Oleksandr Bilykh
Department of Ukrainian Language, Kirovohrad Vynnychenko State Pedagogical University Kirovohrad,
Available 15 November 2011
The system of plural case forms nouns in Ukrainian (as well as in any other Slavic languages) carried changes
during its development, which took place mainly as a result of action of tendency to standardization and creation of
only plural case paradigm. The basic stages of these changes are already characterized in the special scientific literature
[Bevzenko 1960: 75-93; Samiylenko 1964: 91-162; IUM. Morfolohiya 1978: 74-128 and other]. However, the problem
of influence of the living Ukrainian language on creation of plural forms of nouns in neuter in the Church Slavonic
language which functioned on the territory of Ukraine doesn‟t lose its actuality, because this language was used in
Ukraine during centuries and interacted with the living Ukrainian language. Such co-operation especially increased in
the end of XVIth – XVIIth centuries, when the Church Slavonic speech was not only the language of church but also one
of facilities and symbols of National Liberation Fight [Nimchuk 1980: 35-44, 90-96; Rusanivs’kyy 1985: 137; Chepiha
1995: 286]. According to the investigators‟ observations in this time “all levels of literary Ukrainian language are
marked with increasing influence of the Slavic one” [Rusanivs’kyy 1985: 147]. That is why formation of complete
picture of development of literary Ukrainian language is impossible without detailed study and the Church Slavonic
language in the Ukrainian edition.
The purpose of the study is to describe the features of creation of case forms of nouns of neutral in plural in the
Ukrainian edition of Church Slavonic language of the end of the XVIth – XVIIth centuries.
The purpose provides for accomplishment of such tasks as: 1) to ascertain the presence of some nouns forms of
neuter in plural in the Church Slavonic language; 2) to find out common and different features of fixed forms
comparing with corresponding forms in the Church Slavonic language; 3) to find out possible results of influence of
Ukrainian on observed forms.
During the creation of case forms of great number of nouns of neuter in the Church Slavonic language in the
Ukrainian release of the end of XVIth – XVIIth centuries kept those features which were characteristic for them as early
as old Church Slavonic language mainly. In addition, there are some differences (in particular, the use in dative,
instrumental and locative cases both old and new inflexions, correspondingly амъ (#мъ), ами (#ми) and ахъ (#хъ),
and new forms of nouns with stem with inflexion *es). These changes were caused mainly by influence of Ukrainian
language, but not excepted, that they could be caused by intrinsic tendencies, independently of irrelevant influences.
Prospects of further scientific explorations are in specification of role of Ukrainian language in development of
the analyzed forms (as well as in Church Slavonic language of the Ukrainian edition at all). In addition, variants of
different forms (in particular, plural of nouns of neuter in Church Slavonic language) deserve our attention in the future.
Research highlights
► The article is devoted to description of features of creating case forms of nouns of neuter in the Church
Slavonic language in the Ukrainian edition of the end of the XVIth – XVIIth centuries. ► The conducted analysis
educed quantitative differences between the variants of different forms, showed connection between old Slavonic,
Church Slavonic and Ukrainian languages.
Keywords: case form, nouns in neutral, old base morphemes of nouns, Church Slavonic language.
Bevzenko, S. P. (1960). Istorychna morfolohiya ukrayins’koyi movy (narysy iz slovozminy ta slovotvoru).
Uzhhorod: Zakarpats’ke oblasne vydavnytstvo.
Vajan, A. (1952). Rukovodstvo po staroslavjanskomu jazyku. Moskva: Izdatel’stvo inostrannoj literatury.
IUM. Morfolohiya, (1978). Istoriya ukrayins’koyi movy. Morfolohiya. Kyyiv: Naukova dumka.
Kernyts’kyy, I. M. (1967). Systema slovozminy v ukrayins’kiy movi. Na materialakh pam‘yatok XVI st. Kyyiv:
Naukova dumka.
Narysy, (2008). Narysy z morfolohiyi staroslov‘yans’koyi movy skhidnoslov‘yans’kykh pam‘yatok XI – XIII st.
Kyyiv: Vydavnychyy Dim Dmytra Buraho. ABSTRACTS
Nimchuk, V. V. (1980). Staroukrayins’ka leksykohrafiya v yiyi zv‘yazkakh z rosiys’koyu ta bilorus’koyu. Kyyiv:
Naukova dumka.
Rusanivs’kyy, V. M. (1985). Dzherela rozvytku skhidnoslov‘yans’kykh literaturnykh mov. Kyyiv: Naukova
Samiylenko, S. P. (1964). Narysy z istorychnoyi morfolohiyi ukrayins’koyi movy, 1. Kyyiv: Radyans’ka shkola.
Selishhev, A. M. (1952). Staroslavjanskij jazyk (v 2 ch.), 2. Teksty. Slovar’. Ocherki morfologi. Moskva: Gos.
uchebno-ped. izd-vo Min-va prosv. RSFSR.
Haburgaev, G. A. (1999). Ocherki istoricheskoj morfologii russkogo jazyka. Imena. Moskva: Izd-vo MGU.
Chepiha, I. (1995). Vzayemodiya ukrayins’koyi i tserkovnoslov‟yans’koyi mov XVI stolittya (na materiali
perekladiv Yevanheliya). NTSh, CCXXIX. – Pratsi filolohichnoyi sektsiyi, 227-288. L’viv.
Sources and Abbreviations
VV, Vasyliy Velykyy, (1594). Knyha o postnychestvi. Ostroh: Drukarnya Kostyantyna Ostroz’koho.
ZyzHr, (1980). Zyzaniy L. Hramatyka slovens’ka. K.: Naukova dumka.
PM, (1887). Sobstvennoruchnyya zapysky Petra Mohylы. Arkhyvъ Yuho-Zapadnoy Rossyy, yzdavaemyy
kommyssieyu dlya razbora drevnykh aktov, 1 (7), 49-180. Kijev: Typohrafiya H.T. Korchak-Novytskaho.
Syn, (1987). Synopsis. Ukrayins’ka literatura XVII st.: Synkret. pysemnist’. Poeziya. Dramaturhiya. Beletrystyka,
167-181. K.: Naukova dumka.
Correspondence: obilyh@inbox.ru
Oleksandr P. Bilykh, Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor at Department of Ukrainian Language in
Kirovohrad Vynnychenko State Pedagogical University. A circle of scientific interests is the historical grammar of
Ukrainian language.
Luydmila Borodenko
Faculty of Engineering and Language Training, Pryazov State Technical University, Mariupol, Donetsk region,
Available 18 November 2011
An adaptation of foreign words is considered one of the most difficult components of borrowed vocabulary
development, and as we know, borrowed vocabulary is one way of updating the vocabulary of the entire history of its
existence. Adaptive system adjusts to conditions of operating by enriching its composition and structure changes. It
should be noted that the imbalance between the state of the system, its composition and tasks that it performs during its
operation, resulted in increased attention to the peculiarities of scientists active attraction of strange tokens. The
problem of adaptation always interested linguists (O.S. Ahmanova, M.I. Barannikov, E.M. Byelozerova, Y. Zhluktenko,
G.V. Zymovets, I.I. Ohienko, O.O. Potebnya, S. Semchynskyy, Y. Sorokin). In our time outside the scrutiny of
scientists remain unadapted lexemes that function in the vocabulary of modern Ukrainian language. However, to this
day a question of adaptation remains unsolved, and they require a detailed description and specifications.
The purpose of the article is the analysis of stages adaptation of foreign lexemes and the characteristics of these
linguistic units in modern linguistics.
The main tasks of the study are: 1) to the stages of adaptation of loan words in Ukrainian language; 2) to
consider the main types of development of foreign language vocabulary at different levels of language.
Thus, foreign words are one of the important components of the lexical structure of the Ukrainian language,
like any language at all. They come with the concepts and adapted in the language, extend, enrich their vocabulary
arsenal. In the paper author considers the most pressing classifications of foreign-language lexemes adaptation.
Mostly in the above classifications is divided into four stages of adaptation of borrowed vocabulary: phonetic,
grammatical, morphological and semantic, but all foreign-language lexemes are adapted, many of them are in the
language as blotches, barbarisms.
The analysis of unadapted borrowing (author calls them graphically-spelling loans) appears promising in terms
of drawing study in the modern Ukrainian language. ЛІНГВІСТИЧНІ СТУДІЇ. Випуск 25
Research highlights
► The challenge of adaptation of foreign-language tokens, up to date in the linguistic literature, is analyzed in
the article. ► Special attention is paid to the stages of adaptation of loan words. ► The main types of development of
foreign language vocabulary at different levels of language are considered.
Keywords: adaptation, token, device, sememe, assimilation, language-recipient.
Aristova, V. M. (1978). Anglo-russkie jazykovye kontakty. L.
