Лінгвістичні студії: Збірник наукових праць.


Olga Krombet
Department of Romance Philology, Kyiv National Linguistic University, Kyiv, Ukraine

Available 28 October 2011

Language borrowing foreign words does not leave the munchanged for a longtime. At the time of it, borrowing
of loans are “outside the system” language of the recipient, because they have own linguistic features. These words
gradually rebuilt, adapting to the phonetic, graphic, morphological and lexical patterns of the language of the recipient,
to the language systemin total e.g. exposed to the process of assimilation. As a result of this process, borrowings lose
their foreign character, stop highlight at the background of lexical system of the recipient language, and become an
integral part of it.
The purpose of this article is to prove that the update of language is not only an adding of new words to a lexical
system of the recipient language, but also display sat all levels of language system.
The task of this work is the identification and characterization of the main types of lexical borrowing adaptation,
common in Roman linguistics.
So, polysemic borrowing goes two ways of its development: 1) convergent development – the value of borrowed
words in French are identical with the values of the source language; 2) divergent development – expansion of
borrowed words values in the French language goes regardless of the model-language sources.
Anystage of adaptation of lexical borrowings is a complicated and long process that is not possible to be
explored outside of system of language. Typically, all presented types of adaptations of foreign words are closely
related and are in permanent interaction.
In the future, it‟s important to continuere searching the lexical borrowings through deepening the study of
semantic adaptation; to determine convergence and divergence characteristics of polysemic borrowing since XVIth
century; to establish communications with French language, by defining the fate of borrowed words in the process of
their functioning in the French language.

Research highlights
►The main types of adaptation are determined, which are accepted in the Romance philology. ► The peculiarities of
each type of adaptation are found out. ► The relation between research types of adaptation and levels of language is
established. ЛІНГВІСТИЧНІ СТУДІЇ. Випуск 24

Keywords: lexical loanword, source language, target language, phonetic / phonological adaptation, graphic
adaptation, phonographic adaptation, morphological adaptation, semantic adaptation.

Gak, V. G. (1985). Francuzskaja orfografija. Moskva: Prosveshhenie.
Doza, A. (2003). Istorija francuzskogo jazyka. Moskva: Izdatel’stvo inostrannoj literatury.
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descriptions. Bruxelles: De Boeck-Wesmael s. a.
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Deroy, L. (1956). L‘emprunt linguistique. P.: Les Belles Lettres.
Honvault, R. (1995). Statut linguistique et gestion de la variation graphique.Langue franзaise, 108 (1), 10-17.
Huchon, M. (2002). Histoire de la langue franзaise. P.: Librairie Gйnйrale Franзaise.
Margarito, M. (2008). Une valise pour bien voyager … avec les italianismes du franзais. Synergies Italie, 4, 63-
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Correspondence: olga_miel@ukr.net
Olga V. Krombet is Candidate of Philology, Senior Lecturer at Department of Romance Philology in Kyiv
National Linguistic University. Her research area includes the lexicology of modern Roman languages.

Mariya Kushmet
Department of Ukrainian Language and Applied Linguistics, Donetsk National University, Donetsk, Ukraine

Available 27 October 2011

The vocabulary of agriculture in the context of ХХІth century absorbs for itself the oldest elements of lexical
display with modifications, predefined the increased influence of literary language. If as early as the middle of the last
century linguists marked the tendency of expulsing of dialectal language with the literary one, lately with increased
included of the literary Ukrainian language in all spheres of life, with development of favorable social-economic and
cultural terms, with noticeable influence of the press, radio, television, dialects have considerable deformation,
gradually approaching a literary language. It is today important to fix the dialectal language of any part of the Ukrainian
dialectal continuum, warning the process of leveling of specific dialectal lines, and actual is finding out the features of
different layers of vocabulary of accrued manners of speaking. Other important argument which certifies actuality of
studying the features of dialectal agriculture vocabulary is that such names, thoroughly analyzed in works by
P. Grycenko, M. Nikonchuk, J. Dzendzelivskyi, G. Kozachuk, M. Tymchenko, K. Bacenko, T. Tischenko, R. Serdega,
J. Abramyan and others.
The purpose of the article is the establishment of phonetic features of agricultural vocabulary of manners of
speaking of the Donetsk area.
The analysis of phonetic features of agricultural vocabularyof Eastern-steppe subdialects allows to assert that the
most fixed dialectal phonetic lines are represented by the phenomena, peculiar for all south-east subdialects, and also
some phonetic signs, characteristic for other Ukrainian dialects, that is predefined the features of forming the accrued ABSTRACTS

subdialects in the Donetsk area. Noticeable is influence on the phonetic system of the probed group of Russian
vocabulary, predefined the protracted territorial contacts.
The perspective is seemed by subsequent consideration of vocabulary of agriculture with the purpose of finding
out of features of the dialectal broadcasting of the Donetsk area on synchronous and diachronous cuts.

Research highlights
► The phonetic features of south-east manners of speaking are considered on material of vocabulary of
Keywords: Eastern-steppe subdialects, agricultural vocabulary, phonetic variant, vocalism.

Bevzenko, S. P. (1980). Dialektolohiya. Kyyiv: Vyshha shkola, 37-87.
Hlukhovceva, K. D. (2005). Dynamika ukrayins‘kykh skhidnoslobozhans‘kykh hovirok: monohrafiya. Luhans‟k:
Al‟ma-mater, 30-76.
Zhylko, F. T. (1966). Narysy z dialektolohiyi ukrayins‘koyi movy. Kyyiv: Radyans‟ka shkola, 138-265.
Zhovtobryukh, M. A. (1967). Pro odyn teoretychnyj aspekt kul‟tury ukrayins‟koyi movy. Movoznavstvo, 3, 53-
Zahnitko, A. (1998). Skhidnostepovi ukrayins‘ki hovirky. Za zah. red. A. Zahnitka. Kyyiv: Vydavnyctvo
Klymenko, N. B. (1998). Fonetychni osoblyvosti leksyky odyahu ukrayins‟kykh skhidnostepovykh hovirok.
Aktual’nye issledovanija jazyka i rechi: Materialy mezhdunarodnoj nauchnoj konferencii molodyh uchenyh. Mynsk:
Yzd-vo Belorusskoho unyversyteta, 3, 178-181.
Matviyas, I. H. (2000). Zasady ukrayins‟koyi dialektolohiyi. Movoznavstvo, 1, 3-9.
Matviyas, I. H. (1983). Formuvannya pivdenno-skhidnoho narichchya ukrayins‟koyi movy. Movoznavstvo, 1,
Shevchenko, T. G. (1974). K harakteristike foneticheskih osobennostej anan’evskih govorov. Soveshhanie po
obshheslavjanskomu lingvisticheskomu atlasu (Voronezh, 11-16 sentjabrja 1974 g.). Tezisy dokladov. Voronezh, 81-84.
Taranenko, O. O. (1972). Deyaki fonetychni osoblyvosti hovirky sela Olefirivky na Pavlohradshhyni. Pytannya
ukrayins‘koyi dialektolohiyi i mizhmovnykh (mizhdialektnykh) kontaktiv, 62-64. Dnipropetrovs‟k.
Frolyak, L. D. (1999). Typolohiya ukrayins‟kykh hovirok terytoriyi pizn‟oho zaselennya (na materiali hovirok
Donechchyny). Visnyk Luhans‘koho derzhavnoho pedahohichnoho universytetu im. T. Shevchenka: Filolohichni nauky.
Luhans‟k, 10, 99-104.

