as the contextual synonyms and need a special attention in the contrastive

Research highlights
► The article deals with the typical successive link manifestations of the prosaic text, in particular, with
providing of prosaic text cohesion in English and Ukrainian languages. ► The author pays a special attention to the ЛІНГВІСТИЧНІ СТУДІЇ. Випуск 24

contextual synonymy as one of the main means of successive link, which provides the thematic development and the
prosaic text cohesion achievement.
Keywords: successive link, cohesion, synonymy, repetition.

Bellert, I. (1978). Ob odnom uslovii svjaznosti teksta. Lingvistika teksta, 8, 172-208.
Golovkina, N. T. (1964). Povtor kak stilisticheskoe sredstvo v razlichnyh vidah i zhanrah rechi. Avtoref. dis. …
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Zahnitko, A. P. (2011). Teoretychna hramatyka suchasnoyi ukrayins‟koyi movy. Morfolohiya. Syntaksys.
Donets’k: TOV “VKF “BAO”.
Zmievskaja, N. A. (1978). Lingvostilisticheskie osobennosti distantnogo povtora i ego rol’ v organizacii teksta.
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Kislovskaja, E. N. (1975). Pobuditel’naja modal’nost’ v strukture povtora (na materiale sovremennogo
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Synycya, I. A. (1994). Leksychnyj povtor yak zasib realizaciyi zv‟yaznosti tekstu. Movoznavstvo, 2/3, 56-60.
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Agricola, Е. (1970). Textstruktur aus linguistischer Sicht. Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der pдdagogischen
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Dickens, Ch. (1961). Selected stories. M .
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Green, G. (1961). Selected stories. M.
Henry, O. (1961). Selected stories. M. ABSTRACTS


Correspondence: nicksong@mail.ru
Mykola V. Kobzev is Post-Graduate Student of Department of Ukrainian Language and Applied Linguistics in
Donetsk National University. His research area includes the comparative grammar.

Zoriana Kotsiuba
Department of Germanic Languages and Translation Studies, Drohobych Ivan Franko National Pedagogical
University, Lviv, Ukraine

Available 24 October 2011

The paremias have been studied comprehensively in traditional linguistic, paremiologic, and folklore studies for
decades, that has resulted in hundreds of papers which highlight the features of the structure, semantics, stylistics, and
functioning paremias on different languages basics. However, the status of proverbs and sayings as objects of linguistic
study is not found out quite yet.
The purpose of research is to analyze traditional and contemporary approaches to the consideration of
multilingual paremias.
The purpose of the article makes the following tasks: 1) to consider various aspects and areas of linguistic study
of proverbs and sayings, and 2) to trace the problems of linguistic and cultural analysis paremias in languages of the
European area, in particular within the universal and national search in the traditional texts of popular culture.
Multilingual proverbs and sayings are not a set of separate units. It is not a system of units, which are carriers of
certain grammatical, logical-semiotic or substantive grounds on which they fall. It is a system of units in which
positional and logical relationships acquire a spatial character. An understanding of paremias as a “connectivity”, on the
one hand, conventionally embedded in mathematical understanding of topological and metric spaces. Y. Levin notes
that “there are large numbers of proverbs where not only the “topology” is set (we distinguish “close” adage of
“distant”), but also “metric” (or rather “quasi-metric”, because “when we distinguish more or less close saying, we don`t
know how to measure the distance between them)” [Levin 1984: 109]. Topological and metric properties of proverbial
space in linguistics are described by synonymic, antonymic, and homonymic fundamental relations. On the other hand,
paremias “psaceness” is the result of universality of a significant part of multilingual proverbs and sayings, in which
first general cultural stereotypes of consciousness have been verbalized on a broad idioethnic background that indicates
the absence of a clear ethno-cultural worldview determination and its emphasis due to nationally, in which shows the
individual image of each culture.
Contemporary approaches to the scientific interpretation of the traditional objects of linguistic studies open new
perspectives for the study of proverbs and sayings in some languages as well as in interlingual comparison with
including extra-lingual data and allow to reach some linguistic, cultural and ethnic conclusions.

Research highlights
► The article focuses on the examination of various aspects and tendencies in the linguistic research of proverbs
and sayings. ► The problems of the linguocultural analysis of European proverbial corpora are traced, in particular
within the research of national and universal in traditional texts of folk culture.
Keywords: proverb, saying, linguistics, paremiology, lingual consciousness, common consciousness.