Barannikova, L. I. (1972). Sushhnost’ interferencii i specifika ejo projavlenija. Problemy dvujazychija i
mnogojazychija, 88-98. M.: Nauka.
Belozjorova, E. N. (1961). Ob assimiljacii latinskih prilagatel’nyh na -ate v anglijskom jazyke v 16-18 vekah.
Sbornik issledovanij po anglijskoj lingvistike, 56-61. M.: Vysshaja shkola.
Vajnrajh, U. (1972). Odnojazychie i mnogojazychie. Novoe v lingvistike, 6 (Jazykovye kontakty), 25-60. M.:
Vajnrajh, U. (1979). Jazykovye kontakty: Sostojanie i problemy issledovanija. K.: Vysshaja shkola.
Grot, Ja. (1898). Filologicheskie rozyskanija, 3. SPb.
Zhluktenko, Yu. O. (1966). Movni kontakty. K.: Vyd-vo Kyyiv. un-tu.
Efremov, L. P. (1959). Sushhnost’ leksicheskogo zaimstvovanija i osnovnye priznaki osvoenija zaimstvovannyh
slov. Avtoref. dis. … kand. filol. nauk. Alma-Ata.
Krejn, I. M. (1963). Francuzskie zaimstvovanija XIX veka v anglijskom literaturnom jazyke. Avtoref. dis. …
kand. fil. nauk. M.: Izd-vo MGU.
Krysin, L. P. (19968). Inojazychnye slova v sovremennom russkom jazyke. M.: Nauka.
Krysin, L. P. (1991). Jetapy osvoenija inojazychnogo slova. Russkij jazyk v shkole, 2, 75-78.
Reformatskij, A. A. (1967). Vvedenie v jazykoznanie. Uchebnik dlja filol. fak. ped. in-tov. M.: Prosveshhenie.
Sen’ko, V. V. (2000). Konnotativno-pragmaticheskaja dinamika leksicheskogo znachenija. Kommunikativno-
pragmaticheskaja semantika: Sbornik nauchnyh trudov. Volgograd: Peremena.
Sorokin, Ju. S. (1965). Razvitie slovarnogo sostava russkogo literaturnogo jazyka v 30-90-e gody XIX veka. L.
Richter, E. (1919). Fremdwortkunde, 80-86. Leipzig.
Correspondence: ludborodenko@rambler.ru
Luydmila M. Borodenko, Senior Inspector at the Faculty of Engineering and Language Training in Pryazov State
Technical University. Her research area includes lexicology of Ukrainian language.
Illya Danyluk
Department of Ukrainian Language and Applied Linguistics, Donetsk National University, Donetsk, Ukraine
Available 16 November 2011
During the protracted development of IT-sphere the specific industry of linguistic information technologies,
which includes an automatic synthesis and analysis of the natural speech, including texts, was selected. In a chart of the
systems of the automated analysis of text, which have already become fixed, an initial is the module of automatic
morphological analysis, its purpose is to define the grammatical class and subclass of every word, in other words,
belonging to the part of speech and basic grammatical categories, that will become subsoil of analysis of subsequent
levels: syntactic, semantic et cetera.
A few approaches, or methods of completion of AMA, were gradually formed, among them: 1) the dictionary
methods: a) an analysis with the dictionary of stems and flexions; b) an analysis with the dictionary of word-forms;
2) the methods without words: a) an analysis by method of logical multiplication; b) a graphemic analysis, or analysis
with using of tables and quasi-flexions. Each of them have the advantages and disadvantages, sphere of application and
aptitude, for using them with the languages of different type, which are not the subject of consideration in this article.
The purpose of the research is to show the development of separate mode in a boundary of graphemic method of
AMA that draw on the most formalized data – character word mask with only two types of units: letters to indicate
consonants and letters to indicate vowel phonemes.
The main tasks of the study are: 1) to describe the previous principles of mode of AMA with using of the
character mask; 2) to prepare the database of the word-forms of Ukrainian language; 3) on the ground of upbuilded
database to create the table of the character masks for completion of the tasks of AMA – the determination of the part of
speech, which an analyzable word-form belongs to.
The character mask of word-forms generally can diagnose the identification of morphological word-form. For
example, Table 6 data show that in 1189 masks (which is 49% of the total) can definitely set the class of word-
forms. The total list of masks indicating the class https://sites.google.com/site/plдієсл., onnukn1/home. Approximately
half of the masks are homonymic, ie to set the class of words with a certain probability.
In the future, the proposed method can be specified with the tool of removal of results of automatic analysis
homonymy by transferring binary character mask from view as a single letter disclosed, and this mask is definitely point
to one and only one class.
Research highlights
► The paper describes a method of automatically part-of-speech determining for word-forms based on its
character mask that can be part of the automatic text processing tool or automatic laying out a of text corpora. ► The
proposed approach is based on the assumption that a combination of letters to indicate vowels and consonant sounds
can indicate the grammatical class of word-forms uniquely or with a certain percentage of probability.
Keywords: automatic morphological processing, word-forms, part of speech, character mask.
Darchuk, N. P. (2008). Avtomatychne opratsyuvannya tekstu. Kyyiv: Vydavnycho-polihrafichnyy tsentr
“Kyyivs’kyy universytet”.
Karpilovs’ka, Ye. A. (2006). Vstup do prykladnoyi linhvistyky: komp‘yuterna linhvistyka. Donets’k: Yuho-
Vostok, Ltd.
Marchuk, Ju. N. (2000). Osnovy komp’juternoj lingvistiki. Moskva: Narodnyj uchitel’.
Pak, Aleksandr (2011). Opredelenie chasti rechi slov v russkom tekste (POS-tagging) na Python 3. E-portal:
http://habrahabr.ru/blogs/python/125988/ (10.08.2011).
Jurafsky, D., & Martin, J. H. (2009). Speech and Language Processing: An Introduction to Natural Language
Processing, Computational Linguistics, and Speech Recognition. Prentice Hall.
Correspondence: i.g.danyluk@gmail.com
Illya G. Danyluk, Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor at Department of Ukrainian Language and
Applied Linguistics in Donetsk National University. His research areas include applied linguistics and grammar of
Ukrainian language.
Olena Filatova
Department of Foreign Languages, Donetsk Institute of Tourist Business, Donetsk, Ukraine
Available 8 November 2011
Every expert in the field of linguistics known that in modern Ukrainian and Russian linguistics major position is
a concept whereby speech (and especially the sentence) is built of words and phrases. This theory, in the author`s
opinion, does not consider that the processes of generation of speech in oral and written forms are different with various
drafting of its results.
The purpose of this work is to pay attention to what is objectively there are two linguistic areas – language and
speech and it is natural that each of them their units that do not have to confuse or equate.
The main task of the work is to not only provide an overview of the problem, but also distinguish between
language and speech units, paying attention to their peculiar characteristics and real functions. ЛІНГВІСТИЧНІ СТУДІЇ. Випуск 25
Word and phrases within the scope of language. Word is a generic unit, the phrase is a purely metalanguage
Syntagma and sentence are the units of speech. Syntagma combines a few words, activating the accidental
qualities of the realities designated by them, facilitates the specification of their values and the transformation into the
unified speech situational structure. The functions of words are exhausted on the level of syntagmas. Sentences have a
syntagmatic structure and they are perceived on this level. They structure the text, arranging its individual and separate
Comprehensive studies of syntagmas as the basic unit of generation and perception of speech, syntagmatic
structure, intersyntagmatic relations and division of the text have good prospects, because it caused actual pragmatic
goals – namely: the necessity of the formation and development in students the all types of speech skills and abilities in
the process of studying them native and foreign languages.
Research highlights
► Being guided by the ideas of I.A. Boduen de Kurtene about the necessity of differentiation of the word in the
language system and in the sphere of speech as well as by L.V. Shcherba’s last views on syntagmas it is stated in the
article that a syntagma is a unit of speech creation and perception. ► Attention is paid to the fact the creation and the
perception are characteristic of the speech while the creation, structuring and perception are typical for the written
Keywords: language unit, speech unit, word, word combination, syntagma, sentence, speech creation, speech
perception, text structuring.
Vinogradov, V. V. (1975). Voprosy izuchenija slovosochetanij (Na materiale russkogo jazyka). Izbrannye trudy.
Issledovanija po russkoj grammatike, 231-253. Moskva: Nauka.
Vinogradov, V. V. (1975). Idealisticheskie osnovy sintaksicheskoj sistemy A.M. Peshkovskogo, ejo jeklektizm i
vnutrennie protivorechija. Izbrannye trudy. Issledovanija po russkoj grammatike, 441-487. Moskva: Nauka.