Correspondence: marija_nebajduzha@mail.ru
Mariya S. Kushmet is Post-Graduate Student at Department of Ukrainian and Applied Linguistics in Donetsk
National University. The circle of scientific interests is dialectology of modern Ukrainian language.

Natalie Leshkova
Department of Ukrainian Language, Horlivka State Pedagogic Institute of Foreign Languages, Horlivka,
Donetsk region, Ukraine

Available 20 October 2011

The purpose of using psycholinguistic paradigm as generally accepted example of organization, formulating and
solving research tasks for thema-rhematic articulation is brightly elucidated by realization and stating such a fact, that
there are real mechanisms in a human‟s brain which correspond to accomplishment of thema-rhematic articulation. As
L.V. Sakharnyy thinks, such mechanisms are in the right hemisphere of the brain [Sakharnyj 1989: 62]. Due to this a
rather flexible variation of situation actual elements is usually formed by three years or some later. It is formed that is
called “protoactual breaking up with a rhema support” by Sakharniy [Sakharnyj 1989: 62]. Learned facts of such
grammar which is called “rude” and thema-rhematic and needs a strong attention, which is founded on phenomenon of
unite “image” speaking allow a child of a year and half to make that is called a wonder separation of the vocabulary
complex into two different parts without any troubles: Таня ляля. ЛІНГВІСТИЧНІ СТУДІЇ. Випуск 24

We should pay attention, that importance of researching children‟s speaking doesn‟t cause any doubts, as
O.S. Kubryakova, O.O. Leontiev, J. Slobin. Results of researching children‟s speech are very important for solving lots
of linguistic problems. “… Neither forming language abilities and knowledge, nor a problem of appearing speech and
its understanding, which are connected with these problems of processing and appearing speech abilities, so they cannot
be elucidated without children‟s speaking analysis”, O.S. Kubryakova writes [Kubryakova 1996: 107]. Thema-rhematic
articulation is not an exception and it causes an importance and actuality of this research.
The purpose of research is a proving of a right using psycholinguistic paradigm as generally accepted in the
particular scientific community an example of solving researching tasks about theoretical and conception realization of
the phenomenon of the thema-rhematic articulation.
So, the nature of thema-rhematic articulation should be researched not through the prism of grammar paradigm,
but through the psycholinguistic paradigm.
Studying this question the fact of approaching linguistics to psychology is getting clear for us. That is why the
solving of linguistic questions in psychology can be continued.

Research highlights
► In this paper author proves the validity of attracting the psycholinguistic paradigm as generally accepted in
the particular scientific community pattern of research problems’ statement, formulation and solution in the view of
theoretical and conceptual understanding of thema-rhematic articulation phenomenon.
Keywords: thema-rhematic articulation, psycholinguistics, language, speech.

Boguslavskij, I. M. (1998). Sfera dejstvija nachinatel’nosti i aktual’noe chlenenie; vtjagivanie remy. Semiotika i
informatika, 36, 12. Moskva: Russkie slovari.
Gomezo, M. V., & Domashenko, I. A. (1986). Atlas po psihologii. Moskva: Prosveshhenie.
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terminov. Moskva: Izdatel’stvo MGU.
Saharnyj, L. V. (1989). Vvedenie v psiholingvistiku. Kurs lekcij. Leningrad: Izdatel’stvo Leningradskogo
Saharnyj, L. V. (1994). Chelovek i tekst: dve grammatiki teksta. Chelovek – tekst – kul’tura. Ekaterinburg.
Slobin, D. (1976). Jazykovoe razvitie rebenka. Psiholingvistika. Moskva: Progress.
Hjellidej, M. A. K. (1978). Mesto “funkcional’noj perspektivy predlozhenija” v sisteme lingvisticheskogo
opisanija. Novoe v zarubezhnoj lingvistike, VІІІ. Lingvistika teksta, 139. Moskva: Progress.
Shahmatov, A. A. (1952). Uchenie o chastjah rechi. Iz trudov A.A. Shahmatova po sovremennomu russkomu
jazyku, 36. Moskva: Uchpedgiz.
Shherba, L. V. (1958). O vtorostepennyh chlenah predlozhenija. Izbrannye trudy po jazykoznaniju i fonetike,
101. Leningrad: Izdatel’stvo Leningradskogo universiteta.

Correspondence: nataleshkova@yandex.ru
NatalieV. Leshkova is Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor at Department of Ukrainian Language in
Horlivka State Pedagogic Institute of Foreign Languages. Her research areas include functional-communicate grammar

Valentyna Lesnova
Department of Ukrainian Philology and General Linguistics, Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University,
Luhansk, Ukraine

Available 25 October 2011

Lately linguistic researches become more centered. Worldview of the people, its cultural and historical
experiences directly affect the development of evaluation criteria, the formation of stereotypes, standards, pursuant to
which this evaluation is realized. According to T.I. Vendina, “actualization of ideas of anthropological linguistics, ABSTRACTS

which addressed to the” heart of a language “, i.e. to the view, the system of values of the ethnic which were in her
world, and it gave a powerful impetus to the development of linguistic axiology” [Vendina 1997: 41].
The essence of the linguistic category of valuation, means of its expression, and allied phenomena of emotive,
expressiveness, imagination were the subject of the research of many domestic and foreign linguists (N.D. Arutyunova,
O.L. Byessonova, V.M. Boguslavsky, N.I. Boiko, T. Vendina, A.M. Wolf, T.A. Cosmed, N. Lukyanova, T. Markelov,
V.N. Telia, V. Chabanenko, etc.). However, the insufficient attention is paid to assessment in dialectal
speech. However, the word in live speech takes an additional emotional and evaluative overtones, means of expression
evaluation in dialects more diverse than in a codified literary language. Thus, the relevance of this work was that
evaluation words which occupy an important place in the speech of Ukrainian dialectal language speakers and have
significant functional activity has not been the subject of special study yet.
The purpose of the article is to analyze word-forming means of expression evaluation values in the Ukrainian
dialectal speech.
The implementation of a particular purpose involves the following tasks: to identify the most productive ways of
word-formation evaluation nomens; to find functional suffixes of subjective assessment (pejorative and meliorative) in
the dialectal text.
In the dialectal speech word-forming means of expressing evaluative significance are widely represented. The
suffixational way of forming the nomens evaluation is the most productive one. The semantics of words with pejorative
and meliorative suffixes depends on the context in many cases.
Perspective of the research consists in the development of problems of values and evaluation in aspect of word-
formation, particularly in establishing objects and derivational expression specificity of different types of assessment,
based on dialectal material.

