Лінгвістичні студії: Збірник наукових праць.


Larisa Tishenko
Department of Ukrainian Language and Literature, Slovyansk State Pedagogical University, Slovyansk, Donetsk
region, Ukraine

Available 28 October 2011

One of the most important tasks of modern Ukrainian dialectology is a systematic learning of the separate
thematic groups of vocabulary, finding out of semantics and geography of vocabulary on all ethno-linguistic territories
or on a part of this territory. Research of dialectal vocabulary in simple thematic and lexical-semantic groups plays the
main role during the description of structure of dialects, and in determination of dialectal articulation of language, in
Assuredly, the value of evidences of dialectal vocabulary goes out the bound especially linguistic problems.
Therefore author supposes that the gap in a development of Ukrainian linguistics is those facts that a lot of thematic
groups of vocabulary of Ukrainian dialects are not studied in general, or studied fragmentary. To those areas, which are
studied not enough, the South-Slobozhanian subdialects belong. The biggest part of those subdialects are located on
the territory of Slobozhanian region, which occupies the walks of life of Luhansk, Kharkiv, Donetsk areas of Ukraine
and Voronezh, Belgorod, Kursk, Rostov areas of Russia. Until now there are a few historical, ethnographic and dialectal ЛІНГВІСТИЧНІ СТУДІЇ. Випуск 24

evidences of Slobozhanian region, in particular of its Southern part. Dialectal features of edge, its culture, way of life,
history are studied not enough.
The works of researchers of subdialects of Slobozhanian region, which are known for today, give information
about the Slobozhanian dialectal system in general or its separate segments. Author are talking about the researches of
B. Sharpila, A. Sagarovskogo, L. Lisichenko, F. Sikorskoy, K. Glukhovcev, I. Lesnov, A. Nikolaenko, A. Magrickoy,
T. Serdyukovoy and other. At the same time the characteristic features of Slobozhanian subdialects needs the
clarification and verifications on the wide background of different thematic group. In spite of the prominent activation
of learning the south-eastern dialect in ХХth c. and at the beginning of ХХІth c. there wasn`t the system researching of
the South-Slobozhanian subdialects in Ukrainian dialectology, especially on the material of everyday denomination.
The purpose of the research is a system learning of lexical-semantic structure of folk subdialects.
The implementation of the purpose provided the solution of such tasks: 1) to find out composition, structural
organization of thematic group of domestic vocabulary; 2) to probe the relation the lexemes of this thematic group of
the South-Slobozhanian subdialects toward the proper vocabulary of contiguous and other remote Ukrainian dialects;
3) to determine the factors and the conformities to law of forming and composition change of vocabulary and its
semantics in the subdialects of the latest origin.
The subject of research are 107 the South-Slobozhanian subdialects, which are located in the Southern
(Novovodolaz’kij, Chuguїvs’kij, Velikoburluc’kij, Balaklіїvs’kij, Lozіvs’kij, Іzjums’kij, Barvіnkіvs’kij, Borіvs’kij,
Bliznjukіvs’kij) districts of Kharkiv and (Krasnolimanskij, Slov‟jans’kij, Artemіvs’kij, Oleksandrіvs’kij) Northern
districts of Donetsk.
Sources of factual material
The main base of research become the proper field records of vocabulary, which were realized during 1994–
1999 in 107 settlements of South-Slobozhanian region and contiguous dialects.
Thus, for today the first steps in the learning of the South-Slobozhanian subdialects are already done,
especially in researching of domestic vocabulary of this region. The subsequent scientific researching of dialectal
features of South-Slobozhanian region has an outstanding prospect. Because of this during the last years collection of
dialectal material was continued in the South districts of Kharkiv and in the North districts of Donetsk regions, above
all things as mechanical and digital records of dialectal phototypography the network of the inspected settlements is
considerably extended.
The record of answers for the questions is planned for the following collection of different groups of the South-
Slobozhanian subdialects vocabulary. The materials, which are collected for today, need a scientific working, however
they, indisputably, will help to find out and specify the most various aspects during description of subdialects of the
inspected territory.

Research highlights
► The composition, the structural organization and the dynamics of the everyday vocabulary of the
South-Slobozhanian subdialects have been analyzed in the article. ► This kind of vocabulary is the subject of
the scientific research. ► On the basis of names of housing and household premises, names of furniture, names
of house objects the space placing and variation of the analyses vocabulary with the relation of the above-
pointed theme vocabulary of the South-Slobozhanian sayings and dialects have been clarified.
Keywords: the South-Slobozhanian subdialects, arealogy, thematic group of vocabulary, lexically-
semantic group, range.

Hlukhovtseva, K. D. (2006). Dynamika ukrayins‟kykh skhidnoslobozhans‟kykh hovirok. Dys. … d-ra filol.
nauk: 10.02.01″Ukrayins‘ka mova”. Kyyiv.
Hrycenko, P. Yu. (1990). Areal‘ne variyuvannya leksyky. Kyyiv: Naukova dumka.
Hrycenko, P. Yu. (1984). Doslidzhennya leksyky ukrayins‟kykh hovoriv. Movoznavstvo, 5, 22-30.
Levun, N. V. (1976). Nazvy hlyny u terminolohiyi honcharnoho vyrobnyctva. Pytannya slovotvoru i
hramatychnoyi struktury ukrayins‘koyi movy, 81-87. Dnipropetrovs‟k.
Lyesnova, V. V. (1999). Nominaciya lyudyny ta yiyi rys u skhidnoslobozhans‟kykh ukrayins‟kykh hovirkakh.
Avtoref. dys. … kand. filol. nauk: spec. 10.02.01 “Ukrayins‘ka mova”. Zaporizhzhya.
Mahryts‟ka, I. V. (2000). Vesil‟na leksyka ukrayins‟kykh skhidnoslobozhans‟kykh hovirok. Avtoref. dys. …
kand. filol. nauk: spec. 10.02.01 “Ukrayins‘ka mova”. Zaporizhzhya.
Matviyas, I. H. (1990). Ukrayins‘ka mova i yiyi hovory. Kyyiv: Nauk. dumka. ABSTRACTS

Nikolayenko, I. O. (2000). Struktura j areal‟na kharakterystyka leksyky tradycijnoho tkactva v ukrayins‟kykh
skhidnoslobozhans‟kykh hovirkakh. Avtoref. dys. … kand. filol. nauk: spec. 10.02.01 “Ukrayins‘ka mova”.