Vinogradov, V. V. (1975). Ponjatie sintagmy v sintaksise russkogo jazyka (Kratkij obzor teorij i zadachi
sintagmaticheskogo izuchenija russkogo jazyka). Izbrannye trudy. Issledovanija po russkoj grammatike, 88-154.
Moskva: Nauka.
Vykhovanets’, I. R. (1992). Narysy z funktsional’noho syntaksysu ukrayins’koyi movy. Kyyiv: Naukova dumka.
Dem’jankov, V. Z. Producirovanie, ili porozhdenie rechi. Е-portal: http://www.infolex.ru/Cs12.html
Zahnitko, A. (2001). Teoretychna hramatyka ukrayins’koyi movy. Syntaksys. Donets’k: DonDU.
Zahnitko, A. P. (2004). Osnovy ukrayins’koho teoretychnoho syntaksysu (u 2 ch.). Horlivka: HDPIIM.
Norman, B. Ju. (1994). Grammatika govorjashhego. Sankt-Peterburg: Izd-vo Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta.
Filatova, E. V. (2010). Sintagma kak osnovnaja edinica porozhdenija i vosprijatija rechi. Russkij jazyk,
literatura, kul’tura v shkole i vuze, 4, 15-22.
Filatova, E. V. (2010). Mezhsintagmaticheskie svjazi v strukture predlozhenija. Filologicheskie nauki. Voprosy
teorii i praktiki, 2, 177-181; Е-portal: http://www.gramota.net/materials/2/2010/2/49.html
Filatova, E. V. (2010). Syntagmatics of the English sentence as the main way of its adequate perception. Visnyk
DITB, 14, 335-338.
Filatova, E. V. (2011). Funkcii sintagmy v strukture predlozhenija i teksta. Russkij jazyk, literatura, kul’tura v
shkole i vuze, 2, 17-26.
Filatova, E. V. (2011). Porozhdenie, strukturirovanie i vosprijatie rechi i otnoshenie k nim slova,
slovosochetanija, sintagmy i predlozhenija. Filologicheskie nauki. Voprosy teorii i praktiki, 2, 172-177. E-portal:
Fomenko, Ju. V. (1975). Javljaetsja li slovosochetanie edinicej jazyka? FN, 6, 60-64.
Correspondence: taranushchenko@mail.ru
Olena V. Filatova, Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor at Department of Foreign Languages in Donetsk
Institute of Tourist Business. Area of her scientific interests is function-communicative grammar.
Nataliya Kostusyak
Department of Ukrainian language, Institute of Philology and Journalism, Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National
University, Lutsk, Volyn region, Ukraine
Available 23 November 2011
In modern philological science a category of case is usually given the status of linguistic value, which is related
primarily to morphological level of the language. In accordance with such qualification parameters scientists emphasize
the word modifying features of nouns, in other words, they pay attention to their purely formal plan. But the stated
aspect does not provide a complete and thorough coverage of the analyzed category. Those linguistic studies, which
interpret case as a multi-vector unit that “is an indivisible unity of semantic-syntactical function and a case form”, are
considered perspective [Vykhovanets’ 2004: 57]. Wide interpretation of the case category gives an opportunity to make
a clear differentiation of its components and to analyze them within an integrated system. Linguistics knows different
approaches to qualification of case grammemes. Among a variety of concepts there is one that deserves attention – its
supporters define semantic cases in addition to morphological ones [Chejf 1975: 113-123, 167-191; Vykhovanets’ 2004:
59-61]. The scope of the latter is structured by the subject, object, addressee, locative, instrumentals. Semantic cases,
indicating the “universal character of the meaning division of components of a sentence with subjective meaning”
[Vykhovanets’ 2004: 61], form a syntactic paradigm. The manifestation of the syntactic paradigm of a particular
grammeme is caused by its semantics and connections with other components of the sentence. This article provides
detailed review of semantic case of “subject”, its paradigmatic specifics, and description of possible structural schemes
of a sentence, which definitely has an indicated grammeme. All of that hasn‟t been a subject of special linguistic studies
previously. This specifically determines the relevance of the proposed work.
The purpose of the article resides in comprehensive study of peculiarities of syntactical paradigm of semantic
case “subject.”
To achieve the goal the following tasks are identified: 1) to define and to set the hierarchy of the meaning types
of specified grammeme; 2) to characterize its morphological means of implementation by separating central and
peripheral manifestations; 3) to submit the definition of the subject, taking into account its differential characteristics.
Thus, a subject is the central semantic grammeme of a case system, which functional-categorical manifestation is
associated with the meaning of real subjectivity, particularly active executor of an action or passive carrier of the status.
It corresponds to the nearside subjective syntaxeme at semantic-syntactical level; morphologically it is represented by
the nominative case as the core for this function and all other case grammemes – as its secondary options. Semantic
case of “subject” specializes on the expression of the subject of action, condition, and process, qualitative and
quantitative characteristics. Morphological cases identified in secondary subjective surrounding are in the hierarchical
relationships. Taking into consideration the frequency of their functioning and specifics of subjective transposition
direction, dative is considered half-peripheral method of representation of the semantic subject, because it serves as a
specialized morphological variant of the subject of condition, and ablative, accusative, genitive, vocative and
prepositional cases – as periphery of syntactic paradigm of the subject‟s grammeme.
Issues raised in the article give a general idea only about the central case; meanwhile the research of other
semantic grammemes is considered perspective, facilitating deeper study of interlevel category of case and its
paradigmatic specifics, based on morphological-syntactic parameters.
Research highlights
► In the article a semantic case (a subject case) is analyzed, its meaningful variants are distinguished, primary
and secondary formal means of expression, which are connected with morphological cases, are proved.
Keywords: paradigm, case, grammeme, locative, subject, semantic-syntactical valence.
Vykhovanets’, I. R. (1987). Systema vidminkiv ukrayins’koyi movy. Kyyiv: Naukova dumka.
Vykhovanets’, I. R. (2004). Teoretychna morfolohiya ukrayins’koyi movy. Akadem. hramatyka ukrayins’koyi
movy. Kyyiv: Universytets’ke vyd-vo “Pul’sary”.
Horodens’ka, K. H. (1991). Deryvatsiya syntaksychnykh odynyts’. Kyyiv: Naukova dumka.
Lomtev, T. P. (1972). Predlozhenye y eho hrammatycheskye katehoryy. Moskva: Yzd-vo Mosk. un-ta.
Mezhov, O. H. (2007). Sub‘yektni syntaksemy u strukturi prostoho rechennya. Luts’k: RVV “Vezha” Volyn.
derzh. un-tu im. Lesi Ukrayinky.
Plyushch, M. Ya. (1986). Katehoriyi sub‘yekta i ob”yekta v strukturi prostoho rechennya. Kyyiv: Vyshcha shk.
Chejf, U. L. (1975). Znachenie i struktura jazyka. Moskva: Progress.
Shahmatov, A. A. (1941). Sintaksis russkogo jazyka. L.: Uchpedgiz.
Correspondence: nat_kostusyak@ukr.net ЛІНГВІСТИЧНІ СТУДІЇ. Випуск 25
Nataliya M. Kostusyak, Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor at Department of Ukrainian Language in
Institute of Philology and Journalism (Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University). Her research area includes the
functional grammar functionality of the Ukrainian language.
Larisa Lysak, Olga Bolkova
Donbas State Engineering Academy, Donetsk, Ukraine
Available 18 November 2011
The relevance of practical research in the field, including the relevance of the intelligence, due to the overall
needs of modern linguistics to study the language with respect to the lingual and extralinguistic factors and the need
to highlight the problems associated with the functioning of the modern student sociolect.
The object of the work is social dialect of technical university students in particular Donbas State Engineering
Academy (DSEA), a language of quite active, mobile part of society as part of a broader formation of modern Ukrainian
language – youth slang.
The purpose of the article is to explore social dialect of students of technical universities.
The main tasks of the study are: 1) the determine the conceptspheres of sociolect and their analysis; 2) the
separation of social-psychological functions of students` sociolect in the ratio of general and vocational slang; 3) the
clarify of the sources of replenishment of social dialect students.
Thus, based on empirical material author has identified thematic conceptspheres, social and psychological
functions, sources of replenishment of student sociolect.
Prospective are studies to detect the presence or absence of correlation between the use the sociolectisms by
students and value and meaning-og-life guides of young people and their level of general-cultural development.
Research highlights
► Subject-conceptual structure of the social dialect of technical study students is analyzed, basic functions of the
social dialect under investigation are singled out, the sources and ways of replenishment, expansion and renovation of
students׳ social dialect are clarified.
Keywords: dialect, social dialect, socialecticism, jargon, slang, slang expression, sociolinguistics.
Balabin, V. V. (2002). Suchasnyy amerykans’kyy viys’kovyy slenh yak problema perekladu. Dys. … kand. filol.
nauk: 10.02.16. K.