Research highlights
► The word-forming means of evaluation meanings expression in the Ukrainian dialectal speech have been
analyzed. ► The most productive means of evaluation nomens formation have been defined. ► The functions of
pejorative and meliorative suffixes in the dialectal context have been determined.
Keywords: evaluation vocabulary, positive evaluation, negative evaluation, means of word-formation,
meliorative suffixes, pejorative suffixes.

Vendina, T. I. (1997). Semantika ocenki i ejo manifestacija sredstvami slovoobrazovanija. Slavjanovedenie, 4, 4-
Holubovs‟ka, I. O. (2004). Etnichni osoblyvosti movnykh kartyn svitu. Kyyiv: Lohos.
Zemskaja, E. A. (red.) (1981). Russkaja razgovornaja rech’. Obshhie voprosy. Slovoobrazovanie. Sintaksis.
Moskva: Nauka.
Korunec‟, L. I. (1981). Katehoriya deminutyvnosti v anhlijs‟kij ta ukrayins‟kij movakh. Movoznavstvo, 4, 81-85.
Prystaj, H. (2009). Do pytannya morfonolohiyi ekspresyvnoyi leksyky. Dyvoslovo, 9, 39-40.
Harchenko, V. K. (1976). Razgranichenie ocenochnosti, obraznosti, jekspressii i jemocional’nosti v semantike
slova. Russkij jazyk v shkole, 3, 66.
Chabanenko, V. A. (1984). Osnovy movnoyi ekspresiyi. Kyyiv: Vyshha shkola.
Shynkaruk, L. B. (2002). Slovotvirna katehoryzaciya sub‘yektyvnoyi ocinky. Chernivci: Ruta.
Jagubova, M. A. (1991). Problema identifikacii ocenochnoj leksiki v razgovornoj rechi. Aktivnye processy v
jazyke i rechi. Saratov: Izdatel’stvo Saratovskogo universiteta, 17-24.

Sources and Abbreviations
HH, Zakrevs‟ka, Ya. (red.) (1997). Hucul‘s‘ki hovirky: korotkyj slovnyk. L‟viv.
Nehrych, M. (2008). Skarby hucul‘s‘koho hovoru: Berezovy (2 t.). L‟viv: In-t ukrayinoznavstva im.
I. Kryp‟yakevycha.
P-s Slobozhanshhyna, Mahryc‟ka, I., & Semystyaha, V., & Sikors‟ka, Z., & Chornopys‟kyj, M., & Shevcova, V.
(2002). Pivnichno-skhidna Slobozhanshhyna (Novopskovs‘kyj, Bilovods‘kyj, Milovs‘kyj rajony Luhans‘koyi oblasti):
materialy. fol‘kol.-dialekt. ekspedycij. L‟viv: Vyd. centr LNU im. Ivana Franka.
SBH, Onyshkevych, M. (1984). Slovnyk bojkivs‘kykh hovirok. Kyyiv: Naukova dumka.
Svativshhyna, Sikors‟ka, Z. (red.) (1998). Svativshhyna: materialy. fol‘klor.-dialekt. ekspedycij. Luhans‟k:
SBukH, Hujvanyuk, N. (red.) (2005). Slovnyk bukovyns‘kykh hovirok. Chernivci: Ruta.
SHNN, Chabanenko, V. (1992). Slovnyk hovirok Nyzhn‘oyi Naddnipryanshhyny(1-4 t.). Zaporizhzhya.
SZPH, Arkushyn, H. (2000). Slovnyk zakhidnopolis‘kykh hovirok (1-2 t.). Luc‟k: Vezha. ЛІНГВІСТИЧНІ СТУДІЇ. Випуск 24

SPH, Lysenko, P. (1974). Slovnyk polis‘kykh hovoriv. Kyyiv: Naukova dumka.
Starobil‟shhyna, Sikors‟ka, Z. (red.) (2000). Starobil‘shhyna: materialy fol‘klor.-dialekt. ekspedycij. Luhans‟k:
Shylo, H. (2008). Naddnistryans‘kyj rehional‘nyj slovnyk. L‟viv: In-t ukrayinoznavstva im. Kryp‟yakevycha
NAN Ukrayiny.

Valentine V. Lyesnova is Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor working for a doctoral degree at
Department of Ukrainian Philology and General Linguistics in Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University. Her
research area includes dialectology of modern Ukrainian language, in particular word-formation.

Kateryna Levchenko
Department of Journalism, Korolenko Poltava National Pedagogical University, Poltava, Ukraine

Available 27 October 2011

Modern linguistics focuses on connections between a person and language, and on the forefront of research there
is a problem of language personality – a person with its ability for speaking acts. G. Infantova fairly notes that “the
question of research of language personality is not a new question for linguistics… But only now we can say with full
knowledge that theoretical framework for the study of specific language personalities is prepared in its core…”
[Infantova 1999: 9]”. And if previously we studied the language of famous writers (mostly through their literary works),
now there are more and more works that include attempts to describe the peculiarities of language personality of
ordinary native speakers” [Kuprina 1998: 6], which also determines the relevance of the proposed research.
The purpose of this research is to define the key concepts of speech portrait of the author of Internet-diary (blog,
network diary).
The purpose identifies performing the following tasks: reviewing and clarifying the concept of “language
portrait”, its components and methods of description; identifying the features of language personality of the author of
Virtual language personality of the author of online diary is a language personality reduced to a set of its own
verbal messages. It combines language personality that operates in virtual discourse on its own be half and
characteristics of the quasi-personality, invented and managed by the real language personality. Within the blog author
has the opportunity to design, correct and remodel self-identity. To portray the language personality of the blogger the
researcher offers the analysis of the language portrait features at the level of its lexicon: description and analysis of all
systematic language levels; description of the linguistic reflection of knowledge about the world perceived through the
prism of cultural, social, psychological, biological features of the language personality; fixation and analysis of the
reflection of the language personality in speaking and metalinguistic labels; study of linguistic behavior features
(etiquette formulas, language clichйs, precedents‟ phenomena, language games), which reflect goals, motives, attitudes
and intentions of the blogger.
Perspectives for further research in this direction author sees in detailed portraying of the language personality of
the author of online diary according to the proposed scheme.

Research highlights
► The paper explores approaches to the creation of linguistic portraits of language personality. ► It gives
author’s scheme of blog’s author linguistic portrait creating. ► This work analyzes the specifics of his identity in the
virtual space and interaction features of language personalities within the blogging discourse.
Keywords: blog, online diary, linguopersonology, linguistic identity, speech portrait.