Correspondence: alekoav@mail.ru
Larisa M. Tischenko is Candidate of Philology, Assistant Professor at Department of Ukrainian Language and
Literature in Slovyansk State Pedagogical University. Her research area includes the dialectology of Ukrainian

Galyna Vasylieva
Department of Ukrainian Language, Horlivka State Pedagogic Institute of Foreign Languages, Horlivka,
Donetsk region, Ukraine

Available 24 October 2011

Different aspects of constructions typology repeatedly was debated in modern scientific literature
(V.S. Hrakovskiy, А.P. Volodin [Hrakovskij, Volodin 1986], І.О. Sharonov [Sharonov 1991], L.А. Birulin [Birjulin
1992], C. Sarantsatsral [Sarantsatsral 1993], Y.А. Filatova [Filatova 1997], Nguen Tuet Min [Nguen 2000],
G.G. Drinko [Drinko 2005] etc.). In spite of all this semantic (more exactly – communicative and pragmatic) types of
preventive as a defined expression‟s statements version practically does not was the object of examination. The thesis of
Y. S. Klenina is an exception in this scheme, in which semantic typology of this constructions is presented. In general
author will indicate that scientists‟ opinions as to quantity of imperative expression semantic types and to their
qualitative characteristics are appreciably different.
The purpose of the work is to express an opinion on the problem and to specify of qualitative structure of
warning expressions varieties when author analyses the Ukrainian linguistic material.
So, author considers communicative and pragmatic types of preventive as speech act. The analysis of factual
material to give rise to extract such semantic types of preventive constructions in Ukrainian language: properly warning
(properly preventive), preventive + reminding, preventive + preachment, preventive + admonishment, preventive +
advice, request + preventive, demand + preventive, order + preventive, threat + preventive. Essentially all this types are
syncretic. Manifestations of fear and tip advance even in semantic of core type constructions – in properly warning. The
author not distinguishes such type of preventive speech act as warning what accompany of prohibition, because she
thinks that it semantic is in ambit of varieties demand + warning, order + warning. Every type of warning speech act is
characterized by the definite differential features.
Further researches can be concentrated on the learning of preventive expressions in aspects of psycholinguistics
and ethnolinguistics.

Research highlights
►The quantitative and qualitative structure of preventive constructions as defined as a variant of expression‟s
statements in the modern Ukrainian language are clarified. ►Their distinctive features are specified. ► Communicative
and pragmatic types of preventive as speech act on the basis of such criterions: the factor of control of addressee, the
factor of interest in realization of warning, the factor of direction of warning, psychological factor, and social factor, are
Keywords: preventive, warning, speech act, sender, addressee.

Andreeva, I. S. (1971). Povelitel’noe naklonenie i kontekst pri vyrazhenii pobuzhdenija v sovremennom russkom
jazyke. Diss. … kand. filol. nauk: 10.02.01. L’vіv
Birjulin, L. A. (1992). Teoreticheskie aspekty semantiko-pragmaticheskogo opisanija imperativnyh vyskazyvanij
v russkom jazyke. Diss. … kand. filol. nauk: 10.02.01. SPb.
Busel, V. T. (red.) (2001). Velykyj tlumachnyj slovnyk suchasnoyi ukrayins‘koyi movy. Kyyiv. Irpin‟: VTF

Drinko, H. H. (2005). Sponukal‟ni konstrukciyi v anhlijs‟kij ta ukrayins‟kij movakh. Dyss. … kand. fylol. nauk:
10.02.17. Horlivka.
Klenina, Ju. S. (2003). Preventiv: semantika i sposoby vyrazhenija. Diss. … kand. filol. nauk: 10.02.01. Rjazan’.
Nguen, Tuet Min’. (2000). Aspekty funkcional’noj morfologii: Funkcional’no-semanticheskaja kategorija
pobuditel’nosti v russkom i v’etnamskom jazykah. Avtoref. diss. … kand. filol. nauk: 10.02.20 “Sravnitel’no-
istoricheskoe, tipologicheskoe i sopostavitel’noe jazykoznanie “. Moskva.
Sarantsatsral, C. (1993). Rechevye akty pobuzhdenija, ih tipy i sposoby vyrazhenija v russkom jazyke. Diss. …
dokt. filol. nauk: 10.02.01. Moskva.
Filatova, E. A. (1997). Pobuditel’nye vyskazyvanija kak rechevye akty v sovremennom russkom jazyke. Diss. …
kand. filol. nauk: 10.02.01. Moskva.
Hrakovskij, V. S., & Volodin, A. P. (1986). Semantika i tipologija imperativa. Russkij imperativ. Leningrad:
Nauka, Leningr. otdelenie.
Sharonov, I. A. (1991). Kategorija naklonenija v kommunikativno-pragmaticheskom aspekte. Diss. … kand. filol.
nauk: 10.02.01. Moskva.

Galyna O. Vasylieva is Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor at Department of Ukrainian Language in
Horlivka State Pedagogic Institute of Foreign Languages. Her research area includes the psycholinguistics and

Mykola Verbovyi
Department of Ukrainian Language, Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogic University, Kryvyi Rih, Dnipropetrovsk region,

Available 21 October 2011

The urgency of the work is due to the fact that the live broadcast is fixed in the form of connected dialect texts,
since only in the text systematic features of the subdialects are revealed most clearly.
The purpose of the work is to identify and to describe the main phonetic, grammatical, syntactic and lexical
features of a subdialect in a village of Kryvyi Rih district.
The implementation of the purpose provided the solution of such tasks: 1) to fix the recitative speech in the form
of coherent texts; 2) to analyze the dialect texts and to identify the most essential features that characterize the
subdialect as a language system.
The analyzed material suggests that the subdialect of Lozovatka village in Kryvyi Rih district of Dnipropetrovsk
region is organically part of the steppe dialect and it shows the similarities with both northern and south-western dialect
of Ukrainian language. In fact a character of combination and expression of analyzed dialect peculiarities is the
specificity of language structure of this subdialect.
It seems necessary to involve consideration of factual material from other localities of Kryvyi Rih region in
Dnepropetrovsk region.

Research highlights
► The article deals with a description of the main peculiarities of the steppe subdialect of Lozovatka village.
► The author scrutinizes the main phonetical, grammatical, syntactical and lexical peculiarities. ► This paper shows
that they characterize the mentioned subdialect as a language system.
Keywords: subdialect, texts of a dialect, peculiarities of a subdialect.

Bevzenko, S. P. (1960). Istorychna morfolohiya ukrayins‘koyi movy. Uzhhorod.
Hrycenko, P. Yu. (1990). Areal‘ne variyuvannya leksyky. Kyyiv: Naukova dumka.
Hrycenko, P. Yu. (2004). Slobozhans‟kyj hovir. Ukrayins‘ka mova: Encyklopediya, 608-609. Kyyiv: Vyd-vo
“Ukrayins‟ka encyklopediya” im. M. Bazhana. ABSTRACTS

Zhylko, F. T. (1966). Narysy z dialektolohiyi ukrayins‘koyi movy. Kyyiv: Radyans‟ka shkola.
Nimchuk, V. V. (1993). Davn‘orus‘ka spadshhyna v leksyci ukrayins‘koyi movy. Kyyiv: Naukova dumka.
Pavlyuk, Mykola, Robchuk, Ivan (2003). Ukrayins‘ki hovory Rumuniyi. Diyalektni teksty. Edmonton; L‟viv;
N‟yu-Jork; Toronto: Instytut ukrayinoznavstva im. I. Kryp‟yakevycha NANU.
Shevel‟ov, Yu. (1996). Vnesok Halychyny u formuvannya ukrayins‘koyi literaturnoyi movy. L‟viv; N‟yu-Jork.
Shevel‟ov, Yu. (2002). Istorychna fonolohiya ukrayins‘koyi movy. Kharkiv.