Boduen de Kurtene, I. A. (1963). Jazyk i jazyki. Izbrannye trudy po obshhemu jazykoznaniju, 2. M.: AN SSSR.
Halych, O. (2001). Teoriya literatury. K.: Lybid’.
Hanych, D. I., & Oliynyk, D. I. (1985). Slovnyk linhvistychnykh terminiv. K.: Vyshcha shkola.
Hrabovyy, P. (2008). Molodizhnyy slenh u systemi sotsiolektiv suchasnoyi ukrayins’koyi movy. Linhvistychni
studiyi: zb. nauk. prats’, 16, 294-297. Donets’k: DonNU.
Hrytsenko, P. Yu. (1984). Modelyuvannya systemy dialektnoyi leksyky. K.: Nauk. dumka.
Hrytsenko, P. Yu. (2004). Dialektolohiya. Ukrayins’ka mova: entsyklopediya, 149. K.: Vyd-vo “Ukr.
entsyklopediya” im. M.P. Bazhana.
Dzendzelivs’kyy, Y. O. (1996). Ukrayins’kyy bursats’ko-seminars’kyy zharhon seredyny KhIKh st. na
materialakh povisti “Lyuborats’ki” A. Svydnyts’koho. Ukrayins’ke i slov‘yans’ke movoznavstvo, 353-359. L’viv:
Naukove tov-vo im. T.H. Shevchenka.
Dorda, V. O. (2008). Amerykans’kyy molodizhnyy slenh yak ob‟yekt vyvchennya sotsiolinhvistyky. Materialy
VI mizhvuzivs’koyi konferentsiyi molodykh uchenykh, 1, 77-81. Donets’k: DonNU.
Yermolenko, S. Ya. (2010). Suchasna literaturna mova i dialekty. Kul’tura movy na shchoden’. K.: Instytut
ukrayins’koyi movy NAN Ukrayiny. E-portal: http://www.kulturamovy.org.ua/KM/pdfs/Magazine6-2.pdf
Zhirmunskij, V. M. (1936). Nacional’nyj jazyk i social’nye dialekty. L.: Hud. lit. ABSTRACTS
Zapesockij, A. S. (1990). Eta neponjatnaja molodezh’: Problemy neformal’nyh molodezhnyh organizacij. M.:
Ilyk, T. (2000). Sotsial’ni varianty movy ta yikh terminolohichne okreslennya. Movoznavchi doslidzhennya, 67-
73. Donets’k: DonDU.
Masenko, L. T. (2010). Narysy z sotsiolinhvistyky. K.: Kyyevo-Mohylyans’ka akademiya.
Naumenko, A. M. (1994). Variatyvnist’ natsional’noyi spetsyfiky movy. Novi pidkhody do vyvchennya y
vykladannya filolohiyi u vyshchiy shkoli, 40-46. K.: ISDO.
Oliynyk, I. S. (1991). Ukrayins’ko-rosiys’kyy i rosiys’ko-ukrayins’kyy frazeolohichnyy tlumachnyy slovnyk. K.:
Rad. shk.
Pyrkalo, S. V. (2002). Slenh: nenormatyvno, ale normal’no. Urok ukrayins’koyi, 2, 26-28. K.: Nauk. dumka.
PSUMS, (1997). Pershyy slovnyk ukrayins’koho molodizhnoho slenhu. E-portal:
http://shron.chtyvo.org.ua/Pyrkalo_Svitlana/Pershyi_slovnyk_ ukrainskoho_molodizhnoho_slenhu.pdf
SSUS, (2006). Slovnyk suchasnoho ukrayins’koho slenhu. Kharkiv: Folio.
Stavyts’ka, L. (2003). Korotkyy slovnyk zhargonnoyi leksyky ukrayins’koyi movy. K.: Krytyka.
Stavyts’ka, L. (2005). Arho, zharhon, sleng: sots. dyferentsiatsiya ukrayins’koyi movy. K.: Krytyka.
Stavyts’ka UZhS, (2005). Ukrayins’kyy zhargon. K.: Krytyka.
Stojkov, S. (1957). Social’nye dialekty. Voprosy jazykoznanija, 1, 75-84.
Shchur, I. I. (2003). Shlyakhy popovnennya komp‟yuternoyi slenhovoyi leksyky. Visnyk. Literaturoznavstvo.
Movoznavstvo. Fol’klorystyka, 14, 58-60. K.: Kyyivs’kyy universytet.
Chapman, R. L. (1987). American Slang. New York: Harper & Row, Publishers, Inc.
Kratz, H. (1964). What is college slang? American speech, 39 (3), 188-195.
Partridge, E. (1970). Slang To-day and Yesterday. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd.
Correspondence: hum@dgma.donetsk.ua, olga.bolkova@dgma.donetsk.ua
Larisa K. Lysak, Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor at Department of Ukrainian Studies and
Humanitarian Education in Donbas State Engineering Academy. Her area of research interests includes the
Olga M. Bolkova, Lead Editor at Editorial and Publishing Department in Donbas State Engineering Academy,
Post-Graduate Student at Department of Ukrainian Language and Applied Linguistics in Donetsk National University.
Her research area includes sociolinguistics.
Anna Matantseva
Department of Ukrainian Language in Ukrainian National University “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”, Kyiv, Ukraine
Available 16 November 2011
Actuality of the study was that, despite the presence of a number of essays devoted to the semantics of the
Ukrainian prefixes we have not produced objective criteria to describe the meanings of these morphemes. The
discussion about the principles of distribution of prefixal values from word-formative and aspectual types continues.
Features of historical development of the Ukrainian prefixal system require further analysis, as well as the functioning
of prefixes in one way or the style.
The purpose of the article is to reflect critically on the works of Ukrainian linguists concerning prefixal
The implementation of the purpose provided the solution of such tasks: 1) to identify the advantages and
disadvantages of approaches to the study of prefixal morphemes values, 2) to indicate the range of problems that require
further processing.
Upon learning of linguists who study the Ukrainian language prefixal system on the semantic level, author
defined as the development of scientific thought held in this direction. If V.S. Ilyin only outlines the approach to the
study of prefixal values, S.O. Sokolova makes it systemic and adds a number of criteria, which should take into
account, describing prefixal semantics, such as morphemic-semantic variation of prefixes and semantic interrelations
within groups. ЛІНГВІСТИЧНІ СТУДІЇ. Випуск 25
Solving these issues in the future will determine the features of prefixal system of Ukrainian language at the
present stage and the ways of its development.
Research highlights
► The main methods on investigation of prefixes meanings in Ukrainian linguistics are analyzed critically.
► Author focus the attention on study of word-formative meanings and the grammatical meaning of morphemes.
Keywords: verb, prefix, word-formative meaning of prefix, grammatical meaning of prefix, semantic-structural
Avilova, N. S. (1976). Vid glagola i semantika glagol’nogo slova. M.: Izd-vo “Nauka”.
Bondarko, A. V. (1976). Teorija morfologicheskih kategorij. Leningrad: Izd-vo “Nauka”.
Il’yin, V. S. (1953). Prefiksy v suchasniy ukrayins’kiy movi. K.: Vyd-vo Akademiyi Nauk URSR.
Kal’ko, M. I. (2002). Aspektual’nist’ i diyeslivna polisemiya. Cherkasy: Brama. Vydavets’ Vovchok O.Yu.
Klymenko, N. F., & Karpilovs’ka, Ye. A. (1998). Slovotvirna morfemika suchasnoyi ukrayins’koyi literaturnoyi
movy. K.: Instytut movoznavstva im. O.O. Potebni Natsional’noyi Akademiyi nauk Ukrayiny.
Maslov, Ju. S. (1984). Vid i leksicheskoe znachenie glagola v sovremennom russkom literaturnom jazyke.
Ocherki po aspetologii, 48-65. Leningrad: Izd-vo LGU.
Rojzenzon, L. I. (1974). Mnogopristavochnye glagoly v russkom jazyke. Samarkand: Samarkandskij
gosudarstvennyj un-t im. A. Navoi.
Sokolova, S. O. (2003). Prefiksal’nyy slovotvir diyesliv u suchasniy ukrayins’kiy movi. K.: Naukova dumka.
SSULM, (1979). Slovotvir suchasnoyi ukrayins’koyi literaturnoyi movy. K.: Naukova dumka.
SUM, (1970). Slovnyk ukrayins’koyi movy (v 11 t.), 1. K.: Vyd-vo “Naukova dumka”.
SUM, (1977). Slovnyk ukrayins’koyi movy (v 11 t.), 8. K.: Vyd-vo “Naukova dumka”.