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Izdatel’skij dom “MIRS”.
Shahnarovich, A. M. (1985). Semantika detskoj rechi: psiholingvisticheskij analiz. Avtoref. dis. … dokt. filol.
nauk. Moskva.
Shahovskij, V. I. (1998). Jazykovaja lichnost’ v jemocional’noj kommunikativnoj situacii. Filologicheskie nauki,
2, 59-65.
Shmeleva, T. V. (1997). Zametki o rechi novgorodcev (V svjazi s problemoj lingvisticheskogo portretirovanija
sovremennogo goroda). Gorodskaja razgovornaja rech’ i problemy ee izuchenija, 1, 30-36. Omsk.

Correspondence: klevchenkoiv@gmail.com
Kateryna I. Levchenko is Post-Graduate Student at Department of Journalism at Poltava National V. Korolenko
Pedagogical University. Areas of her scientific interests are functional communicative grammar and theory of

Nadiya Martyanova
Department of Ukrainian Language and Applied Linguistics, Donetsk National University, Donetsk, Ukraine

Available 17 October 2011 ЛІНГВІСТИЧНІ СТУДІЇ. Випуск 24


The question of correlation of intonation and syntax is been considered as a traditional in the linguistics, but until
now it has not got its final determination.
The speech as a basic form of communication is made of expressions that usually carry out the structure of a
sentence. In this case it should be nesessary to take into consideration the thesis of O.O. Reformatskiy, where he says
that sentence as a grammatical unit hasn‟t got an intonation. It is actuallized into the communicative phenomenon –
expression by means of a phrase which is organized by the intonation [Torsueva 1979: 8-9]. This thesis has something
in common with a thought of Sh. Ballie that intonation is an actualizator which turnes a potentional expression into the
actual [Balli 1955: 50-51].
There are any doubts in a fact that the problem of intonation is actual and form an evident linguistic interest both
in theoretical and practical aspects.
The purpose of the investigation lies in the analysis, generalization and systematisation of views on the functions
of intonation.
Accordind to the purpose of the scientific exploration it is nesessary to solve such tasks as: 1) to find out the
status of researching the intonation in morden linguistics; 2) to follow the methods concerning the intonation; 3) to
determine the functions of intonation; 4) to accomplish their graduation.
Subject of investigation
The syntactical function of a speech intonation is the subject of investigation.
The recognition of intonation‟s independence and its discrete character in the paradigmatical aspect doesn‟t deny
the connection of intonation with the syntactical language level. But intonation doesn‟t duplicate the means of
expressing the syntactical relations. It has some specifical functions and creates an autonomic level of signs.
Differentiation of intonational functions opens the perspective of definition the intonational units and their
differentors that is the perspective of the future reserch.

Research highlights
►The article is devoted to the analysis of the phenomenon of intonation in the communicative aspect of
sentence. ► In the work the questions of intonational functions and their graduation are investigated.
Keywords: expression, intonation, intonational construction, functions of intonation.

Balli, Sh. (1955). Obshhaja lingvistika i voprosy francuzskogo jazyka. Moskva: Izdatel’stvo inostrannoj
Bryzgunova, E. A. (1963). Prakticheskaja fonetika i intonacija russkogo jazyka: posobie dlja prepodavatelej,
zanimajushhihsja s inostrancami. Moskva: Moskovskij universitet.
Hanych, D. I. (1985). Slovnyk linhvistychnykh terminiv. Kyyiv: Vyshha shhkola.
Intonacija (1978). Intonacija / Ruk. avt. kollektiva: Ju. A. Zhluktenko, L. R. Zinder. Kiev: Vishha shkola.
Lingvisticheskij (2002). Lingvisticheskij jenciklopedicheskij slovar’ / [gl. red. V. N. Jarceva]. – 2 e izd.,
dopolnennoe. Moskva: Bol’shaja Rossijskaja jenciklopedija.
Nikolaeva, T. M. (1977). Frazovaja intonacija slavjanskih jazykov. Moskva: Nauka.
Peshkovskij, A. M. (1959). Intonacija i grammatika. Izbrannye trudy. Moskva: Uchpedgiz.
Svetozarova, N. D. (1982). Intonacionnaja sistema russkogo jazyka. Leningrad: Leningradskij gosudarstvennyj
Torsueva, I. G. (1979). Intonacija i smysl vyskazyvanija. Moskva: Nauka.
Shherba, L. V. (1974). Jazykovaja sistema i rechevaja dejatel’nost’. Leningrad: Nauka.

Correspondence: nadija.martjanova@rambler.ru
Nadiya G. Martyanova is Post-Graduate Student at Department of Ukrainian Language and Applied Linguistics
in Donetsk National University. Her research areas include the functional-communicative grammar of the Ukrainian


Alexander Mezhov
Department of Ukrainian Language, Lesya Ukrayinka Volyn National University, Lutsk, Ukraine

Available 31 October 2011

Compound substantial-predicative components form a large number of simple complicated sentences in
Ukkrainian language. That`s why without their comprehensive study it`s impossibly deeply understand the nature of the
sentence as the basic syntactic unit and create the finished syntactic theory that determines the relevance of the study.
The purpose of the article is the investigation of substance-predicate minimal syntactic to unit in the structure of
simple complicated sentence.
The main tasks of the study are:
1) detailed description substantial-predicative minimal syntactic units in the complicated simple sentences of
modern Ukrainian literary language;
2) semantic analysis of their functions, features of derivation, means of morphological expression, formal-
syntactic and communicative positions in a sentence structure;
3) determination of patterns of substantive, objective and instrumental syntaxemes complication with the
predicative meanings of action, process, state and with the secondary ones – of causes, consequence, condition,
purpose, concession, and time.
Thus, complex substantial-predicative units are often the result of offsetting the adverbial clauses and
movement created adverbial syntaxemes into substantive (subjective, objective, instrumental) positions of a simple
complicated sentence, due to the peculiarities of its thema-rhematic articulation.
Perspective in this direction is the investigation of the patterns of complication of substantive syntaxemes with
attributive, quantitative, possessive and other predicative values.

Research highlights
► In the article a system research of complex minimal semantic-syntactical units is conducted in a structure of
semantically complicated simple sentences of modern literary Ukrainian language has been made. ► The pattern of
substantial syntaxemes complication with predicative values of action, process, condition, cause, effect, condition,
concession, time has been resolved.
Keywords: minimal semantic-syntactical unit, complicated sintaxema, subject, object, predicate.