Sources and Abbreviations
AUM, (2001). Atlas ukrayins’koyi movy (3 t.). Kyyiv: Naukova dumka.
Hr., Hrinchenko, B. (1958). Slovar’ ukrayins’koyi movy (1-4 t.). Kyyiv: Vyd-vo AN URSR.
ЕSUM, (1982-2005). Etymolohichnyy slovnyk ukrayins’koyi movy (u 7 t.), 1-5. Kyyiv: Naukova dumka.
PVL, (1926). Povest’ vremennyhlet. Polnoe sobranie russkih letopisej, 1, Lavrent’evskajaletopis’. Leningrad.
Sreznevskij, I. I. (1893-1912). Materialy dlja slovarja drevnerusskogo jazyka, 1-3. Sankt-Peterburg.
SUM, (1970-1980). Slovnyk ukrayins’koyi movy (v 11 t.), 1-11. Kyyiv: Naukova dumka.
SUM ХVІ – f. h. of ХVІІ, (1994-2005). Slovnyk ukrayins’koyi movy KhVI – pershoyi polovyny KhVII st., 1-12.

Corresponding author. Present address: 10 Lenin St., 15, Kryvyi Rih, Dnipropetrovsk region, 50000, Ukraine.
Mykola V. Verbovyi is Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor at Department of Ukrainian Language in
Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogic University. His research area includes the Ukrainian dialectology.

Marina Voloshinova
Department of Ukrainian Philology and General Linguistics, Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University,
Luhansk, Ukraine

Available 24 October 2011

The vocabulary, which reflects the realities of everyday life and is closely linked with the life of the people, has
always attracted the attention of researchers. This is the particular thematic group of vocabulary (TGV) “The
Kitchenware”. Kitchenware is a service, peripheral component of nutrition, housing and settling complex. At the same
time a high degree of specialization of certain sets of kitchenware, its functional differentiation, sufficiently developed
industry that created the kitchenware – all this lets you treat it as an independent phenomenon of material culture [SUM
1993: 71]. In Ukrainian linguistics the most fully studied on the material outlined TGV subdialects of the south-western
dialect. At various times Z. Hanudel turned to its systematic study [Hanudel 1980] – dialects of Eastern Slovakia,
E. Gotsa [Gotsa 2001] – the Carpathian dialects. Household vocabulary by the migrative Russian speaking in the
southern-eastern part of the Kharkiv region was studied by O. Volodymyrska [Vladimirskaja 1977]. The individual
intelligences, devoted to studying the dishes and kitchen utensils, belonging to Z. Bychko [Bychko 1983], J. Vakalyuk
[Vakalyuk 1983], S. Pants‟o [Pants‟o 1999], G. Martynova [Martynova 1999]. The object of the study of vocabulary to
describe kitchen utensils was in the works of Russian dialectologists – L. Maksimova [Maksimova 1976],
L. Balahonova [Balahonova 1980], L. Vlasova [Vlasova 2002] and others. The necessity of research is due to the fact
that systematic and comprehensive description of kitchen utensils as a separate component of subject-consumer material
of Eastern-Slobozhanian subdialects of Ukraine has been implemented.
The aim of the article is to make the lexical-semantic analysis of the names of kitchenware and to track the
dynamic processes in this group of vocabulary.
The stated goal involves the following tasks: on the basis of field records to establish the functional activity of
names to describe surveyed semes in Ukrainian Eastern-Slobozhanian subdialects; to reveal the lexical representative
parallels of the analyzed semes in other dialect continuums; to analyze in diachrony and synchrony the vocabulary TGV
Sources of factual material
Sources of research serve their own records dialect material in 38 subdialects of Eastern Slobozhanshina made in
2009-2011; the Dictionary of the Ukrainian language in four volumes by B. Grynchenko; the Dictionary of the
Ukrainian language in 11-th volumes; modern dialectal dictionaries. ЛІНГВІСТИЧНІ СТУДІЇ. Випуск 24

The dynamic processes found in the gradual archaization of some lexemes in connection with the removal of the
respective realities of life. Basically vocabulary reveals the constancy and the permanence that are confirmed by the
analysis of synchronic and diachronic levels.
There were cases of extension of the semantic structure, such as name ка|ч‘алка is both representative of semes
‘wooden pestle, which grind poppy seeds, grain’ and ‘device for rolling dough’; lexeme ч‘ап|л‘іĭка exists simultaneously
with the value ‘the instrument in the form of plantations on the handle of an iron rod with curved end for mixing fuel in
the furnace and raking out of its heat, ash’ and ‘long wooden shaft with two metal horns rounded at the end, which take
and put in oven or removed from the its pots, cast iron’ and so on.
The most of the identified names recorded dictionaries of other dialects with the values inherent Eastern-
Slobozhanian subdialects. However, the vast majority of recorded lexemes found in the dictionary of the Ukrainian
language, which illustrates the effect of literary language and subdialects examined confirms the established view of
their origin.
The perspectives of further research see in the detection of dynamic processes on the example of other thematic
groups of vocabulary.

Research highlights
►An attempt to investigate dynamical process in dialectal vocabulary based on thematic vocabulary group
“kitchenware” was made in the article. ► The comparing analysis of demonstrators, which were discovered in
Ukrainian Eastern-Slobozhanian subdialects with other dialectal continuum of Ukraine language, was realized. ► Their
functional activity was determined.
Keywords: seme, name, lexeme, realia, Eastern-Slobozhanian subdialects, kitchenware.

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TSRJa, Ozhegov, S. I., & Shvedova, N. Ju. (1994). Tolkovyj slovar’ russkogo jazyka: 80 000 slov i
frazeologicheskih vyrazhenij. Moskva: AZ.
Chabanenko, V. A. (2008). Slovnyk hovirok Nyzhn‘oyi Naddnipryanshhyny (4 t.). Zaporizhzhya.
Shylo, H. (2005). Naddnistryans‘kyj rehional‘nyj slovnyk. L‟viv; N‟yu-Jork.

Correspondence: marishinova@gmail.com
Marina O. Voloshinova is Post-Graduate Student at Department of Ukrainian Philology and General Linguistics
of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University. Her research area includes dialectology of modern Ukrainian
language, in particular lexical level.