Correspondence: anna_matantseva@ukr.net
Anna O. Matantseva, Post-Graduate Student at Department of Ukrainian Language in Ukrainian National
University “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”. Her research area includes the word-formation.
Elvira Miniakhmetova
Department of International Relations in Mechnikov Odesa National University, Odesa, Ukraine
Available 10 November 2011
The relevance of the research is caused by insufficient study of phraseological units in the modern Turkish
language and by a lack of formed theoretical foundation for studying phraseological units that indicate truthfulness and
untruthfulness of the utterance in linguistic science. Determination of the phrasal semantic groups and microgroups that
indicate truthfulness and untruthfulness of statements, which is a subject of this study, will allow to define a degree of
synonymous relations of phraseological units.
Scientific novelty
The scientific novelty of the paper resides in the fact that it provides the first general classification of
phraseological units in Turkish language, which express truthfulness and untruthfulness of the utterance in modern
Ukrainian linguistic turcology.
The objects of this study are phraseological units that express truthfulness and untruthfulness of the utterance.
The purpose of the study is to describe the phrasal semantic microfield of “truthfulness and untruthfulness of the
The implementation of the purpose provided the solution of such tasks: 1) the determination of microgroups that
indicate truthfulness and untruthfulness of maxims mentioned in phraseological units; 2) the analysis of the semantics
of phraseological units on stated subject, including phraseological variants; 3) the characteristics of the component
structure of phraseological units in the researched group. ABSTRACTS
Sources of factual material
The material of this study is taken from the index of phraseological units of the “Dictionary of Proverbs and
Phraseological Units” edited by Omer Asim Aksoy, “Phraseological Units, Proverbs and Aphorisms for Primary
Schools”, edited by Hayrettin Parlakyildyz, “Turkish Dictionary with Examples” and “Turkish Dictionary in two
The truthfulness of speech in phraseological units with clearly differentiated internal form is expressed by such
lexical tokens as aзık („frankly‟), iyi („well‟), ak (literally „in white‟, in a figurative sense – „fair‟). The truthfulness of
the phrase is associated with honesty, light, purity (e.g., kitaba el basmak, ekmeğe el basmak). The untruthfulness of
speech is displayed with tokens kara (literally „in black‟, in a figurative sense – „untruthfully‟), kцtь („bad‟), fena
(„bad‟, „not good‟), yalan („lie‟). The internal meaning of untruthfulness is usually combined with groundlessness,
fiction, wit, slander, injustice (e.g., kıtır atmak, faka bastırmak). The conceptual scope of truthfulness and
untruthfulness of a statement is represented in Turkish phraseological system by phraseological units, formed with
reconsidering the components, metonymization and metaphorization.
The perspective for further study of the phraseological units is distinguishing dialect variants of those units.
Research highlights
► In the investigation there are studied the semantics of the inner form, the characteristics of the component
structure and detailed classification according to the microgroups of phraseological units with the meaning of
truthfulness and untruthfulness of the utterance.
Keywords: phraseological unit, truthfulness and untruthfulness of the utterance, microgroup.
Dubova, M. E. (2001). Strukturno-semanticheskij analiz frazeosemanticheskogo polja “rechevaja dejatel’nost'” v
russkom jazyke: v sopostavlenii s anglijskim. Dis. … kand. filol. nauk: 10.02.19. Kostroma.
Krymskaja, M. Ja. (2005). Semanticheskij i lingvokul’turologicheskij analiz frazeologizmov so znacheniem
processa rechi v russkom i francuzskom jazykah. Dis. … kand. filol. nauk: 10.02.20. Moskva.
Kubinova, J. (2002). Rechevaja intencija “lozh’, obman” v semanticheskom i kommunikativno-pragmaticheskom
aspektah. Dis. … kand. filol. nauk: spec. 10.02.01 “Russkij jazyk”. Moskva.
Parina, I. S. (2010). Predstavlenie semantiki frazeologizmov v ideograficheskom slovare (na materiale nemeckih
idiom semanticheskogo polja “rechevaja dejatel’nost'”). Dis. … kand. filol. nauk: 10.02.04. M.
Selivanova, O. O. (2004). Narysy z ukrayins’koyi frazeolohiyi (psykhokohnityvnyy ta etnokul’turnyy aspekty). K.;
Cherkasy: Brama.
Aksoy, A. Ц. (1988). Atasцzleri ve Deyimler Sцzlьğь, 2, Deyimler Sцzlьğь. İstanbul.
Цrnekleriyle Tьrkзe Sцzlьk, (2000). Цrnekleriyle Tьrkзe Sцzlьk. İstanbul: Milli Eğitim Basımevi.
Цrnekleriyle Tьrkзe Sцzlьk, (2002). Цrnekleriyle Tьrkзe Sцzlьk. İstanbul: Milli Eğitim Basımevi.
Parlakyıldız, Н. (2005). İlkцğretim okulları iзin Deyimler Atasцzleri ve Цzdeyişler. İstanbul: Yuva yayınları.
Tьrkзe Sцzlьk, (1998). Tьrkзe Sцzlьk. Ankara: Tьrk Tarih Kurumu Basım evi.
Correspondence: Melvira@ukr.net
Elvira H. Miniakhmetova, Senior Lecturer of Turkish Language at Department of International Relations in
Mechnikov Odesa National University. Her research area includes the phraseology of modern Turkish language.
Olga Molokova
Department of Romance Philology, Kyiv National Linguistic University, Kyiv, Ukraine
Available 23 November 2011
High attention of domestic and foreign linguists on the question of linguistic structure and presentation of
possible worlds in fictional text testifies to the popularity of the theory of “possible worlds” and determine the relevance
of scientific problems.
The object of the work is the fictional space of P. Modiano‟s autofiction, such as “Accident nocturne”, “Chien
de printemps”, “Dora Bruder”, “Une jeunesse”, as continuum, which includes the characters and the action occurs.
The subject of research is the possible worlds, in particular the retrospective world and its linguistic
The work aims to highlight some trends and deployment features of verbal marking retrospective world, which
becomes a kind of signal its “borders” [Vardzelashvyly 2003: 38], a “window” [Babushkin 2001: 21].
The implementation of the purpose provided the solution of such tasks: to research the fictional space of
P. Modiani`s autofiction through the prism of the theory of “possible world”, highlighting the possible retrospective
world and analyze his verbal marking.
Thus, the analysis gives reason to believe that the retrospective world is the possible world in the fictional space
of P. Modiano‟s autofiction. As a result of exploration it was found that verbal markers – create-the-world markers –
have explicit and implicit nature, they are vivid writing features of the writer.
Promising direction for our further exploration is the investigation of other possible worlds that unfold within a
retrospective of the world, namely the world of analogies, the world of doubt, the world of search and others.
Research highlights
► The article presents an attempt to study fictional space of P. Modiano‟s autofiction in the light of possible
worlds theory, focusing on retrospective world. ► The research of the latter is carried out by revealing its main verbal
markers by means of cognitive analysis.
Keywords: possible world, retrospective world, flash-back, verbal marking, worldraising operators.
Babushkin, A. P. (2001). “Vozmozhnye miry” v semanticheskom prostranstve jazyka. Voronezh: Voronezhsk.
gos. un-t.
Butsykina, N. Ye. (2010). Mozhlyvi svity v khudozhn’omu prostori romanu M. Levi “Et si c‟йtait vrai…”.
Zapysky z romano-hermans’koyi filolohiyi: zb. nauk. pr., 25, 54-61. Odesa: Feniks.
Vardzelashvili, Zh. (2003). “Vozmozhnye miry” tekstual’nogo prostranstva. Nauchnye trudy. Serija: Filologija,
VII, 37-45. SPb.-Tb.
Lotman, Ju. M. (1970). Struktura hudozhestvennogo teksta. M.: Iskusstvo.
Obelets’, Yu. A. (2006). Temporal’na struktura mozhlyvykh svitiv khudozhn’oho tekstu (na materiali
anhlomovnoyi prozy). Avtoref. dys. … kand. filol. nauk: 10.02.04 “Hermans’ki movy”. Odesa.
Dictionnaire: Dictionnaire franзais LEXILOGOS. E-portal:
Doubrovsky, S. (1977). Fils. P.: Galilйe.
Ryan, M.-L. Des mondes possibles aux univers parallиles. Atelier de thйorie littйraire. E-
portal: http://www.fabula.org/atelier.php?Des_mondes_possibles_aux_univers_parall%26egrave%3Bles
Le Robert quotidien, (1996). Dictionnaire pratique de la langue franзaise. P.: Dictionnaire Le Robert.
Le Robert quotidien, (1996). Dictionnaire pratique de la langue franзaise. P.: Dictionnaire Le Robert.
Sources and Abbraviations
Modiano, AN (2003). Modiano P. Accident nocturne. P.: Gallimard.