Vykhovanets’, I. R. (1987). Systema vidminkiv ukrayins‘koyi movy. K.: Nauk. dumka.
Vykhovanets’, I. R. (1993). Hramatyka ukrayins‘koyi movy. Syntaksys. K.: Lybid”.
Vykhovanets’, I. R. (1992). Narysy z funkcional‘noho syntaksysu ukrayins‘koyi movy. K.: Naukova dumka.
Vykhovanets’, I. R. (1983). Semantyko-syntaksychna struktura rechennya. K.: Nauk. dumka.
Horodens‟ka, K. H. (1991). Deryvatsiya syntaksychnykh odynyts’. K.: Naukova dumka.
Zahnitko, A. P. (2001). Teoretychna hramatyka ukrayins‘koyi movy. Syntaksys. Donets’k: DonNU.
Zolotova, G. A. (1988). Sintaksicheskij slovar’: Repertuar jelementarn. edinic rus. Sintaksisa. M.: Nauka.
Mirchenko, M. V. (2004). Struktura syntaksychnykh katehorij. Luts’k: RVV „Vezha” Volyn. derzh. un-tu im.
Lesi Ukrayinky.

Correspondence: mezhov@ukr.net
Alexander G. Mezhov is Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor at Department of Ukrainian Language in
Lesya Ukrayinka Volyn National University. His research area includes the grammar of Ukrainian languages, in
particularly the syntax.

Ivanna Myslyva-Bun`ko ЛІНГВІСТИЧНІ СТУДІЇ. Випуск 24

Department of Ukrainian Language, Editor of the Informational Center of Lesya Ukrayinka Volyn National
University, Lutsk, Ukraine

Available 28 October 2011

Now in mass media, as in the Ukrainian language, there is a tendency of intensive use of euro-component for
making abbreviations. This problem was examined by researchers of Ukrainian and mass media languages –
N. Klymenko, E. Karpilovska, I. Kochan, O. Styshov, O. Mitchuk, M. Navalna, G. Shapovalova, S. Klimovich,
O. Gritcenko, U. Pedenko, Ya. Pryhoda. Despite the number of works on this subject, such derivatives aren‟t well
worked up. Taking this into consideration, this research gets importance and actuality.
The purpose of the article is to distinguish lexical and semantic groups of derivatives with euro-component and
to identify the main stylistic functions of these words in the language of newspaper and magazine publicizm of the
XXIth century.
According to the purpose it should be solved the problems:
1) to analyze complex words with the prepositive euro-component;
2) to distinguish semantic groups of abbreviations with euro-;
3) to trace the stylistic meaning of words with euro- in the language of modern newspapers and magazines;
4) to pay attention to the reasonable use of these lexemes in the current media discourse.
Language of mass media of the XXIth century shows a new era in Ukraine – a “eurolife” and “euronotion”
because there is an increased word-building potential of the base-top euro- that has developed numerically large group
of derivatives and lexical-semantic field. The texts of the modern Ukrainian press fix abbreviations with the euro- for
marking the notions, phenomena, actions of socio-political, economical, sport, cultural and even domestic spheres of
A large part of the socio-political complex “eurowords” has the peculiar literary character, though among this
group there are emotionally and value-based derivatives (євроентузіасти, єврошпарина, євромрії, євроскептики,
євроґвалт). Generally speaking in the language of the mass media observed a marked increase in expressive marked
abroformations. This is caused by social deprivation and reassessment of high-sounding Euro-base and according to
this – the appearance of a figurative sense ‘higher quality’, ‘better quality’ (єврооселя, євросадиба, євроремонт,
єврокамера, євроізолятор, єврованна). Such compound words used by masters of the pen with the stylistic purpose
and to achieve the expressive-figurative effect – irony, absurdity, conviction, wit, mock, characteristics of the
phenomenon or process (action) and as a result of a general image of the character (negative, less positive).
According to the actualization of foreign lexemes and stems, the research of the structure and stylistic functions
of complex derivatives with borrowed elements in the speech of printed mass media are seemed to be perspective.

Research highlights
►The article analyzes the complex words with prepositive component euro-. ►It were mentioned the semantic
groups of abbreviations with euro-: socio-political, economical, sport, routine language, the notion of cultural life.►It
was traced the stylistic load of words with euro- in the language of modern newspapers and magazines (emotionality,
evaluation, characterization, ironic, wit). ►The attention was accented on the reasonable use of lexemes in the modern
media discourse.
Keywords: complex word, acronym, newspaper language, emotionality, evaluation, expressiveness.

Velykyj tlumachnyj slovnyk, (2009). Velykyj tlumachnyj slovnyk suchasnoyi ukrayins‘koyi movy. Kyyiv: Irpin‟:
VTF Perun.
Hryshhenko, O. Doba yevroremontu. E-portal: http://www.culturalstudies.in.ua/st_1.php.
Klymenko, N. (2004). Novotvorennya chy mavpuvannya. Urok ukrayins‘koyi, 10, 23-25.
Yermolenko, S. Ya., & Kolesnyk, H. L., & Lenec”, K. V., & Maratova, A. F., & Pylyns‟kyj, M. M., &
Pustovit, L. O., & Rusanivs‟kyj, V. M. (1977). Mova i chas. Rozvytok funkcionalʹnych styliv suchasnoyi ukrayins‘koyi
literaturnoyi movy. Kyyiv: Naukova dumka
Novyj slovnyk, (2008). Novyj slovnyk inshomovnyj sliv. Kyyiv: ARIJ.
Prykhoda, Ya. V. (2005). Koncept Yevropa v ukrayins‟kij publicystyci: konityvno-linhvistychni aspekty.
Avtoref. Dys. …kand. filol. nauk: spec. 10.01.08. L‟viv: L‟vivs‟kyj nacional‟nyj universytet im. I. Franka.
Solganik, G. Ja. (1981). Leksika gazety. Moskva: Vysshaja shkola.
Styshov,O. A. (2005). Ukrayins‘ka leksyka kincya XX stolittya. Kyyiv: Puhach. ABSTRACTS

Taranenko, O. O. (2005). Klyuchovi slova. Ukrayins‘ka mova. Encyklopediya. Kyyiv: “Ukrayins‟ka
encyklopediya” im. M.P. Bazhana.

Correspondence: Jasya2510@ukr.net
Ivanna Y. Myslyva-Bun`ko is Post-Graduate Student at Department of Ukrainian Language, Editor of the
Informational Center of Lesya Ukrayinka Volyn National University. Her research areas include the word-formation
and the theory of discourse.