Oksana Vorobjeva
Department of Theory and Practice of Translation, Donetsk National University, Donetsk, Ukraine

Available 20 October 2011

The functioning of lexical units, such as to turn off and to turn off, is the characteristic feature of verbal
taxonomy in modern English. Being composite they are formed from polylexeme verbs with a help of special
postverbal components, which have adverbial or prepositional origin.
Owing to the weakening of the adverbial or prepositional function, these postpositive components make more or
less set semantic and syntactic word combinations with verbs.
The problematics of the considered verbal word combinations is not completely studied, namely the semantics of
word combinations in general and particularly the semantics of verbs with postpositional components on and off, the
semantic type parallels existing between these units and being expressed in synonymous and antonymous relations of
these units are not studied in detail.
All this in accordance with active semantic development of the word combinations and their extensive use in the
language make this paper relevant and important both in theoretical and practical aspects.
The object of the research includes verbs with postpositive component on (VPC-on) and verbs with postpositive
component off (VPC-off ), i.e. units, such as to clock on „to start working (esp. at stated time)‟, to clock off „to finish
working (esp. at stated time)‟.


The objective of this paper is to study the system relations of a) source polylexeme verbs and VPC-on, VPC-off,
which are formed from them, b) antonymous and synonymous relations of phrasal verbs and above mentioned
postpositive components.
The objective of the paper includes the following tasks:
1) to determine and to analyze the system relations of polylexeme verbs and VPC-on, VPC-off which are
formed from them;
2) to determine the semantic types of VPC-on and VPC-off, in which the synonymous and antonymous
relations (in the presence of semantic classifications of VPC-on and VPC-off) can be observed;
3) to analyze and to compare the means of realization of synonymy and antonymy within the VPC-on and
The following conclusions can be made after the studying of system relations of VPC-on and VPC-off, and also
of these phrasal verbs and their source verbs:
1. It was determined that the meanings of VPC-on/off and their SV have 3 types of system relations.
2. Derivational processes within the VPC-on and VPC-off go on in two directions.
3. Such factors as the source semantic opposition of postpositive components on and off, which determines
the antonymy within the VPC-on and VPC-off and the possibility of desemantization of components within the
formation of VPC, what makes the synonymy within the VPC-on and VPC-off possible determine the synonymous and
antonymous relations within the VPC-on and VPC-off.
4. The synonymy within the VPC-on and VPC-off is limited, quantitatively it is characteristic for 17 units,
which include 9 VPC-off and 8 VPC-on; the synonymy appears within 5 types of the VPC-on and VPC-off.
5. The antonymy within the VPC-on and VPC-off is limited, despite the opposition of spatial meanings of
PC-on and PC-off „to the surface‟ – „from the surface‟; the antonymy is observed within 3 types of verbs: locative,
actional and phasal VPC-on – VPC-off (see 3.2 – 3.2.3).
6. The antonymous relations within the semantic types of VPC-on and VPC-off are expressed through the
2 semantic oppositions as follows: „the beginning of action – the end of action‟ and the derivative opposition „causation
of the beginning of action/state – causation of the end of action/state‟.
7. The antonymy within the VPC-on and VPC-off is more productive quantitatively.
8. The synonymy within the VPC-on and VPC-off is more characteristic qualitatively: it can be observed
within 5 types of the VPC-on and VPC-off, while the antonymy is observed within 3 types of verbs.
The author plans to continue the comparative study of the semantics of VPC-on, VPC-off and their equivalents
in other languages, particularly the verbs with detachable prefixes in German and prefixal verbs in Ukrainian.

Research highlights
► The types of system relations of the verbs with postpositive components on (VPC-on) and off (VPC-off) and
types of system relations of source polylexeme verbs and VPC-on and VPC-off, which are formed from them have been
determined and illustrated.
Keywords: phrasal verb, postpositive component, derivation, idiomaticity, equivalence, synonymy, antonymy.

Anichkov, I. E. (1961). Adverbial’nye poslelogi v sovremennom anglijskom jazyke. Voprosy germanskoj i
romanskoj filologii. Voprosy germanskoj i romanskoj filologii. Uchebnye zapiski Pjatigorskogo gosudarstvennogo
pedagogicheskogo institute, 221-253. Pjatigorsk.
Berlizon, S. B. (1958). Sochetanija tipa to go in, to cry out, to speed up, to give up v sovremennom anglijskom
jazyke. Inostrannye jazyki v shkole, 6, 9-24.
Duhon, B. M. (1983). Modelirovanie konstantno-variativnyh otnoshenij v semantike kompleksov tipa make up.
Avtoref. dis. … kand. filol. nauk: 10.02.04. Moskva: MGPIIJa im. M. Toreza.
Zhluktenko, Ju. A. (1954) O tak nazyvaemyh “slozhnyh glagolah” tipa stand up v sovremennom anglijskom
jazyke. Voprosy jazykoznanija, 5, 105-113.
Ivashkin, M. P. (1972). Sintaksicheskoe i slovoobrazovatel’noe funkcionirovanie glagol’no-narechnyh sochetanij
tipa get up i stand down. Dis. … kand. filol. nauk: 10.02.04. Gor’kij: GGPIIJa im. A. I. Dobroljubova.
Karjagina, N. F. (1971). Nekotorye osobennosti obrazovanija i upotreblenija glagol’nyh sochetanij tipa come in,
walk about v sovremennom anglijskom jazyke. Trudy voennogo instituta inostrannyh jazykov, 7, 63-68.
Klijunajte, I. A. (1987). K voprosu o semanticheskih funkcijah postverbov v anglijskom jazyke. Kalbotyra
jazykoznanie. Voprosy sintaksisa i semantiki romano-germanskih jazykov, 78-85. Vil’nius: “Mokslas”.
Kerlin, A. A., & Kuznec, M. D. (1959). Sostavnye glagoly v sovremennom anglijskom jazyke. L’vov: Uchpedgiz.
Bolinger, D.(1971). Phrasal Verbs in English. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Fraser, B. (1976). The Verb-Particle Combination in English. NewYork, etc.: Academic Press. ABSTRACTS

Hiltunen, R.(1983). The Decline of the Prefixes and the Beginnings of the English Phrasal Verb: the Evidence
from some Old and Early Middle English Texts. Turku: Turun Yliopisto.
Kennedy, G. A. (1920). The Modern English Verb-Adverb Combinations. LanguageandLiterature, 1 (1), 151.