Modiano, ChP (1993). Modiano P. Chien de printemps. P.: Seuil.
Modiano, DB (1997). Modiano P. Dora Bruder. P.: Gallimard.
Modiano, J (1981). Modiano P. Une jeunesse. P.: Gallimard.
Correspondence: Turolf@mail.ru
Olga F. Molokova, Post-Graduate Student at Department of Romance Philology in Kyiv National Linguistic
University. Her research area includes the linguistics of text.
Rymma Monastyrska
Department of Ukrainian Linguistics, Vernadsky Tauriia National University, Simferopol, AR Crimea, Ukraine ABSTRACTS
Available 7 November 2011
The relevance of the legal terminology research is increasing due to the poorly investigated system aspect which
provides clarification of terminology items place in a system of concepts of this branch of knowledge, continuous terms
review for correspondence of nominated concepts.
The aim of the study is the systematization of the legal terminology of the Ukrainian language.
Achieving the supplied goal involves the solution of the following tasks: to set an approach on which base author
will build the knowledge system for legal industry; to model the scheme of legal terms ideographic paradigm; to define
the role of certain terminological units groups in the terms system of the professional field.
Terminological group of units to denote the concepts of state and social system and the most important principles
of state policy included in the TS “State relationships”. Common semantics of terms to describe the concepts of social
relations arising in the field of executive power functioning, local government and administrative justice unites
terminological units in thematic field “Administrative relationships”. Thematic field “Criminal relationships” contains
the terms to describe the concepts of criminal responsibility, crimes and punishment for their commission. The
significance of the study of civil and legal terminology involves defining the main directions of systematization and
classification terminology units of TS “Civil relationships”.
The prospects for further researches are seen in the legal terms system analysis within the limits of highlighted
groups, establishing the links and relationships of words in their semasiological structure that can serve as the basis for
regulation and standardization of legal terminology, and description of coherent Ukrainian terminological system.
Research highlights
► The model of ideographic terminological paradigm of legal sector for systematizing is envisaged. ► The
highest hierarchy link such as Archaic sphere of “Appurtenance” is investigated. ► The thematic groupings of legal
terms for conceptual description of law sectors is selected.
Keywords: term, legal term, content system, ideographic paradigm.
Artykutsa, N. V. (1997). Problemy i perspektyvy vyvchennya yurydychnoyi terminolohiyi. Ukrayins’ka
terminolohiya i suchasnist’: materialy Vseukr. nauk. konf, 50-53.
Vinokur, G. O. (1939). O nekotoryh javlenijah slovoobrazovanija v russkoj tehnicheskoj terminologii. Sbornik
statej po jazykovedeniju. Moskva: Mosk. in-t ist., filos. i lit-ry, 5, 3-54.
Zhayvoronok, V. V. (2002). Problema kontseptual’noyi kartyny svitu ta movnoho yiyi vidobrazhennya. Kul’tura
narodov Prychernomor’ya, 32, 51-53.
Kandelaki, T. L. (1977). Semantika i motivirovannost’ terminov. Moskva: Nauka.
Lejchik, V. M. (1986). O jazykovom substrate termina. Voprosy jazykoznanija, 5, 87-98.
Lotte, D. S. (1961). Osnovy postroenija nauchno-tehnicheskoj terminologii. Voprosy teorii i metodiki. Moskva:
Izd-vo AN SSSR.
Pradid, Yu. F. (1997). Frazeolohichna ideohrafiya (problematyka doslidzhen’). Simferopol’: NAN Ukrayiny, In-t
ukrayins’koyi movy.
FS, (1986). Filosofs’kyy slovnyk. Kyyiv: Holov. red. URE.‟
Correspondence: monastirska-r@bk.ru
Rymma I. Monastyrska, Post-Graduate Student at Department of Ukrainian Linguistics in Vernadsky Tauriia
National University. Her research areas include the Ukrainian terminology and the legal linguistics.
Maryna Mykhalchenko
Department of Ukrainian Language and Applied Linguistics, Donetsk National University, Donetsk, Ukraine
Available 8 November 2011 ЛІНГВІСТИЧНІ СТУДІЇ. Випуск 25
The knowledge of world by people inevitably is cause of formation of certain attitude to it – both positive and
negative. Linguistic category of estimate is arising like all-embracing and spread on all spheres of speaker life and
activity. But there are object that remain out of individual axiology sphere. Such objects constitute a spectrum of neutral
for the estimation. If problems of linguistic realization of positive and negative estimation are explained in linguistic
studies (works of N. Arutyunova, O. Bessonova, O. Volf, T. Cosmeda, T. Markelova etc.), then questions of neutral
estimation status are worked up insufficiently.
The purpose of this article is to characterize features of neutral for the estimation of Ukrainian language.
The purpose provided the solution of such tasks: 1) to determine the place of the neutral for the estimation in the
axiology of speaker; 2) to research the expression means of neutral for the estimation of Ukrainian; 3) to analyze the
correlation of neutral with positive and negative estimations of Ukrainian.
The analysis of linguistic source allows to allocate factors that influence on the interzonal gradation of neutral
estimation: the speaker knowledge of life, the changing of system values, the advice of additional information about
object, the changing of estimation aspect (thus, the common estimation can keep as neutral, and partial – to change into
+ or –).
Not numerous class of objects is a member of neutral notion volume for the estimation that not correlate with
estimation “positive”/”negative”. The area of neutral for the estimation is unstable and contextual subordinate.
The universality of estimation linguistic category is actualize a next research of neutral for the estimation sphere
with successive delineation of expression means of neutral on the different levels of present-day Ukrainian Language.
Research highlights
► The specific of category of estimation is considered in the Ukrainian languages. ► The features of neutral
estimation are analyzed. ► Her functions and sphere of distribution are educed. ► The questions of correlation of norm
and neutral estimation are lighted up. ► Separate attention is spared to gradation of estimation.
Keywords: gradation of estimation, neutral for an estimation, norm, negative estimation, positive estimation,
scales of estimation.
Aznaurova, Je. S. (1973). Ocherki po stilistike slova. Tashkent: FAN Uzbekskoj SSR.
Arutjunova, N. D. (1988). Tipy jazykovyh znachenij: Ocenka. Sobytie. Fakt. Moskva: Nauka.
Byessonova, O. L. (2002). Otsinnyy tezaurus anhliys’koyi movy: kohnityvno-henderni aspekty. Donets’k:
Vol’f, E. M. (2006). Funkcional’naja semantika ocenki. Moskva: Editorial URSS.
Gorskij, D. P. (1991). Kratkij slovar’ po logike. Moskva: Prosveshhenie.
Drobnickij, O. G. (1974). Ponjatie morali. Moskva: Nauka.
Ivin, A. A. (1970). Osnovanija logiki ocenok. Moskva: MGU.
Kosmeda, T. (2000). Aksiolohichni aspekty prahmalinhvistyky: formuvannya i rozvytok katehoriyi otsinky. L’viv:
LNU im. Ivana Franka.
Papina, A. F. (2002). Tekst: ego edinicy i global’nye kategorii (uchebnik dlja studentov-zhurnalistov i filologov).
Moskva: Editorial URSS.
Selivanova, O. (2006). Suchasna linhvistyka: terminolohichna entsyklopediya. Poltava: Dovkillya-K.
Timoshenkova, T. M. (1994). K voprosu o kachestvennoj ocenke kak lingvisticheskoj kategorii. Visnyk
Kharkivs’koho universytetu, 382, 127-133.
Tishner, Ju. (2005). Izbrannoe. T. 1: Myshlenie v kategorijah cennosti. Moskva: ROSSPJeN.
Tkachuk, V. (2003). Katehoriya sub‘yektyvnoyi modal’nosti. Ternopil’: Pidruchnyky y posibnyky.
Hidekel’, S. S. (1983). Priroda i harakter jazykovyh ocenok. Leksicheskie i grammaticheskie komponenty v
semantike jazykovogo znaka. Voronezh: Izd-vo Voronezhskogo un-ta.
Shynkaruk, V. D. (2002). Katehoriyi modusu i dyktumu u strukturi rechennya. Chernivtsi: Ruta
Correspondence: mykhalchenkomm@mail.ru
Maryna M. Mykhalchenko, Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor at Department of Ukrainian Language
and Applied Linguistics in Donetsk National University. Her research area includes the functional grammar of
Ukrainian language.