Іrina Nickolaenko
Department of Ukrainian Philology and General Linguistics, Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University,
Luhansk, Ukraine

Available 17 October 2011

In our time the attention of researchers attracted the phenomena associated with the existence of variants of the
Ukrainian literary language in the ХІХth – early XXth centuries [Yermolenko 2008: 56]. In particular, I. Matviyas argues
that based on certain characteristics can be identified Slobozhanian variety of the Eastern-Ukrainian literary variant,
connected in the first part of XIXth centuries with the language of G. Kvitka-Osnovjanenko`s works, and at the end of
XIXth – in early of XXth centuries with the language of P. Grabowsky, J. Schoholeva, I. Manzhura, B. Hrinchenko
[SUHH 2002: 3]. To ask and to resolve questions about the meaning and place of Slobozhanian features as part of the
literary language, author must deeply study the attractions of the region to conclude and to analyze the dialect
dictionaries, text readers, and to make dictionary of occasionalisms of writers on Slobozhanian region. This will help
to clarify the following: the use of dialectisms in the works of writers in the late XXth – early XXIth centuries is
the innovation or continue of traditions?
The purpose of the work is to find and to identify the role of colloquial elements in the linguistic practice of
Petro Bilyvoda (Shevchenko) based on his book “Here I had such a fate”.
The task of paper is the consideration of the feasibility of using vernacular words by poet, outlining their artistic
and aesthetic role in the poetic text and more.
Thus, the use of spoken elements in the poetry of Petro Bilyvoda had a purpose specified with tasks of his
works. The author probably wanted to file a new type of lyrical hero who speaks the same language as in life,
displaying common man thinking and using common language elements. In other works Bilyvoda only with a certain
stylistic uses dialectisms. This language dualism is no chance, but creative research evidence of the poet.
Prospects for further scientific explorations article`s considers the analysis of techniques aesthetic quality of
toponymy in the writer`s poetry, and the clarifying role and features of dialectisms in the works of the artist.

Research highlights
► The use of colloquial elements, Russisms and others phenomena in the collection of poetical works „There is
such fate for me” by Petro Bilyvoda was analyzed. ► Stylistic function of such linguistic elements usage was
Keywords: popular speech, mixed Russian-Ukrainian subdialect, author’s neologism, lyric hero, linguistic

Besaha, R. V. (1997). Nestandartyzovani elementy v ukrayins‟kij literaturnij movi. Avtoref. dys. .. kand. filol.
nauk: spec. 10.02.01 “Ukrayins‘ka mova”. Uzhhorod.
Bybyk, S. P. (1994). Estetychni modyfikaciyi narodnorozmovnosti v idiostyli Hryhora Tyutyunnyka. Avtoref.
dys. … kand. filol. nauk: spec. 10.02.01 “Ukrayins‘ka mova”. K.
Bilyvoda (Shevchenko), P. M. (1998). Os‘ taka meni vypala dolya. Poeziyi ta lysty. K.: Molod‟ – Firma
Vynakhid Petra Bilyvody, (2004). Spohady, statti, tvory. K.: Firma “Derkul”. ЛІНГВІСТИЧНІ СТУДІЇ. Випуск 24

Hladkyj, M. (1930). Mova suchasnoho ukrayins‘koho pys‘menstva. Kh.; K.: Derzh. vyd-vo Ukrayiny.
Yermolenko, S. Ya. (2008). Literaturna mova – kul‟tyvovana forma nacional‟noyi movy. S‘ohodenni
ukrayins‘koho movnoho seredovyshha, 54-67. K.: IVO APN Ukrayiny.
Miroshnychenko, M. (2004). Z bilykh dniv Petra Bilyvody. Vynakhid Petra Bilyvody. Spohady, statti, tvory,
143-156. K.: Firma “Derkul”.
Nezhyvyj, Oleksij, (2007). Chas nemynushhyj: lit.-kryt. st. ta narysy. Luhans‟k: Svitlycya.
Rymaruk, I. (1998). “Moya dusha meni lyshytys” sered vas velila”. Bilyvoda (Shevchenko) P. M. Os‘ taka meni
vypala dolya. Poeziyi ta lysty, 3-4. K.: Molod‟ – Firma “Derkul”.
SUSH, (2002). Slovnyk ukrayins’kykh skhidnoslobozhans’kykh hovirok. Luhans‟k: Luhan. derzh. ped. un-t imeni
Tarasa Shevchenka.
Tovstenko, V. R. (2000). Prostorichchya v ukrayins‟kij movi yak strukturno-funkcional‟ne yavyshhe. Avtoref.
dys. … kand. filol. nauk: spec. 10.02.01 “Ukrayins‘ka mova”. K.
Tovstenko, V. R. (2003). Prostorichchya v ukrayins‘kij movi yak strukturno-funkcional‘ne yavyshhe. K.: In-t
ukr. movy NAN Ukrayiny.
Filin, F. P. (1973). O strukture sovremennogo russkogo literaturnogo jazyka. Vopr. jazykoznanija, 2, 3-12.

Correspondence: irinarius@mail.ru
Іrina O. Nickolaenko is Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor working for a doctoral degree at
Department of Ukrainian Philology and General Linguistics in Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University. Her
research area includes the dialectology of modern Ukrainian language.

Andrii Ozhogan
Department of Foreign Languages, Koretsky Kyiv University of Law, National Academy of Sciences of
Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Available 21 October 2011

The modern comparative linguistics is quite need thorough comparative studies that based on the analysis of
common and differential characteristics of different languages would contribute to a better detection of both national
and universal features of each linguosystem, and in a philosophical sense – would be produced in each of the people
“understanding-self-in-relation-to-others” (H.-G. Gadamer). Although native and foreign scholars (A. Bondarko,
A. Vezhbytska, V. Hak, V. Kaliuschenko, G. Kolshanskyy, I. Korunets, M. Kocherhan, T. Ksheshovskyy,
V. Rusanivsky, R. Shternemann, R. Jacobson and others) contributed to solving many problems of comparative studies,
primarily theoretical, but many issues related to the establishment of similar and different between the languages, their
elements, categories, remain poorly studied. Particularly important and promising is research the opportunities of the
sentence creating verbal predicates of damage and their variants.
Topical problems are the problems of the essential characteristics of the verbal predicates with the value of
damage and some of their groups, subgroups; the important is a problem of their consideration in system-functional
comparable aspect.
The purpose of this scientific research is the integrated comparative-typological analysis of one of the most
common destructive groups in the German and Ukrainian languages – the predicates with value of damage.
The implementation of the purpose provided the solution of such tasks:
1) to describe the continuum of investigated words of damage in German and Ukrainian languages;
2) to isolate and to characterize subgroups of verbal predicates with value of damage;
3) to identify similar and different semantic-syntactical features of the analyzed constituent of verbative field of
destruction in each of the comparative languages.
Thus, verbs that represent predicates with value of damage are in modern German and Ukrainian languages a
separate group of thematic class of destructives. In sentences they are function as predicates of action, process, status,
and as a syncretic predicate unit of process-state. Their main categorical-semantic features, which are realized in
different syntactic models are the orientation of the subject / object, focus / unfocus, control / uncontrol, free / not free,
activity / passivity, effectiveness, causative, mode of action, guns (means) of action. However, such classificative and ABSTRACTS

quantitative semes as concreteness / abstractness, creature / lifeless, personal / impersonal, general / individual,
aggregate / oneness, underline the qualitative and quantitative (subcategory) signs of situation that affect by verbs of
Complex contrastive-typological research of predicates with value of damage in the German and Ukrainian
languages opens the prospects for multilateral analysis of semantic-syntactical categories, determine their functional
range, enabling a thorough study of valency and semantic characteristics of verbal language on the basis of close and
unclose languages.