Correspondence: oksanka27@yandex.ru
Oksana S. Vorobjeva is Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor at Department of Theory and Practice of
Translation in Donetsk National University. Her scientific interests include the grammar of modern English and the

Hanna Yemeljanenko
Department of Ukrainian Language and Applied Linguistics, Donetsk National University, Donetsk, Ukraine

Available 25 October 2011

In modern linguistics there are examined various aspects of grammar forms actualization among them linguistic
creative processes of phraseological semantics forming [Alefirenko 1988]; models of word-hybrids creating [Baranova
2003]; paraverball means as the way of expression conveying [Vas‟kiv 2004; Kyselyuk 2009]; axiology and its
reflection in different types of discourse [Vinogradova 2001; Yolovanevskij 2002; Markelova 1996; Markelova 1999];
new phenomena in syntax [Zagnitko 1996; Zagnitko 1996]; art comparison as the means of image component
actualization of language units meaning [Prisyazhnyuk 2004] etc. Increasing number of works dedicated to examining
of function, semantic and formal specific of modal realizators is evidence of relevance of irreal-mood forms examining
in frames of grammar psychologism investigation.
The purpose of the article is to investigate the specific of irreal-mood forms as realizations of metalanguage
The purpose is caused decision of such tasks:
1) to clear up a connection between grammar psychology and intertextuality and interactivity;
2) to name main functions of performance by analyzing type of grammar actualization;
3) to examine parallel display of metalanguage reflection and other methods of actualization.
Interactivity and intertextuality which are realizing simultaneously with metalanguage reflection, are mostly used
as original invitation for readers to join the language game, the appeal to create the text with the author. Main functions
of grammar psychologism are the clearing up thought, the structuring the text, the expressive intensifying of the
previous statement, the creating of art images, the achieving of the comic effect. Metalanguage reflection can be
connected with a grammar metaphor and grammar combinatory. Synchronous functioning of some types of
actualizators is frequently observed in dialogues.
A fundamental analysis of displaying combination verbal means with paraverbal (crealizing text; texts that are
created in multi-media communicative environment, etc.) is important for subsequent investigation of linguistic creative
potential of irreal-mood forms.

Research highlights
► The article is devoted to the study of metalanguage reflection. ► The basis of research is classification of
actualization types by E. Remchukova. ► Principles of modern linguistic investigations (especially anthropocentrism)
necessitate taking account of not only form but the content level realized with the form.
Keywords: metalanguage reflection, linguistic creativity, linguistic evocation, irreal mood, linguistic creative

Alabuzhev, K. V. (2008). Aktualizaciya estetychnoho potencialu leksychnykh odynyc‟ u rosijs‟kij rok-poeziyi.
Avtoref. dys. … kand. filol. nauk: 10.02.02 “Rosijs‘ka mova”. Kyyiv.
Alefirenko, M. F. (1988). Linhvokreatyvni procesy formuvannya frazeolohichnoyi semantyky. Movoznavstvo, 5,

Baranova, L. A. (2003). Glokaja kuzdra kak model’ obrazovanija slov gibridov sredstvami dvuh jazykov.
Kul’tura narodov Prichernomor’ja, 37, 137-140.
Vas‟kiv, M. S. (2004). Hrafika yak kompozycijnyj pryjom uvyraznennya (Roman Ya. Olesicha “Na ozerakh
vohni”). Visnyk Zhytomyrs‘koho derzhavnoho universytetu im. I. Franka, 16, 48-50.
Vinogradova, N. V. (2001). Komp’juternyj sleng i literaturnyj jazyk: problemy konkurencii. Issledovanija po
slavjanskim jazykam, 6, 203-216.
Golovanevskij, A. L. (2002). Ocenochnost’ i ejo otrazhenie v politicheskom i leksikograficheskom diskursah.
Filologicheskie nauki, 3, 78-87.
Zahnitko, A. P. (1996). Ukrayins‘kyj syntaksys, I. K.: IZMN.
Zahnitko, A. P. (1996). Ukrayins‘kyj syntaksys, II. K.: IZMN.
Kyselyuk, N. P. (2009). Verbal‟ni ta neverbal‟ni zasoby aktualizaciyi emocijnoho stanu radosti v khudozhn‟omu
dyskursi (na materiali anhlomovnoyi prozy XX XXI stolit‟). Avtoref. dys. … kand. filol. nauk: spec. 10.02.04
“Hermans‘ki movy”. K.
Markelova, T. V. (1996). Vzaimodejstvie ocenochnyh i modal’nyh znachenij v russkom jazyke. Filologicheskie
nauki, 1, 80-89.
Markelova, T. V. (1999) Leksema-uzel “odobrjat'” kak sredstvo vyrazhenija ocenochnogo znachenija.
Filologicheskie nauki, 3, 76-86.
Monastyrets‟ka, H. (2008). Kreatyvnist‟ yak linhvistychnyj fenomen. Linhvistychni studiyi, 17, 39-44. Donets‟k:
Monastyrets‟ka, H. (2009). Modal‟na funkciya anhlijs‟kykh rozmovnykh formul-akronimiv v ukrayins‟komu
internet-dyskursi. Skhidnoslov‘yans‘ka filolohiya. Movoznavstvo, 16, 224-232. Horlivka: HDPIIM.
Prysyazhnyuk, L. F. (2004). Khudozhnye porivnyannya yak zasib aktualizaciyi obraznoho komponenta
znachennya movnykh odynyts‟ (na materiali tekstiv romaniv H. Hrina). Visnyk Zhytomyrs‘koho derzhavnoho
universytetu im. I. Franka, 17, 208-210.
Remchukova, E. N. (2005). Kreativnyj potencial russkoj gramatiki. M.: Izd-vo RUDN.Cognitivelinguistics,
(2007). Cognitivelinguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Csiksentmihalyi, M. (1990). Creativity: Flow and the Psychology of Discovery and Invention NewYork: Harper
Collins Publishers.

Correspondence kyrba-atu@rambler.ru
Hanna V. Yemeljanenko is Candidate of Philology, Senior Lecturer at Department of Ukrainian Language and
Applied Linguistics in Donetsk National University. Her scientific interests focus on text linguistics.

Anatoliy Zahnitko
Department of Ukrainian and Applied Linguistics, Donetsk National University, Donetsk, Ukraine

Available 19 October 2011

The modern understanding of grammar in the broad measuring of its problems and approaches – from fixed, that
lately more and more interpreted as classic (proverbial), to reference (reference-pragmatic), ideographical, “natural” – is
based on fundamental postulates of the nominative-existential scientifically-linguistic paradigm with its three sources:
а) theory of communicative acts, b) theory of nomination, c) theory of reference.
Each of these constituents caused, on the one hand, expansion of actually-grammatical researches (pragmatic
types of sentences, reference aspects of sentence and others), on the other hand, they were base to forming of separate
linguistic researches, that include explanation not only of the language phenomena with tracing of regularity of their
compatibility, display of semantic-paradigmatic connections, ascertainment of hierarchical features and others, but also
determinations of directions of their functioning by extra-linguistic factors, “loading” by national and cultural memory,
specific of the use in different discursive practices etc.
All of it motivates the necessity of analysis of the appropriate language phenomenon, certain linguistic unit
through the prism of discursive practices (in a process display and textual expression), associative and figurative
loading etc. And this explains actuality of consideration of auxiliarity in its functional measuring with ascertainment of
regularity of lexicographic interpretation of all volume of traditionally interpreted by classic grammar of official