Roman Nazar
Department “The Applied Linguistics and Ethnology”, Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and
Architecture, Donetsk region, Makiyivka, Ukraine
Available 16 November 2011
In the system of typology of genres in the contemprorary publicism the leading place takes a reportage. Learning
the history and the traditions of the genre in a present-day linguistics causes the actuality of this investigation. In the
scientific literature the current definition of genre in the publicism hasn‟t been formed till now. Thus, in particular,
O.O. Tertychniy states that the problem of finding the genre‟s structure of the periodical press is one of the most “old
diseases” of the proper theory [Tertychnyj 2000: 171]. So, first of all it is necessary to compare and to structurize the
tries of finding genres of the reportage, and to suggest the most concrete definition. Scientists make an accent on taking
into account the very practic of writing reportages, because it also plays the role and serves as an illustration to the
changes in theoretical views on the genre.
It isn‟t payed enough heed to the problem of development of such genre as reportage. There are not many
investigations dedicated to this problem. Also, it is needed to pay attention that the concept of the reportage in native
and foreign linguistics is very close but not the same. In particular, O.O. Tertychniy mentions that in the European
linguistics under the reportage usually understand that meaning, which in native linguistics is called an essay. Exactly
Western essays are the genetic precursors and the nearest relatives of the present-day reportage [Tertychnyj 2000: 173].
M. Haler made a review of kinds of a text, which transformation was the reason of the rise of reportage. The scientist
confrontes the descriptions and the definitions of the genre in present-day German textbooks and lexicons, compares the
reportage with other genres of publicism, and make conclusions about traditions, functions and the originality of a
In native linguistics the thesis of M.O. Pedashenko “The formation and development of the soviet newspaper
reportage. Its genre‟s peculiarities on the present-day stage” is devoted to the problem of investigation of the reportage.
There is presented some reviews about the theory of the reportage of the soviet period (from the year of 1924 to 1971),
in other words, the work is dedicated to historical changes of the reportage. For the solid and complex learning of a
genre the publications of L.V. Shibaeva, the Internet portal “Mediasprut” and others are valuable.
The purpose of investigation is to establish the dependance of a development of the theoretical thought from the
political situation of the country, to find out the place of the reportage in the modern genre system, and to trace its
So, in the modern linguistics it is traced the heterogeneity of looks on the terminological interpretation of genre‟s
peculiatities of the publicism, that is caused by some reasons. At first, the genre system practically changes faster than
the scientists make progress in offering new definitions and classifications. At second, the situation can be explained by
the author‟s conceptions, which always have place in a science. At third, in the basis of general conceptions of a genre
is put the theoretical works, and in particular – also the practic itself, the experience of collegues and waitings of
The learning of the literature gives an opportunity to assert, that the appearance of the theory of reportage is
remained behind for tens of years from the practical usage of a genre. The political, economical and social changes,
which were happening in countries of ex-USSR in the XXth century, haven‟t helped the consecutive development of this
genre. The development of the theory of reportage in the native linguistics is due to the second part of XXth century.
The perspective for the further investigations is finding out the typology, the structural-compositional scheme
and language features of reportage in the modern linguistics.
Research highlights
► Stages of formation of the reporting in domestic publicism are considered. ► Features, laws and criteria of a
genre are tracked. ► The functions, the purposes, the subject and the object of the reporting are defined.
Keywords: reporting, publicism, the genre theory, an informative genre.
Akopov, A. I. (1985). Metodika tipologicheskogo issledovanija periodicheskih izdanij. Irkutsk: Irkutskij
Barmankulov, M. K. (1975). Sravnitel’nyj analiz zhanrov (reportazh, razvitie dokumentalizma). Alma-Ata:
Kazahskij gosudarstvennyj institut. ЛІНГВІСТИЧНІ СТУДІЇ. Випуск 25
Vartanov, G. I. (1967). Problemy teorii publicistiki zhdut reshenija. Vestnik Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo
universiteta. Serija 10. “Zhurnalistika”, 4, 9-11.
Gurevich, S. M. (163). Reportazh v gazete. Moskva.
Krojchik, L. E. (1999). Transformacija zhanrov: opasnost’ utraty publicistichnosti. Zhurnalistika v 1998 godu:
tezisy nauchno-prakt. konferencii. Chast’ VI. Moskva: Moskovskij gosudarstvennyj universitet, 18-19.
Pedashenko, N. A. (1972). Stanovlenie i razvitie sovetskogo gazetnogo reportazha. Zhanrovye osobennosti ego
na sovremennom jetape. Avtoref. dis. … kand. fіlol. nauk. Moskva.
Tertychnyj, A. A. (2000). Zhanry periodicheskoj pechati. Moskva: Aspekt Press.
Tertychnyj, A. A. (2002). Transformacija zhanrovoj struktury sovremennoj periodicheskoj pechati. Vestnik
Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija 10. “Zhurnalistika”, 2, 36.
Uchenova, V. V. (1976). Sovremennye tendencii razvitija zhurnalistskih zhanrov. Vestnik Moskovskogo
gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija 10. “Zhurnalistika”, 4, 66-73.
Fedotova, L. N. (1967). Stanovlenie reportazhu na radio. Vestnik Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta.
Serija 10. “Zhurnalistika”, 6, 128-131.
Shostak, M. I. (1998). Zhurnalist i ego proizvedenie. Moskva: Progress.
Correspondence: nazar_roman@mail.ru
Roman M. Nasar, Candidate of Phylology, Associate Professor at Department of Applied Linguistics and
Ethnology at Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture. His scientific interests focus on features
of forming and functioning a reporting in Ukrainian publicism.
Lyudmyla Ostrovska
Department of Ukrainian studies, Donetsk State University of Management, Donetsk, Ukraine
Available 9 November 2011
Investigation of peripheral areas of functional-semantic category of attributiveness is especially actual in modern
linguistics. The peripheral areas are able to express complex syncretic relationships – that are a combination (synthesis)
of differential components – opposite to each other and connected with a transposition. In peripheral forms of category
of attributiveness the wide opportunities to express a condensed thought are reflected.
The particular issues of semantic syncretism in the field of attribute relationships are elucidated in the
researching by V.V. Babayceva [Babayceva 1988], I.R. Vyhovanets [Vykhovanets’ 2004], K.G. Gorodenska
[Horodens’ka 1991], A.P. Zagnitko [Zahnitko 2000], U.V. Kubska [Kubskaja 1981], V.M. Nikitin [Nikitin 1969],
V.I. Furashov [Furashov 1985].
The purpose of the article is elucidation of formal-syntactic peculiarities and semantic manifestations of
peripheral area of attributiveness that are attributive constructions expressing a locative-spatial semantics.
The main tasks of the study are 1) to define a morphological identity and a lexical meaning of bearing word;
2) to find out a functional-semantic meaning of the dependent element; 3) to characterize a preposition as a formal
indicator of a certain attitude expression; 4) to determine a possibility of morphological equivalent of the dependent
element; 5) to define the original structure of the investigated construction.
During this investigation author concluded that functioning of semantically various attributive constructions
reflects one of the language system patterns that is to reveal the information necessary in a particular speech situation
due to thrifty language means. The locative-spatial semantics of studied attribute structures is caused by the valence of
the convolute predicate of original structure. The locative-spatial semantics of studied constructions is invariant. This
semantics is imposed to the secondary attributive function of the form that appears as a motivated in the internal
structure of sentence.
The peculiarity of such attributive constructions is in performing of attributive function even these constructions
are not intended to express attributive relations. A significant role is played by the semantic nature of the vehicle of
feature which contains a definitive element in its notional structure. This element is revealed by means of dependent
component. Besides such attributive usage of studied forms is caused by semantic condensation of the most informative
structures, so the predicate folds and consequently combinations of words appear that are uncharacteristic for the
properly-phrase. ABSTRACTS
The perspective of investigation of attributive components system in the Ukrainian language is revealing of the
full range of formal and semantic variation of each of this system components, determining the specify of its interaction
and mutual influence, and consideration of attributive category in terms of pragmatics, where it serves not only as
structural and semantic datum, not only as a function, but as a phenomenon which is based on special selection of
language (speech) means for the most precise expression of certain subject feature, different nuances of attributiveness.
Research highlights
► This article focuses on the problems of formal-syntaxes and semantic aspects of expression of locative-spatial
semantics by attributive constructions.
Keywords: attributive relations, locative-spatial semantics, attributive constructions, system of attributive
Babayceva, V. V. (1988). Sistema chlenov predlozhenija v sovremennom russkom jazyke. Moskva:
Vykhovanets’, I. R. (1988). Chastyny movy v semantyko-hramatychnomu aspekti. Kyyiv: Naukova dumka.
Vykhovanets’, I. R., & Horodens’ka, K. H. (2004). Teoretychna morfolohiya ukrayins’koyi movy. Kyyiv:
Universytets’ke vydavnytstvo “Pul’sary”.
Vykhovanets’, I. R., & Horodens’ka, K. H., & Rusanivs’kyy, V. M. (1983). Semantyko-syntaksychna struktura
rechennya. Kyyiv: Naukova dumka.