Alefirenko, M. F. (1987). Teoretychni pytannya frazeolohiyi. Kharkiv: Vyd-vo pry Kharkivs‟komu derzh. un-ti
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Anikin, V. P. (1965). Ob internacional’nom i nacional’nom izuchenii poslovic. Proverbium(Helsinki), 2, 27-31.
Barli, N. (1984). Strukturnyj podhod k poslovice i maksime. Paremiologicheskie issledovanija, 126-148.
Moskva: Gl. red. vostochnoj l-ry. ЛІНГВІСТИЧНІ СТУДІЇ. Випуск 24

Blagova, G. F. (2000). Poslovica i zhizn’: Lichnyj fond russkih poslovic v istoriko-fol’kloristicheskoj
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sponukannya v suchasnij nimec‟kij movi. Avtoref. dys. …kand. filol. nauk: 10.02.04. Kyyivs‟kyj linhv. un-t. Kyyiv.
Vorkachev, S. G. (2001). Lingvokul’turologija, jazykovaja lichnost’, koncept: stanovlenie antropocentricheskoj
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tekst, 13-34. Moskva: Nauka.
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L‟viv: Litopys.
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Krikmann, A. A. (1984). Opyt ob‟jasnenija nekotoryh semanticheskih mehanizmov poslovicy.
Paremiologicheskie issledovanija, 149-178. Moskva: Gl. red. vostochnoj l-ry.
Kuznecov, A. M. (2000). Kognitologija, «antropocentrizm», «jazykovaja kartina mira» i problemy issledovanija
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Levin, Ju. I. (1984). Proverbial’noe prostranstvo. Paremiologicheskie issledovanija, 108-126. Moskva: Gl. red.
Merzlikina, O. V. (2001). Komunikatyvno-prahmatychnyj aspekt funkcionuvannya prysliv’yiv u khudozhnikh
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Mokienko, V. M. (1982). K razgranicheniju geneticheskih i tipologicheskih svjazej slavjanskoj pogovorki.
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JuNESKO, 364-369. Kijev: Naukova dumka.
Nakonechna, O. I. (1997). Katehoriya ob‟yektyvnoyi modal‟nosti v ukrayins‟kykh prysliv‟yakh i prykazkakh.
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Paducheva, E. V. (1984). O semanticheskih svjazjah mezhdu basnej i ee moral’ju (na materiale basen Jezopa).
Paremiologicheskie issledovanija, 223-251. Moskva: Gl. red. vostochnojl-ry.
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Moskva: Labirint.
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im. V. I. Lenina. Moskva. ABSTRACTS

SLT, Yermolenko, S. Ya., & Bybyk, S. P., & Todor, O. H. (2001). Ukrayins‟ka mova. Korotkyj tlumachnyj
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Mieder, W. (2005). American Proverbs as International, National and Global Phenomenon. Patarlės fenomenas:
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Sitarz, M. (2000). Yiddish and Polish proverbs. Contrastive Analysis against Cultural Background. Magdalena
Sitarz. Krakуw: Polska Academia Umiejętności.

Correspondence: z.kotsiuba@mail.ru
Zoryana G. Kotsyuba is Doctor of Philology, Professor at Department of Germanic Languages and Translation
Studies in Drohobych Ivan Franko National Pedagogical University. Her field of interests is the theory of language.

Tetyana Koval
Department of Journalism, Institute of Philology and Journalism of Kherson State University, Kherson, Ukraine