The purpose of the article is determination of units and categories of lexicographic grammar of auxiliarity with
successive description of volumes and capacity of functional-semantic paradigm of auxiliary units.
The declared purpose predetermines the necessity of decision of such tasks: 1) to define the concept of
auxiliarity; 2) to define the classification varieties of auxiliarity; 3) to reveal the category apparatus of grammar of
auxiliarity; 4) to determine the basic features of lexicographic grammar of auxiliarity; 5) to characterize regularity of
lexicographic interpretation of auxiliary elements.
Creation of integral lexicographic grammar of auxiliarity is possible at conceptual work of all classification
criteria – structural, semantic, functional-descriptive, functional-communicative, semantic-paradigmatical and others,
tracing of capacity of the paradigmatic space (morphological, morpho-syntagmatical, semantic (functional-semantic),
contextual (textual)), and aspects – dynamic-evolutional and characterogical, that can be complemented by the
quantitative features of auxiliary words and establishment of features of the argument / sirkonstantive fixing of auxiliary
component in the semantic-syntactical hierarchy of the sentence. Lexicographic grammar of auxiliarity is based on
consecutive keeping of the explaining of obligatory features of auxiliary word and taking into account its qualification
of optional features.
Perspective of the research consists not only in creation of appropriate lexicographic works of the each category
class of auxiliary elements, but also tracing general-category features of auxiliary elements in a separate national
language and comparison of these features in the languages which different by their system, that will do possible receipt
of adequate translator methodologies and tracing of common and different of functional, paradigmatic and syntagmatic
descriptions of auxiliarity in the investigated languages.

Research highlights
► The features of categorical classes of auxiliary words have been characterized. ► The basic qualification
characteristics and parameters of lexicographical grammar of auxiliarity distinguishing between broad and narrow sense
have been established. ► The types of units of lexicographic grammar of auxiliarity have been characterized and
defining features of paradigmatic space of auxiliary words have been submitted. ► The structure of the entry, based on
a broad understanding of lexicographic grammar of auxiliarity has been offered.
Keywords: lexicographic grammar, categorical class of words, morpho-syntagmatical paradigm, morphological
paradigm, contextual paradigm, entry.

Ahmanova, O. S. (2007). Slovar’ lingvisticheskih terminov. Moskva: KomKniga.
Bacevych, F. (2008). Semantyka i prahmatyka ochikuvanykh i neochikuvanykh zmin: funkciyi ta komunikatyvni
smysly chastky i (j) u suchasnomu ukrayins‟komu movlenni. Ukrayins‘ka mova i literatura v shkoli, 1, 41-44.
Velykyj tlumachnyj slovnyk suchasnoyi ukrayins‟koyi movy, (2007). Velykyj tlumachnyj slovnyk suchasnoyi
ukrayins‘koyi movy (VTSUM). Kyyiv-Irpin‟: VTF “Perun”.
Vsevolodova, M. V. (2005). Materialy k slovarju “Predlogi i sredstva predlozhnogo tipa v russkom jazyke.
Funkcional’naja grammatika real’nogo upotreblenija”. Moskva: Izd-vo Mosk. un-ta.
Horodens‟ka, K. H. (2007). Hramatychnyj slovnyk ukrayins‘koyi movy: spoluchnyk. Kyyiv–Herson: Instytut
ukrayins‟koyi movy NAN Ukrayiny; Khersons‟kyj derzhavnyj universytet.
Kanjushkjevich, M. I. (2008, 2010). Bjelaruskija prynazowniki i ih analagi. Gramatyka real‟naga wzhyvannja.
Materyjaly da slownika (U 3 ch.). Grodna: GrDU.
Zahnitko, A. P. (2007). Slovnyk ukrayins‘kykh pryjmennykiv. Suchasna ukrayins‘ka mova. Donets‟k: TOV VKF
Zagnitko, A. (2009). Funkcional’no-semanticheskaja tipologja chastic: vnutripredlozhencheskij i kontraktivnyj
aspekty. Přмspěvky k aktuбlnмm otбzkбm jazykovědnй rusistiky, 3, 146-154. Brno: Щstav slavistiky Filozofickй fakulty
Masarykovy univerzity.
Zaliznjak, A. A. (1977). Grammaticheskij slovar’ russkogo jazyka. Slovoizmenenie. Moskva: Russkij jazyk.
Zubets‟, N. O. (2008). Ukrayins‘ka leksykohrafiya druhoyi polovyny XX – pochatku XXI stolittya. Zaporizhzhya:
Zaporiz‟kyj nacional‟nyj universytet.
Kiklevich, A. (2008). Pritjazhenie jazyka, 2: Funkcional’naja lingvistika. Olsztyn: Instytut Dzienikarstwa i
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Levakina, T. V. (2011). Semantychna dyferenciaciya ta funkciyuvannya pryjmennykiv sociatyvnosti v
ukrayins‟kij movi. Avtoref. dis. … kand. filol. nauk. Zaporizhzhya.
Mejzers‟ka, I. V. (2011). Pryjmennyk v ukrayins‟kij tlumachnij leksykohrafiyi II polovyny XX stolittya. Avtoref.
dis. … kand. filol. nauk. Kyyiv.
Pankov, F. I. (2008). Opyt funkcional’no-kommunikativnogo analiza russkogo narechija: na materiale kategorii
adverbial’noj temporal’nosti. Moskva: MAKS Press. ЛІНГВІСТИЧНІ СТУДІЇ. Випуск 24

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Gramatyka, (1984). Gramatyka wspуlczesnego języka polskiego. Skladnia. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo naukowe

Correspondence: a.zagnitko@gmail.com
Anatoliy P. Zahnitko is Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of Department of Ukrainian Language and
Applied Linguistics in Donetsk National University. His areas of research interests include functional linguistics,
cognitive linguistics, comparative linguistics, categorical linguistics, lexicographic linguistics, and text linguistics.

Nadezhda Zagnitko
Department of Ukrainian Studies, Didorenko Donetsk Juridical Institute of Luhansk State University of Internal
Affairs, Makiyivka, Donetsk region, Ukraine