Research highlights
►The article deals with the structure and semantic-valential opportunities of verbal predicates with a value of
damage in German and Ukrainian. ►The study being made presents the classification of this category of words and
verbal predicates with a value of damage peculiarities in researching languages determined by comparative analysis.
Keywords: valency, predicate, verbs of destroying, object, subject, instrumental syntaxeme.

Daugats, Je. Ju. (1973). Issledovanie semanticheskoj oblasti slov, vyrazhajushhih ponjatie prekrashhenie zhizni
cheloveka v sovremennom nemeckom jazyke. Dis. … kand. filol. nauk: 10.02.04. Minsk.
Kibardina, S. M. (1988). Valentnost’ nemeckogo glagola. Dis. … d ra filol. nauk: 10.02.04. Vologda.
Kil’dibekova, T. A. (1985). Glagoly dejstvija v sovremennom russkom jazyke: Opyt funkcional’no-
semanticheskogo analiza. Saratov: Izd vo Saratov. un-ta.
Poslavs‟ka, N. M. (2006). Struktura i semantyka slovotvirnykh paradyhm diyesliv iz semoyu rujnuvannya
ob‟yekta. Dys. … kand. filol. nauk: 10.02.01. Ivano-Frankivs‟k.
Potapenko, T. A (1983). Leksiko-semanticheskaja harakteristika glagolov s obshhim znacheniem
razrushitel’nogo vozdejstvija na ob‟yekt. Filologicheskie nauki, 2, 50-56.
Rish, G. A (1981). Pristavochnye glagoly s poluprefiksami durch , ьber-, um , unter- v sovremennom nemeckom
jazyke. Dis. … kand. filol. nauk: 10.02.04. Samarkand.

Sources and Abbreviations
SUM, (1970-1980). Slovnyk ukrayins‘koyi movy (v 11 t.). K.: Nauk. dumka.
DGDRW, (2000). Das grosse Deutsch-Russische Wцrterbuch (3 B.). M.: Verlag Russkij Jazyk.
DGW, (1977-1979). Das groЯe Wцrterbuch der deutschen Sprache (6 B.). Bibliographisches Institut Mannheim,
Wien; Zьrich: Dudenverlag.
LGD, (1998).Bol’shoj tolkovyj slovar’ nemeckogo jazyka: Dlja izuchajushhih nemeckij jazyk/ Langenscheidts
GroЯwцrterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache. M.: Izd vo Mart.

Corresponding author. Present address: 18/30 Academician Palladin Ave., 167, Kyiv, Kyiv region, 03142,
Ukraine. Tel.: + 38 044 585 52 05.
Andrii V. Ozhogan is Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor at Department of Foreign Languages in
Koretsky Kyiv University of Law of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. His research area includes the
comparative grammar.

Vasiliy Ozhogan, Elena Kadochnikova
Department of Ukrainian Language, National University “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”, Кyiv, Ukraine

Available 21October 2011

Activation of researches from syntactic semantics demonstrates the intensify attention of linguists to studying
unproposal meaning of sentence as totality different categories.
One of the most fundamental modus category is authorization, “by means of it the stated information qualifies as
to sources and methods receipt of it in the sentence” [Shinkaruk 2002: 57]. This category is selected on base of
establishment it qualification signs: availability of opposition according to speaker qualify as such information which
expressed its treatment and another person to informed information; appliance to class of typifying facts which consist
as minimum with two components on the denotative level. ЛІНГВІСТИЧНІ СТУДІЇ. Випуск 24

There are subject of authorization and act of authorization [Rigovanova 2006: 7]; indication on the “author” of
perception, statement or assessment phenomenon of reality as well as on character perception [Zolotova 2005: 263].
The purpose of the article consists in drawing peculiarities expression of the category of authorization as
component of unproposal sentence meaning.
The purpose provides for accomplishment of such tasks as: 1) to describe the methods of authorization
explication in multipredicative units with explanatory semantic-syntactical meanings; 2) to establish the type semantic
realisations of category of authorization in compound conjunctive sentences with explanatory meanings.
The category of authorization is original frame which includes contents of sentence and refers on source and
method of information which is expressed by speaker. Explication of authorization depends on presence of opposition
foreign information which speaker expresses in communication. Double nomination the same situation within one
sentence forms explanatory-interpretation semantic-syntactical meanings between its predicative components.
Syntactical organization the same units connected intimately with explicit authorization and improper-
authorization. Multisubjective verbalization of one situation within compound explanatory sentence often provides of
assessment by speaker foreign communication and at the same time properly its explanation. Just availability of
qualitative-assessed treatment of foreign speech is a differential criterion. It motives of separation within analyzed
syntactic units of category improper-authorization.
Practical essay inventory of semantic invariants of authorization is make substratum for future differentiation
nuances of meanings within assigned groups.

Research highlights
►Features of modus category of authorization as one of aspects non-propositional structure of sentence are
described. ►Typical ways of explication and semantic realizations of authorization in compound sentences with
explanatory meaning as structures which contain a double nomination of one situation are characterized.
Keywords: compound sentence, explanatory semantic-syntactical relations, modus categories, authorization.

Hnizdechko, O. M. (2005). Avtoryzaciya naukovoho dyskursu: komunikatyvno-prahmatychnyj aspekt (na
materiali anhlomovnykh statey suchasnykh yevropeys’kykh ta amerykans’kykh linhvistiv). Avtoref. dys. … kand. filol.
nauk: spec. 10.02.01 “Hermans‘ki movy”. Kyyiv.
Horodens‟ka, K. H. (2010). Spoluchnyky ukrayins‘koyi literaturnoyi movy. Kyyiv: Vyd. dim Dmytra Buraho.
Zolotova, G. A. (2005). Ocherk funkcional’nogo sintaksisa russkogo jazyka. Moskva.
Kadochnikova, O. P. (2009). Do problemy formal‟no-hramatychnoho analizu skladnykh spoluchnykovykh
rechen‟ z poyasnyuval‟nymy vidnoshennyamy. Aktual‘ni problemy slov‘yans‘koyi filolohiyi: Linhvistyka i
literaturoznavstvo, XXII, 473-479. Berdyans‟k: BDPU.
Kolisnyk, O. (2008). Osoblyvosti syntaksychnoho zv‟yazku v skladnykh spoluchnykovykh rechennyakh iz
poyasnyuval‟nymy vidnoshennyamy. Linhvistychni studiyi, 17, 107-111. Donets’k: DonNU.
Ryhovanova, V. A. (2006). Zistavnyj analiz katehoriyi avtoryzaciyi v ukrayins‟kij ta anhlijs‟kij movakh:
struktura ta semantyka. Avtoref. dys. … kand. filol. nauk: spec. 10.02.17 “Porivnyal‘no-istorychne i typolohichne
movoznavstvo”. Donets’k.
Shynkaruk, V. (2002). Katehoriyi modusu i dyktumu u strukturi rechennya. Chernivci: Ruta.
Shmeleva, T. V. (1988). Semanticheskij sintaksis. Krasnojarsk: Izd-voKGU.