Available 20 October 2011

Today, inmass-media space clearly implemented cognitive-communicative nature of the interaction of the
participants of communication. Representation, classification of knowledge, ideas and opinions is as purposeful social
action, accompanied by an expression of subjective attitude towards their maintenance and causes a variety of feelings,
psychological reactions and emotions. Therefore, researchers pay much attention to the newspaper kind of journalistic
style – the most popular form means of expression formula of mass communication.
All researches of the journalese proceed of the functional distinctness of newspaper and journalistic style, the
essence of which lies in the dialectical unity of two functions – the impact and message. Although logical, emotional
and expressive elements must be mutually balanced in the various genres of journalism, at the present stage of
newspaper communication increases expressive function. That is why the question about the nature and feasibility of
using the complex of the expressive means and problem of methods of their realization in the Ukrainian newspaper
discourse has gained therelevance. Linguists of different linguistic schools and directions (N. Boiko, G. Gladkov,
S. Ermolenko, B. Kovalenko, M. Kravchenko, T. Krysanov, K. Mustafayeva, M. Pylynskyy, N. Romanova,
K. Svyatchyk, V. Chabanenko) made a lot of different researches of elements of linguistic structure that express
expressivity. However, still there is not any comprehensive investigation, in which a new approach to the classification
and operation of means of expression formula in the Ukrainian newspaper discourse will have realized.
The purpose of scientific research is revealing and analysis the means of expression formula on all linguistic and
extra-linguistic levels in discourse in the press of the beginning of the XXIth century.
The main tasks of the study are:
1) a clarification of peculiarities of the functioning of expressams as the main tool of journalists’ figurative
2) a classification of means of expression formula in contemporary newspaper discourse;
3) a definition of functions of expressams within dictum.
The sources of factual material
Scientific research was conducted on the material of newspaper and journalistic texts of modern Ukrainian
media: “Bulava”, “Vhoru”, “Hryvna”, “Den‟”, “Dzerkalo Tyzhnya”, “Lіteraturna Ukrayina”, “Novyy Den‟”, “Sіl‟s‟kі
Visti”, “Ukrayina moloda”, “Uryadovyy kur‟yer”, “Khreshchatyk” for years 2001-2011. ЛІНГВІСТИЧНІ СТУДІЇ. Випуск 24

So expressivization of the language of newspaper discourse is the single, complete process of realization of its
features such as emotive, imagery, evaluation, stylistic drafting and its structural and compositional resources and
means. After reviewing extensive factual material (more than a thousand examples-illustrations) author proved that in
today’s newspaper discourse all means of expressive formula are actively use of all linguistics (phonetic, word-
formative, morphological, lexical-phraseological, syntactic and stylistic) and even extra-linguistic (graphic) levels.
Some of them are the most common and productive, others occur less frequently. But they all together create the bright,
expressive, emotional speech of newspaper text.
Perspectives for further scientific researchers are seen in the investigation of complex means of expression
formula and their interaction in the contemporary discourse of the Ukrainian press.

Research highlights
►А complex system of the means of expression formula in Ukrainian press discourse ХХІth century has been
studied from the new points in essence. ► Their functional resources have been clarified. ► Means of emotional
expressivity formula have been described in system taking into account modern achievements in theory of the language
Keywords: discourse, expressivity, emotivity-valuetivly means, expressams, means of expression formula.

Bojko, N. I. (2005). Ukrayins‘ka ekspresyvna leksyka. Nizhyn: TOV “Vydavnyctvo “Aspekt-Polihraf”.
Galkina-Fedoruk, E. M. (1958). Ob jekspressivnosti i jemocional’nosti v jazyke. Sbornik statej po jazykoznaniju,
103-124. Moskva: Izd-vo Moskovskogo un-ta.
Yermolenko, S. Ya. (1999). Narysy z ukrayins‘koyi slovesnosti(stylistyka ta kul‘tura movy). Kyyiv: Dovira.
Zahnitko, A. P. (2007). Suchasni linhvistychni teoriyi. Donets’k: TOV “Yuho-Vostok Ltd”.
Zahnitko, A. P., & Monastyrets‟ka, H. V. (2009). Linhvistyka tekstu. Donets’k: DonNU.
Oleksenko, V. P. (2005). Slovotvirni katehoriyi imennyka. Kherson: Ajlant.
Chabanenko, V. A. (1984). Osnovy movnoyi ekspresiyi. Kyyiv: Vyshha shkola.
Chabanenko, V. A. (1993). Stylistyka ekspresyvnykh zasobiv ukrayins‘koyi movy(1). Zaporizhzhya: Vyd-vo

Correspondence: koval-tanya9@mail.ru
Tetyana L. Koval is Lecturer of Department of Journalism in the Institute of Philology and Journalism of
Kherson State University, and Post-Graduate Student at Department of the Ukrainian Language and Sociolinguistics.
Her research area includes theory of discourse.