Available 21 October 2011

The research of Eastern-steppe subdialects of Donetsk region is topical, since these dialects have not been
systematically described and also need the determination and specification of dialectal compatibility area boundaries,
being at the intersection of several dialect areas, having acquired the characteristics of later formed ancient dialects and
having been influenced by foreign inclusions, what has already been mentioned in the research papers of Ukrainian
dialectologists more than once [Sharpylo 1959; Froljak 1999: 99; Froljak 2002: 141; Klymenko 2005: 374]. The
subdialects in the dialectal compatibility area of two adjacent dialect areas (Slobozhanian and Eastern-steppe) also
include the subdialects of northern parts of Donetsk region. They need to be analyzed in detail as such subdialects that
“border on Slobozhanian dialect area and which some scientists include to Slobozhanian subdialects and the other
scientists – in transitional subdialect zone” [Froljak 2002: 141].
Donetsk subdialects of northern microarea can be found in communities, located in Krasnyi Lyman, Sloviansk,
partially in Oleksandrivsk and Artemivsk districts of Donetsk region. The boundaries of this microarea are quite
unclear: on the west-north-east line the mentioned dialects border on South-Slobozhanian subdialects, and in the south –
on other East-steppe ones. L.M. Tyshchenko in the work “Structural Organization and Evolution of Everyday Lexis in
South-Slobozhanian Subdialects” [Tyshhenko 2002] has described these subdialects as those, which refer to the south-
eastern area of the South-Slobozhanian subdialects – (e.g. Borivsk district of Kharkiv region, Krasnyi Lyman,
Sloviansk, northern part of Artemivsk districts of Donetsk region). However the researcher mentions that the everyday
lexis does not have clear isoglosses within the studied area. “For the lack of a clear dialectal classification of the studied
subdialects, the primary functioning areas of the one group of lexemes and the lack areas of the other lexeme group
have been outlined on the basis of mapped data. These relative conclusions need further verification based upon
mapped lexis of other thematic groups; only after that it will be possible to define the character and depth of the
subdialects spatial differentiation of the studied continuum” [Tyshhenko 2002: 15].
The objective of the paper is to define the area behaviour peculiarities of the dialects of the northern part of
Donetsk region, based upon the data concerning one thematic group of lexis (names of food, drinks).
Thus the subdialects of the northern part of Donetsk region can be considered as typical Eastern-steppe
subdialects, which have the whole range of the typical dialectal features for all Donetsk subdialects. Their active study
during the consideration of Slobozhanian dialect shows obviously that there are some peculiarities, which bring the
studied microarea closer not only to the steppe subdialects, but also to Slobozhanian ones. This fact gives an
opportunity to study the microarea as so called “buffer zone” between Eastern-steppe and Slobozhanian subdialects.
L.D. Frolyak emphasizes that Siversk subdialects and the subdialects of surrounding villages clearly belong to the ABSTRACTS

Eastern-steppe dialect; that is based on the analysis of results of principal phonetic and morphological features [Froljak
2005: 147].
The conclusions mentioned above point out the necessity of further researches at all dialectal levels, which are
on the relative boundaries of dialect areas.

Research highlights
► In the paper the lexical features of the Northern microarea of the Ukrainian Eastern-steppe subdialects
according to the household vocabulary of only thematic group – names of foods, beverages, reflecting dialectal
features of created Ukrainian subdialects, located on the periphery of Ukrainian dialect continuum, have been
analyzed. ► A characteristics of the vocabulary of this Donetsk dialects zone helps to solve the one of the
important tasks of the Ukrainian dialectology, such as setting and clarifying of interdialectal boundaries on the
dialectal contiguity area.
Keywords: dialect vocabulary, microarea, semantic structure of word, Eastern-steppe subdialects.

Veshtort, H. F. (1968). Nazvanyya pyshhy v hovorakh Poles‘ya, 366-414. Kyev: Naukova dumka.
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skhidnostepovykh hovirok (na materiali nazv odyahu). Linhvistychni studiyi, 13, 374-380.
Tyshhenko, L. M. (2002). Strukturna orhanizaciya j dynamika pobutovoyi leksyky pivdennoslobozhans‟kykh
hovirok. Avtoref. dys. … kand. filol. nauk: 10.02.01 “Ukrayins‟ka mova”. Kyyiv.
Froljak, L. D. (1988). Botanicheskaja leksika ukrainskih govorov Severnogo Priazov’ja. Avtoref. dis. … kand.
filol. nauk: 10.02.01 “Ukrainskij jazyk”. Kyyiv.
Froljak, L. D. (1999). Typolohiya ukrayins’kykh hovirok terytoriyi pizn’oho zaselennya (na materiali hovirok
Donechchyny). Visnyk Luhans’koho derzhavnoho pedahohichnoho universytetu im. T. Shevchenka, 10, 99-104.
Froljak, L. D. (2002). Do pytannya pro typolohiyu hovirok dialektnoyi sumizhnosti stepovoho i slobozhans’koho
hovoriv, 141-148. Kharkiv: “ОВС” KDPU im. H. Skovorody.
Froljak, L. D. (2003). Etnomovni fakty v osnovi henetychnoyi klasyfikatsiyi novostvorenykh skhidnostepovykh
hovirok, 11-21. L’viv: Instytut ukrayinoznavstva im. I. Kryp‟yakevycha NANU.
Sharpylo, B. A. (1959). Ukrayins’ki hovirky Luhanshchyny v yikh vidnoshenni do dialektnoyi systemy pivdenno-
skhidnoho narichchya ukrayins’koyi movy. Luhans’k: Vydavnytstvo Luhans’koho instytutu.

Arkushyn, H. L. (2000). Slovnyk zakhidnovolyns‘kykh hovirok (2 t.). Luts‟k: Vezha.
Lysenko, P. S. (1972). Slovnyk polis‘kykh hovoriv. Kyyiv: Naukova dumka.
Hlukhovceva, K., & Lyesnova, V., & Nikolayenko, I., & Ternovs‟ka, T., & Uzhchenko, V. Slovnyk
ukrayins‘kykh skhidnoslobozhans‘kykh hovirok. Luhans‟k.

Correspondence: nzagnitko@yandex.ru
Nadezhda H. Zagnitko is Candidate of Philology, Lecturer at Department of Ukrainian Studies in Didorenko
Donetsk Juridical Institute of Luhansk State University of Internal Affairs. Her scientific interests focus on Ukrainian
dialectology, particularly on the folk everyday lexis of the Eastern-steppe subdialects at the Donetsk region.

Anatoliy Zahnitko, Iryna Kudreiko
Department of Ukrainian Language and Applied Linguistics, Donetsk National University, Donetsk, Ukraine

Available 28 October 2011

The study and the analysis of modern city names are urgent and important. The consideration of modern city
names is especially meaningful in comparative aspect, when background of several cities nominations is compared.
The purpose of the article is to general typological classification of names of streets, alleys, avenues, boulevards,
etc., and the definition of cultural-historical and estimate-qualificative frameworks of functional filling names of such
realities on urbanistic map. ЛІНГВІСТИЧНІ СТУДІЇ. Випуск 24

The main tasks of the study are: 1) to analyze the overall map of names of streets, alleys, avenues, boulevards,
etc. in four geographical distant cities: Zaporizhzhya, Odesa, Ternopil, Khmelnytsky; 2) to establish the evolutionally-
dynamic trends in total space of historical names of streets, alleys, avenues, boulevards, etc. in analyzed cities:
Zaporizhzhya, Odesa, Ternopil, Khmelnytsky; 3) to determine the quantitative characteristics of the historical names of
streets, avenues, lanes, etc. in analyzed cities: Zaporizhzhya, Odesa, Ternopil, Khmelnytsky.
Thus, general background of urbanonyms in four geofraphically cities of Ukraine: Odesa, Ternopil,
Zaporizhzhya, Kharkiv and Khmelnytsky shows quite a lot in common representation of urbanonyms subgroup, while
the pattern of clear priorities and values, aesthetic and qualitative parameters in the overall map of the city – especially
Odesa and Ternopil – are traceable. The difference in quantitative filling of analyzed microgroups in total space of some
city`s names is equally indicative. The latter is particularly important, because that reflects the directing residents
aspirations to the most intensify a historical memory in the names of streets, to surround himself with the most
significant figures, events and more.
The tracing a saturation of wide maps with some urbanonyms-personalias in common Ukrainian space that will
allow a creation of a road map with streets` names is perspective.