Correspondence: ozhogan@rambler.ru, olenakolisnyk@rambler.ru
Vasiliy M. Ozhogan is Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of Department of Ukrainian Language, Vice-
President of National University “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”. His research area includes Ukrainian grammar, in particular
the syntax.
Elena P. Kadochnikova is Candidate of Philology, Senior Lecturer at Department of Ukrainian Language in
National University “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”. Her research area includes the grammar of Ukrainian language,
particularly the syntax.

Vera Poznanska
Department of Ukrainian Language and Applied Linguistics, Donetsk National University, Donetsk, Ukraine

Available 21 October 2011

In the modern Ukrainian anthroponymy the informal one is in parallel with the official anthroponomical system,
which consists of three components – surname, name and patronymic. The informal names include: 1) the diminutive-
hypocoristic version of the names; 2) the informal possessive derivatives of names and surnames; 3) the individual nick-
names of different origin and motivation; 4) the family-ancestral hereditary street names. The informal means and ways
to identify people arenot sufficiently investigated yet. Relevance of the article is due to the necessity of research nick-
names of different regions of Ukraine.
The purpose of the work is to analyze one of the types of informal names – andronyms, which are function on
Donbas region.
The sources of factual material
In the analys is involving about 2,000 names collected in 45 villages through direct communication with
informants and by survey method.
So, andronyms in Eastern-steppe subdialects of Donbas region are active type of married women`s nominations.
They are formed from different personal names of men using both substantive and possessive suffixes. Andronyms with
the suffixes -их (а), -к (а), -ш (а), -ов, -ев (-єв) are typically traditional, others ones much depends to their activity.
Usually andronyms used as neutral names of married women of middle and elder age.
This article is the first attempt of researching in formal anthroponyms of married women in the Donbas region.
According to the scheme, author can expect the description of any other women surnames.

Research highlights
► The article studies the functioning of andronyms in Eastern-steppe subdialects of Donbas region. ► The
word-forming types of one-word names have been distinguished. ► The structural peculiarities of anthroponymic
compounds performing the andronimic function have been analyzed.
Keywords: andronym, anthroponym, nick-name, surname, Eastern-steppe subdialects.

Buchko, H. Ye., & Buchko, D. H. (2002). Narodno-pobutova antroponimiya Bojkivshhyny. Linguistica Slavica:
yuvilejnyj zbirnyk na poshanu Iryny Mykhajlivny Zhelyeznyak, 3-14. Kyyiv.
Danilina, E. F. (1979). Prozvishha v sovremennom russkom jazyke. Vostochnoslavjanskaja onomastika, 296-
299. Moskva: Nauka.
Masenko, L. T. (1990). Ukrayins‟ki imena i prizvyshha. Kyyiv: Znannya.
Mihina, A. F. (2007). Filologija v prostranstve kul’tury. Funkcionirovanie imenovanij zhenshhin (po materialam
polevyh zapisej v bolgarskih sjolah Zaporozhskoj oblasti), 204-221. Donets’k: Jugo-Vostok.
Nalyvajko, M. (2005). Neoficijni najmenuvannya zhinok na Verkhnij Naddnistryanshhyni. Ukrayins”ka mova, 2,
Pants‟o, S. Ye., & Nalyvajko, M. Ya. (2010). Prizvys‟ka zhyteliv L‟vivshhyny. Studiyi z onomastyky ta
etymolohiyi, 199-209. Luts‟k: VMA “Teren”.
Chuchka, P. P. (1980). Ukrainskie andronimy na slavjanskom fone. Perspektivy razvitija slavjanskoj onomastiki,
157-162. M.: Nauka.
Sajewicz, M. (1999). Przezwiska mieszkańcуw kilku wsi z bialorusko-ukraińskiego pograniczaj ęzykowego na
Białostocczyźnte. Przczwiska i przydomki w jesykach slowianskich, 2 (15), 59-85. Lublin.

Correspondence: donkafukr@ukr.net (with the reference “for Poznanska” in the subject)
Vera D. Poznanska is Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor at Department of Ukrainian Language and
Applied Linguistics in Donetsk National University. Her research areas include the lexicology, the phraseology, the
onomastics, and the dialectology of Ukrainian language.

Oksana Putilina
Department of Ukrainian Language and Applied Linguistics, Donetsk National University, Donetsk, Ukraine

Available 21 October 2011 ЛІНГВІСТИЧНІ СТУДІЇ. Випуск 24


The problem of the correlation between components of the sentence deep structure with appropriate set of formal
and surface cases and the identifying of trends in realization of deep structure elements on surface level of sentence in
modern Ukrainian and English languages, which is actually the object of study in the ase grammar as a separate,
specific research direction in modern linguistics, in recent years become especially relevance. But despite the apparent
modernity the cae grammar has a long history and the reasons for the rise in correlation with other linguistic areas
[Putilina 2011a], without clarifying the nature of which is difficult to imagine the full implementation of research in this
area, as well as be sure that takes into account all the nuances of these investigations.
The purpose of the article is to determine the ratio of case grammar with other types of grammars within the
general linguistic paradigm, in particular with the universal grammar.
This article uses comparative and typological methods.
The main tasks of the study are: 1) to establish the origins of case grammar; 2) to trace the causes, conditions and
peculiarities of its development and formation as a linguistic self-direction; 3) to determine correlativity / hierarchy of
the case and universal grammars.
Thus, case grammar belongs not only to cognitive linguistics, but also directly related to universal linguistics,
which was formed on the basis of philosophical concepts of F. Bacon, Descartes, H.V. Leibniz, medieval treaties on
speculative grammar, Y.A. Komensky`s “Hlottolohiya”, rationalistic essays of the XVIIth – XVIIIth centuries, studies of
E. Husserl and A. Marty, starting with F. Labbe`s “Grammar of general language …”, and to this day. The universalistic
nature of Ch. Fillmore`s grammar motivated with desire to establish a system of categories, inherent in all languages of
the world.
The results represent the peculiarities of case grammar as a separate linguistic direction and can be used for
further analysis of the full complex interaction between deep and surface structures investigated within it, especially
in comparable aspect.

Research highlights
► The article continues the cycle of publications devoted to problems of the case grammar in the opinion of a
general linguistic paradigm. ► The main aim is to esteblish sources of the case grammar and to trace reasons,
preconditions, and specific characters of its development and organizing as an independent linguistic tendency and
correlativity / hierarchy with the universal grammar.
Keywords: case grammar, universalism, structuralism, universalia, universal grammar.

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Correspondence: o.l.putilina@gmail.com
Oksana L. Putilina is Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor at Department of Ukrainian Language and
Applied Linguistics in Donetsk National University. Her research areas include comparative-historical and typological
linguistics, case grammar, cognitive linguistics, universal linguistics, generative grammar, and applied linguistics.

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