Zhanna Krasnobaeva-Chorna
Department of Ukrainian Language and Applied Linguistics, Donetsk National University, Donetsk, Ukraine

Available 19 October 2011

The relevance of this research is due tothe lack in the scientific literature a system description of genetically
types of phraseological units as well as the necessity of structuring the terminological subsystem “genetically
classification of phraseological units” to “The Dictionary of phraseological terms of the modern Ukrainian language”.
The aims of the work are:
1) to identify components of terminological subsystem “genetically classification of phraseological units”
(cf. terminological system “phraseology”);
2) to process the entries of terms of this subsystem to “The Dictionary of phraseological terms of the modern
Ukrainian language”.
The terminological subsystem “genetically classification of phraseological units” is a terminological component
of termsystem “phraseology”. Analysis of the subsystem terms showed that the genetically classification of
phraseological units highlights not only the source of phraseology, but the specifics of creating ones. Genetically ABSTRACTS

classification of PU can be refine with the classification of phraseological units for field of use (it has been
considered in the work as a separate terminological subsystem), in addition, genetically classification is closely related
to translative classification of phraseology, which helps ensure the veracity of etymological origin of PU, to penetrate
deeper into their structural-semantic features as complex signs of secondary nomination, as well as to organize and to
compare obtained data within the lexical-phraseological system of source-language and receptor-language.
In the fitire seems relevant the formation of terminological subsystem “classification of phraseological units for
field of use” and “translative classification of phraseological units”.

Research highlights
► In the article essential ideas on the sources of the Ukrainian phraseology in the ХХth – beginning ХХІth
century are observed. ► Some basic terms of the term system “genetically classification of phraseological units” are
processed by the accepted model of the vocabulary entry from “The Dictionary of phraseological terms of the modern
Ukrainian language”.
Keywords: strictly-genetically classification of phraseological units, cognitive-genetically classification of
phraseological units, terminological system, phraseological unit.

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Correspondence: donkafukr@ukr.net
Zhanna V. Krasnobaeva-Chorna is Candidate of Philology, associate Professor at Department of Ukrainian
Language and Applied Linguistics in Donetsk National University. Her research area includes the phraseology of
Ukrainian language and the theory of discourse.

Svetlana Krishtal
Department of Theory and Practice of Translation, Donetsk National University, Donetsk, Ukraine

Available18 October 2011

Secondary nomination in its metaphorical aspect belongs to one of the most popular research topics in modern
linguistics. The study of metaphor is a key part of the research on methods of nomination in the language (including
terminology), in style, cognitive science, ethnolinguistics, communication language and mentality. To date, the
mechanism of metaphorical transfer described in detail (N.D. Arutyunova, V.Y. Apresyan, Y.D. Apresyan,
A.A. Zalevskaya, G.N. Sklyarevskii) the role of metaphor defines in the completion of special vocabularies
sublanguages (T.R. Kiyak, V.N. Prokhorova, S.M. Krishtal, A.V. Kryzhanovskaya), the importance of metaphor as a
stylistic means describes (C. Bally, A.I. Fedorov, V.G. Gak), as a way of knowledge of the world, a way of thinking
(S.S. Gusev, K.K. Zhol, J.O. Oparina), the ability of metaphors to reflect a national-cultural identity and to serve means
to create a linguistic picture of the world is analyzed at different linguistic material (N.V. Lobur, M.M. Makowski,
V.N. Telia).
The focus of modern research is on the semantics of metaphorical structures. Their structure remains poorly
known, which accounts for the relevance of the study. Analysis of metaphors from the viewpoint of their structural
features can provide an answer to the question of why the number of metaphors in different languages in different ways.
The puepose of the article is to establish a connection between the structural type of language and semantic way
of word-formation.
The main tasks of the study are:
1) to determine linguistic factors that contribute to metaphor in English;
2) to analyze the metaphoric English formations from the standpoint of their translation into Russian.
Thus, these factors related to the structural-typological peculiarities of the English language, contribute tohigher
productivity metaphorical word-formation. Ease of construction has a direct impact on the semantic characteristics of
metaphors in the English language. The high degree of imagery, combining the metaphorof objects as separated from
each other, creates some difficulties in translating English metaphors into Russian.
Conducting such a study based on texts belonging to different genres, with the involvement of different
languages in the future may be of interest.

Research highlights
► The article proves connection between structural type of the language and semantic word-building. ► It
singles out factors, encouraging metaphorical word-building in the English language. ► The paper presents analysis of
the possibilities to translate English metaphors, which are structurally typical of the language, into Russian.
Keywords: metaphorical word building, conversion, verbal noun, verbs with postpositive, suffix of the doer of
the action. ABSTRACTS


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Corresponding author. Present address: 18 Vatutina Ave., 47, Donetsk, Donetsk region, 83050, Ukraine. Tel.:
+ 38 050 654 68 54.
Svetlana M. Krishtal, Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor at Department of Theory and Practice of
Translation, Donetsk National University. Her research areas include comparative grammar and English word building.

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