Research highlights
► This article characterizes the peculiarities of historical and unhistorical streets‟ correlations in some
geographically remote Ukrainian cities such as Zaporizhzhya, Odesa, Ternopil and Khmelnytsky.► The regularities of
evolution such as names of personalities are revealed. ► It was done by means of comparison. ► It determined
quantitative facts of “presence” of historical memory on the map of the city.
Keywords: the names of streets, historical names, national language memory, quantitative characteristic.

Vahtin, N. B. (2004). Sociolingvistika i sociologija jazika. Spb.: IC “Gumanitarnaja Akademija”; Izd-vo
Evropejskogo universiteta v S.-P.
Yesyunin, S. (2005). Vulyci Khmel‘nyts‘koho: istoryko-dovidkove vydannya. Ternopil‟: Vydavets‟
V. P. Andriyishyn.
Zahnitko, A. P. (2008). Typolohichni vyyavy ukrayins‟koyi movy yak derzhavnoyi. Ukrayins‘ka mova – mova
derzhavna (zb. nauk. prats‘: u 2 ch.), 1, 27-39. Donets‟k: DIPPO.
Zahnitko, A., & Kudrejko, I. (2008). Sociolinhvistyka: predmetno-ponyattyevyj aparat. Donets‘kyj visnyk
Naukovoho tovarystva im. Shevchenka, 22, 139-154. Donets‟k: Skhidnyj vydavnychyj dim.
Zahnitko, A., & Kudrejko, I. (2009). Dynamika movnoyi i nacional‟noyi samoidentyfikaciyi meshkanciv
Donechchyny. Svitohlyad, 3(17), 24-30.
Kudrejko, I. O. (2010). Movna sytuaciya na terytoriyi mist Donechchyny: synkhronnyj i diakhronnyj aspekty.
Sociolinhvistychni studiyi, 44-51. K.: Vydavnychyj dim Dmytra Buraho.
Masenko, L. (2010). Narysy z sociolinhvistyky. Kyyiv: Vyd. dim “Kyyevo-Mohylyan. akad.”.
Macyuk, H. (2009). Prykladna sociolinhvistyka. Pytannya movnoyi polityky. L‟viv: Vydavnychyj centr LNU im.
I. Franka.
Taranenko, O. O. (2010). “Sociolinhvistychna karta” ukrayins‟koyi toponimiyi. Studiyi z onomastyky ta
etymolohiyi,9, 241-265. K.: Instytut ukrayins‟koyi movy NAN Ukrayiny.
Tkachenko, O. B. (2004). Ukrayins‘ka mova i movne zhyttya svitu. K.: Spalakh.
Tkachenko, O. B. (2006). Mova i nacional‘na mental‘nist‘ (Sproba suchasnoho syntezu). K.: Hramota.
Filipov, O. Nazvy vulyts‟ Mukacheva u XX st. E-portal:
Fishman, Dzh. (2009). Ne kydajte svoyu movu na pryzvolyashhe. K.: “K.I.S.”

Correspondence: a.zagnitko@gmail.com, kudrejko@mail.ru
Anatoliy P. Zahnitko is Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of Department of Ukrainian Language and Applied
Linguistics in Donetsk National University. His areas of research interests include functional linguistics, cognitive
linguistics, comparative linguistics, categorical linguistics, lexicographic linguistics, and text linguistics.
Iryna O. Kudreiko is Research Assistant at Department of Ukrainian Language and Applied Linguistics in
Donetsk National University. Her research area includes sociolinguistics and onomastics.

Marina Zhownir ABSTRACTS

Department of Journalism, Korolenko Poltava National Pedagogical University, Poltava, Ukraine

Available 18 October 2011

The relevance of the question is due to lack of scientific justification of outlined problems in Ukrainian studies.
Understudiedness of SD phenomenon contradicts the rapid growth of the role of communication in situations that are
directly or indirectly relevant to the secular relations.
The purpose of the article is the attempt to bring the combined nature of society discourse (hereinafter – SD), its
intermediate position concerning varieties of induced dichotomy.
The main tasks of the study are: 1) the clarification of the essence of status-oriented (institutional) and
personality-oriented (personal) discourse; 2) the comparison of key parameters and characteristics of observed types of
discourse; 3) the analysis of personal-oriented and personal nature of SD; 4) the outline of the main categories to
characterized of SD as purposeful communicative action.
Based on factual material, upon learning works of scientists and taking into account the V.I. Karasyk`s position
of the distribution of discourse on institutional and personal, in analyzing the source base author recognize the syncretic
nature of SD: functioning constitutional signs of institutional and personal discourse types.
This intelligence offers the prospect of further study of the problem, particularly given the availability of factual
material and a broad base of sources. Additional scientific research can be directed to the detailed analysis of the
categories of SD in the context of text linguistics and theory of discourse.

Research highlights
► The present paper compares essence and characteristic features of status-oriented andpersonality-oriented
types of discourses. ► Author makes an analysis of status-oriented and personality-oriented basis of society
conversation as the linguistic phenomenon.
Keywords: discourse, status-oriented discourse, personality-oriented discourse, society conversation,
communicative space, mode of communication.

Bure, N. A., & Bystryh, M. V., & Vishnjakova, S. A. (2003). Osnovy nauchnoj rechi. M.: Izdatel’skij centr
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Karasik, V. I. (1998). O kategorijah diskursa. Jazykovaja lichnost’: sociolingvisticheskie i jemotivnye aspekty:
Sbornik nauchnyh trudov, 185-196. Volgograd: Peremena.
Makarov, M. L. (2003). Osnovy teorii diskursa. M.: ITDGK “Gnozis”.
Oleshkov, M. Ju. (2006). Osnovnye parametry modeli professional’noj kommunikacii (na primere
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A.A. Verbickogo, N.V. Zhukovoj, 62-71. M.: RIC MGOPU im. M.A. Sholohova.
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Domontovych, V. (1999). Doktor Serafikus. Bez gruntu: Romany. K.: Krytyka.

Correspondence: marina.garaja@yandex.ru
Marina M. Zhownir is Post-Graduate Student at Department of Journalism in Korolenko Poltava National
Pedagogical University. Her research areas include sociolinguistics and theory of discuorse.

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