Horodens’ka, K. H. (1991). Deryvatsiya syntaksychnykh odynyts’. Kyyiv: Naukova dumka.
Zahnitko, A. P. (2000). Teoretychna hramatyka ukrayins’koyi movy: Syntaksys. Donets’k: DonDU.
Kubskaja, U. V. (1981). Semantiko-sintaksicheskaja struktura substantivnyh slovosochetanij s atributivno-
obstojatel’stvennymi otnoshenijami v russkom jazyke. Avtoref. dis. … kand. filol. nauk. Kiev.
Nikitin, V. M. (1969). Voprosy teorii chlenov predlozhenija. Rjazan’: Izdatel’stvo Rjazanskogo
pedagogicheskogo instituta.
Stepanenko, M. I. (2004). Prostorovi poshyryuvachi v strukturi prostoho rechennya. Poltava: ASMI.
Ukrayins’ka mova: Entsyklopediya (2007). Ukrayins’ka mova: Entsyklopediya. Kyyiv: “Ukrayins’ka
entsyklopediya” im. M.P. Bazhana.
Furashov, V. I. (1985). Opredelenie kak sintaksicheskaja kategorija v sovremennom russkom jazyke. Avtoref.
dis. … d-ra filol. nauk. Vladimir.
Correspondence: А.1_@mail.ru
Lyudmyla S. Ostrovska, Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor at Department of Ukrainian studies in
Donetsk State University of Management. Her research areas include the grammar of the modern Ukrainian language,
in particular syntax.
Olga Pavlovych
Department of Ukrainian Language and Applied Linguistics, Donetsk National University, Donetsk, Ukraine
Available 29 November 2011
Every day we become participants in the process of communication, in which we produce and encode, decode
and explain, deny or run linguistic information in order to achieve a common goal – effective communication. The main
code in this case is a natural spoken language. Communication process is devoted to many studies, particularly in the
theory of linguistic communication, which today remains open a number of unresolved issues. Communicative
approach to discourse analysis, which resumed the view of language as a communicative activity, set primarily in the
theory of speech acts.
That speech act has recently considered the smallest unit of speech communication, which made in accordance
with the principles and rules of linguistic behavior, established in the respective society, and as the minimum unit of
normative sociolinguistic behavior within a pragmatic situation.
The article is realized the attempt of highlights the structive constructions among types of speech acts which
operate within the social and ritual discourse. ЛІНГВІСТИЧНІ СТУДІЇ. Випуск 25
The relevance of the alleged problems caused by the fact that discourse as one of the trends of modern linguistics
occupies a central place among the modern types of communication, and it reserves the insufficiently studied issues,
including lack of consensus on the classification of speech acts.
The purpose of the article is the consideration of existing typologies of discourse, features of discursive-
structural forms, one of which is extralinguistic speech act.
The declared purpose predetermines the necessity of decision of such tasks: 1) to find out the status of structive
in the theory of speech acts system; 2) to describe the main classificative features of structives; 3) to distinguish the
types of structive statements as a result of generalization of the considered classifications.
The object of the study is the discourse as dialogic process within the cognitive-communicative analysis and its
components – structive utterances.
The subject of the study is components of discourse – the structive utterances.
Theoretical value
The theoretical value is in general trying to distinguish the structives as the linguistic constructions within the
speech acts.
Practical value
The practical significance is determined by the fact that research results can be used in teaching the course of
“Fundamentals of Discourse”.
The existence of the considered structures shows that they are facing some accidental or insignificant
phenomenon, but rather constitute a unique mechanism by which only can be effective communication.
Knowledge of metacommunicative speech acts and the ability using them is one of the important aspects of
interaction and it forms the communicative competence of the speaker and listener that facilitates the interaction of
speech and eliminates the communication failure.
Important, in author`s opinion, is further detailed analysis of structive structures within certain genres of speech,
a definition of specific structures and a delineation of their functioning under the rules of speech etiquette.
Research highlights
► The definition of structives is determined. ► The structives’ status is identified with reference to speech act.
► The functioning of the structural constructions at the level of discourse is explained. ► The qualifying symptoms
and typological manifestations of structives are characterized.
Keywords: discourse, communication, speech genre, speech act, structive.
Anisimova, T. V. (2000). Tipologija zhanrov delovoj rechi (ritoricheskij aspekt). Avtoref. dis. … d-ra filol. nauk:
10.02.19. Krasnodar.
Arutjunova, N. D. (1990). Lingvisticheskij enciklopedicheskij slovar’. E-portal:
Batsevych, F. S. (2003). Narysy z komunikatyvnoyi linhvistyky. L’viv: Vydavnychyy tsentr LNU im. Ivana
Grigor’eva, V. S. (2007). Diskurs kak element kommunikativnogo processa: pragmalingvisticheskij i kognitivnyj
aspekty. Tambov: Izd-vo Tamb. gos. tehn. un-ta.
Zahnitko, A. P. (2008). Osnovy dyskursolohiyi: naukovo-navchal’ne vydannya. Donets’k: DonNU.
Karasik, V. I. (2000). Jazykovaja lichnost’: institucional’nyj i personal’nyj diskurs: sb. nauch. tr., 5-20.
Kubrjakova, E. S. (1986). Nominativnyj aspekt rechevoj dejatel’nosti. M.: Nauka.
Mironova, N. N. (1997). Diskurs-analiz ocenochnoj semantiki. M.: Tezaurus.
Selivanova, O. O. (2011). Osnovy teoriyi movnoyi komunikatsiyi. Cherkasy: Vydavnytstvo Chabanenko Yu. A.
Sjorl’, Dzh. R. (1986). Klassifikacija illokutivnyh aktov. Novoe v zarubezhnoj lingvistike. XVII: Teorija
rechevyh aktov, 170-195. M.: Progress.
Suhih, S. A. (2004). Lichnost’ v kommunikativnom processe. Krasnodar: Izd-vo Juzhnogo instituta
Formanovskaja, N. I. (2002). Rechevoe obshhenie: kommunikativno-pragmaticheskij podhod. M.: Rus. jaz.
Correspondence: o.pavlovi4@gmail.com
Olga S. Pavlovych, Candidate for a Degree at Department of Ukrainian Language and Applied Linguistics in
Donetsk National University. Her research area includes the discourse analysis of modern Ukrainian language.
Valeria Pilipak
Department of General Linguistics and History of the Language, Donetsk National University, Donetsk, Ukraine
Available 18 November 2011
The tendency of humanization of linguistic science, appeals to the signs of anthropocentrism in speech, trying to
reveal a pragmatic nature of language units, where a subject of the speech is the center and creator of the speech act, are
causing the relevancy of the study.
The purpose of the paper is to identify syntactical constructions with a particle би that are characterized by a
deictic meaning “there”.
Achieving the supplied goal involves the solution of the following tasks: 1) to reveal the structural types of
syntactical constructions with a particle би in Ukrainian language; 2) to classify the statements with a particle би from
the viewpoint of their semantic and pragmatic meanings and shades; 3) to analyze and specify the semantic and
pragmatic shades of the statements with a particle би caused by general egocentric semantics “there” → “outside my
Thus, the syntactic conjunctive structures in Ukrainian are marked with the deictic meaning “there”. The particle
би points to speaker‟s, who uses conjunctive statements, being in the irrelevant area removed from reality. The main
semantic and pragmatic shades of syntactical constructions with a particle би are the meanings of objection of action
or/and condition of its implementation by a speaker (would=not) or the meaning of the absence of the facts expressed
by means of a particle би in mental and real space of the speech subject (“no”). These general meanings are specified
immediately in the context and, depending on the structure of syntactical constructions and pragmatic motives of the
speech subject, acquire additional shades of meaning “there”: desire of the missing, indifference, loss, uncertainty,
alienation, negative attitude etc.
Investigation of semantic opposition “there” – “here” as the transformation of traditional for the speech act
speaker’s position “I” – “here” – “now” in the future can be extended to other grammatical categories of the Ukrainian
language, in particular category of gender, degrees of adjectives comparison etc.
Research highlights
► The different types of syntactical constructions with a particle би were researched. ► They were investigated
from the side of their meaning of the semantic-pragmatic meaning “there”; what is a direction on the existence of the
expressing beyond the sphere of influence of the subject speaking. ► The concretization of meaning “there” is showed
in the different semantic-pragmatic shades.
Keywords: semantic-pragmatical shade, egocentrical meaning, subject of speaking, conditional, particle.
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Correspondence: pilipaklera@mail.ru
Valeria P. Pilipak, Post-Graduate Student of the Department of General Linguistics and History of the Language
in Donetsk National University. Her research areas include Ukrainian language grammar (syntax and morphology),
theory of speech acts, semantic and pragmatic aspects of language units.